Struggling to earn - maybe why


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
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I fully understand your frustrations as affiliates I've been doing this a long time and yes it is about making money I get that .. I've been here for a very short time frame so I cant speak for Lucas and promises made in the past ..

There is at least dialogue now and we are talking to people about the system and its glaring shortcoming and that's why I cant put a date down and put |January 2018 as I'm not sure how long it will take to get fixed and that's an honest statement some things will be fixed sooner rather than later I just cant say or give an accurate date.

Things are still being discussed and a plan put in Place and for of you visiting LAC by all means past by Stand B8 and make your voices heard.

All I will say is that they have now got more experienced team here and we are working on getting a document together with all our wants and needs but ultimately management will decide what can or cant be done so I cant make promises to you that things will change and how quickly all I can say is we will try for you guys to get the information added this company has built its reputation on transparency and now the affiliate side of things needs to catch up.

I'm hoping that the effort that has been put into the Casino gets focused onto getting the affiliate system to that same level.

Please don't hold me to January as a marker as I say there is a working document and we hope things get better sooner.

Just bear with us as you'll all can see the player product is there affiliate will be too hopefully ..

Speak to your affiliate managers about your deals if Rev Share isn't working let them set something up for you that does there are options now that were not there a few months ago that's already better and there is framework of what could be a very good system one day also


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
I liked what Biti had to say regarding why affiliates started their business

{But... I strongly believe in the end it's all about the players. Some day I've started my website (s) to tell players which casino is good and where they better stay away. Those statements are based on player perspective and they still are. Of course I try to get the best deal out of it, but in the end, a casino has to be a good place for a player.}


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I strongly believe in the end it's all about the players.

So do I...

However, I dare say if the casino wasn't making money, more so losing it (like VS affiliates seem to be), the casino would make changes to their business model, to ensure their own ROI and profits.

So... waving the 'happy player flag', when you represent the business interests of VS, is a moot point.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Communication and keeping that channel open for discussion, here at AGD, and other aff forums is important. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to think I'm hostile towards that process, or hold any type of prejudice for VS. Though, on the same token, affiliates, (this being a general observation) in some cases, are feed all manner of Spin. On a personal note, I 've practically heard-it-all too.

@Miles_Videoslots - if your new position is to get the VS aff program into gear, then in my humble opinion, both sides need to come to the table with open palms, and work towards a fair outcome for all.

One such positive move, would be to reinstate both deposit and withdrawal stats for affiliates.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
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I was told about 4 years ago that they were going to get a decent back-end. Me thinks they have been pissing in our pockets & telling us it's raining for many years now. Yer a great place for players, but affiliates have been carrying the can for this casino for too long. It's now at the cross roads for me & Videoslots, no matter how they spin it they ain't been paying me my fair share for way too long now :)
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Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
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All I can say is that there is now a much more well organized department from top down the management here have realized that the affiliate team needed an overhaul and they have done that they have bought in a New Head of affiliates who has been around and has experience as well as myself who has got a few MILES under the belt as you are all aware and things will get worked on .

Don't worry... I know there a lot of issues.... but I'm trying to focus on pushing out the good things... the product is good and we have great selling points.... so let's try focusing on those for now.

Its going to take time I cant speak for mistakes of the past or give absolute dates or even make promises that things will change quickly but we are taking onboard everything , listening to everyone and we have a working document it place of things we want to see happen .

I don't own the place I am not a director or a shareholder nor do I have a profit share in the business I'm a simple employee trying to do the best for my family and look after the best interest of affiliates as I have always done at any operation I have ever been at.

Things will change in time .. I am learning that in Malta there is never a rush on anything so I have to just adapt it shows as to how long it took to get a new platform in place for affiliates but it was done .

So I do know it will get sorted and the affiliate product will get to a place where its standard in all aspects hopefully more something like you are all used too.

I too want to see you earning its good for everyone if you are but I have no control over how this is calculated nor a say in the matter I can only put forward suggestions which I have.

LAC is around the corner and those of you there should stop by the stand and make your opinions felt and heard.

I have to reiterate also that since November when the new system was introduced there have been new Earnings models introduced too CPA , Hybrids etc. these were not available in the past so if your not happy with your earnings and want to trial a new campaign speak to your account manager and I'm sure they can negotiate a better deal for you that does accommodate your needs. There are also these available in the system and you can easily put yourself on one of these models by changing your links and campaigns all be it tiered they are available.

Its going to take time we are aware of the issues and will do our best to get them sorted. Bear with us.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Miles_Videoslots - can you organise to have your AGD PM's activated, thanks!

I'd rather send a PM than an email, because a PM is private, or it's supposed to be ;)


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
@AussieDave ... Have no clue how to do that are there any Admins here that can assist ? Or can some ask on my behalf I would appreciate that

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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There are really other threats in this industry you should afraid of.
Sometimes things are changing to the positive.
In this case the heated audience is well advised to give the new staff a chance.
Would it be too much to ask?
Miles is not known for acting as a brownnoser, censor, thimblerigger or liar.
It's not the time for contractedness.
Eight weeks silence and air to breath for Video Slots would be a smart move.
And very helpful.
Eight weeks.
A matter of patience and discipline ... and in this case fairness for who feels like the underdog.



Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Things will change in time .. I am learning that in Malta there is never a rush on anything so I have to just adapt it shows as to how long it took to get a new platform in place for affiliates but it was done .
The past was nothing to do with you I know, and I fully appreciate everything you said and I know you will do your very best for us...

But that new system took 18 months to develop - and when it arrived, it turns out it's total crap! :mad:
It has only a fraction of the info we used to be given 2 years ago: i.e. virtually no data of any use.
I had been telling the guys there what affiliates wanted to see for nearly two years - and EVERYTHING was ignored. :(
I hope you can get those Maltesers to speed up, because this affiliate for one is rapidly running out of patience...



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
in Malta there is never a rush on anything

Not trying to be antagonistic, Miles :)
However that scenario (in this current thread's context) seems only valid when it involves VS affiliates. The casino seems pretty geared up to get things actioned quickly when its for players, to make the casino money... just sayin.


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
Lol @ Aussie Dave you Antagonistic lol never ... I'm happy to take onboard all of it don't worry .

Well said you've hit the nail on the head as far as "casino seems pretty geared up to get things actioned quickly when its for players" as I've said numerous times in this post yes for 5/6 years that's exactly where there efforts have been placed on getting a casino product ready that is one for players and they have achieved that now all be it slowly they want to dedicate resources to getting the affiliate program to that same level but this isn't going to be a quick fix as KK pointed out the current system lacks a lot and needs a lot of work.

I cant stress that its time ....we need time ..and if its earnings your worried about change your deals to ones where revenue share or lack of it is a moot factor like a CPA or Hybrid where you do get compensated and change back when the time is right to go back to Rev Share not ideal but all options as I say for the last 3 or 4 months these options are now available and an option.

Things don't get done quickly they get done its just what I'm learning in the short time I'm hear but the more people speaking about it the more attention the issues get and believe you me I have had my say I sound like a nagging housewife right now ( no offense meant to all our better halves) but there is only so much bitching I can do before I get shut down myself also.

I know your business and realize its about making you money but at some stage you were all players and you all started out just giving advice on the bets places to paly it was never all about the bottom line as it is these days here is a product that you can actually say your proud to offer to your readers, followers etc and intime you'll also make what you deserve I Hope .


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Lol @ Aussie Dave you Antagonistic lol never

That's a pealer comment (lol)... You must have me confused with my evil twin :D

for 5/6 years that's exactly where there efforts have been placed on getting a casino product ready that is one for players and they have achieved that now

I agree they have, albeit with a few exceptions... However, would VS (or any casino) have such a large player base, without affiliates? I think not. And that's the main issue here - keeping the perspective real!

I can not speak for KK, but he, like so many other affiliates, have been loyal to VS for many years. Most from the time of VS's infancy. They've helped VS grown into the casino it is today.

Yet, the people who have driven the #1 commodity to VS (NDP's), seem to be the folks who have missed out on sharing that success. Reiterating it's ironic given a casino without players, is a dead weight.

Reading between the lines, most VS affiliates, are 100% frustrated with how they've been treated, to date.

While I acknowlege the fact you, yourself Miles, have just come onboard with the VS aff program, and past history is something you had no part in. The fact is, it has happened. In regards to how VS have chosen to treat their loyal affiliates in the past, certainly hasn't, least from my observations, cultivated a strong and stable trust factor.

And removing deposit stats etc., has done zero to improve that image.

IMHO affiliates have valid reason to feel let-down.

I hope with your new appointment, affiliates who feel frustrated and let-down, you will be able to get VS to start treating their affiliates in a much better, respectful and rewarding light!

Leopold suggested giving yourself, and the VS aff program, an eight (8) week window to start improving things.

I think that's a fair plan moving forward.

However I also believe, it's of the utmost urgency, to reinstate the deposit and withdrawal stats ASAP. If anything, this demonstrates a sincere commitment of improvement by VS, to ALL their affiliates.
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Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
Agree and if I was the person pushing the buttons to have the deposit and withdrawal stats reinstated I would its a known issue and will get worked hopefully but 8 weeks lol that's a head start I cant say it will get done it that space but its 100% on the radar on the radar but no guarantees as I say I can only push so hard if management for whatever reason decide something else then its out of my hands .. I can push and am I promise as I realize its vital but I'm not a Head of anything I'm an account manager and a foot soldier I really am trying


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Surely 8 weeks is a long enough time to get the deposit and withdrawal stats reinstated.
I mean, really, how many meetings does it take, to action, affiliate fairness?

With all due respect Miles, if you are a "foot soldier", then maybe who ever is responsible for making, or in the control/influence of these decisions, maybe they should be here talking to us... Again not said as any disrespect to yourself... But I'm not sure the powers at VS understand how bad this has got.

Affiliates of VS seem to be at the point of mutany, so to speak ;)
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Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
Its been raised ...I realize these are metrics you need and want I don't have a clue why they were removed or why they have yet to be added back but its on the list of things we want to get too .. again these things are not about having meetings we have those to raise issues its about having resources dedicated to actual doing the work but more importantly getting the hierarchy , management to agree and give permission to have these resources allocated to the work . I really don't know how easy it is or difficult a task it is all I do know is that the development team as I understood are currently all heads down and working on our Danish License and the technical issues surrounding that compliance as well as our Romanian one so .. I have no say and cant make people jump the company has lots of priorities that are out of my domain of control


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
the company has lots of priorities that are out of my domain of control

And we go full circle once more. The priorities of VS, have sadly, and have never been, with their affiliates.

I'll go so far as to say (imho), VS consider affiliates as a distasteful means to get NDP's, and that's it.

Any form of fair renumeration for those NDP's (who make VS money), seems alien to them.

A cynical person could not be blamed for wondering, if the affiliate model by VS, has been manipulated in such a way, to pay as little as possible, to their affiliates. While VS makes a bucket of cash!

Reiterating, casino wouldn't have the players (or the profits), if affiliates didn't send these players in the 1'st place.

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