VA update please


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
I received an email from VA today asking me to remove their "rogue" status on GAU.

Before doing so, I thought I would get some feedback from my fellow AGD members.

I have taken a look at Casinomeister and see they are still having some issues but the VA reps are being responsive.

Are you promoting VA brands? Are there any issues? Feedback please.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
VA is one of those groups that shouldn't be in business, IMO.

Last year they threatened to close my account and steal my future commissions because I spoke publicly against their retroactive T&C changes. They also reneged on a deal I made years ago with a previous affiliate manger -- simply because they didn't like that I was stating FACTS on the forums. Now I earn much less than I did before because some vindictive assh*le didn't like that I was opposed to them screwing their affiliates with retroactive changes.

Also -- this group is very unstable. Every 4 months, they have a brand new affiliate team, which isn't good. This shouldn't be happening -- clearly something is wrong with the top management if they need to hire a brand new team of people very 4 months.

My advice to new affiliates would be to steer clear of this group until they are sold to / merged into a more reputable program.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Don't do it...

Engineer is right. Something is wrong at VA.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
OK - thanks folks - that's what I figured but they are communicating with Bryan over at meister land and they aren't rogued here so wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
VA Update


First of all, I would ask anybody to please follow the thread at Casinomeister. I am sure you are all aware that Bryan is not someone who would change his mind lightly. We were never rouged on Casinomeister. He considered briefly removing MiniVegas from the accredited casino list, but after reviewing our improvement this year and demonstrating to him that what we have now is a dedicated team who want to make things work; he was quick to put us in the accredited casino list.

Of the issues I have seen posted on here there is always another side to the story. All the issues presented here have been resolved fairly, and we are more than willing to discuss them, although if you see on other affiliate forums they have already been discussed at length.

What I would like to emphasise, and the reason we requested to be removed from the rouge page you refer to, is because we are sincerely starting over with a fresh team, new ideas and some great new features going forward.

We look forward to speaking to you all in the near future.


Vegas Affiliates


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
I received an email from VA today asking me to remove their "rogue" status on GAU.

Before doing so, I thought I would get some feedback from my fellow AGD members.

I have taken a look at Casinomeister and see they are still having some issues but the VA reps are being responsive.

Are you promoting VA brands? Are there any issues? Feedback please.

Same here. Although my page has been down since April - ie not linked anywhere on my site. Problem is it ranks very high for 'Vegas Affiliates' in google. :eek::p


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I know that it would mean a lot to me to have my players tagged back to me that were removed.. I cannot prove this but I have a feeling it has happened. Not trying to put you down Chris but this is an endless cycle for us affiliates. We build up trust in a program that is 'honestly moving forward and putting the past behind them' and then after 6 months or so the affiliate team we worked so hard with and built a great working relationship with is all the sudden gone with a whole new untrained team taking over, making changes to terms that will benefit the shareholders and totally destroying all that was worked for an us the affiliates are back down from making thousands a month to NOTHING.

I myself am not in a hurry for that.


Calling it like I see it.
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
... and the threatening type posture continues ...

Their new marketing rep is over on GPWA in my winner thread posting that "I want to stress that we are not looking for any funds to be returned as we clearly should have been more vigilant." Really?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Chris,

Thanks for posting here, appreciate your input.

Hope you don't find this rude, but... you must understand that most of us here have heard this same little song and dance number from VA before... just from different employees(note the plural).

So you understand that while we may find your sincerity believable, the OWNERS of VA, the people you work for are the same people they have always been and they make the decisions.. not you.

So even thought you are most likely a nice guy who is honest, the people you work for are not and they have proved it to this community time after time.

Bryan over at CM is a good guy and he tries hard..
However, Bryan's main focus has always been players, for the most part he does not care about how a program treats affiliats... but we do.

Treating players fairly is all well and good.. but you have to do the same for your affiliate business partners.

VA has a long history of screwing affs... So most affiliate attitudes toward them will only change(IMO) when the ownership changes or decides they can make more money being fair to all their affiliates... and that last thing ain't never gonna happen.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Bonusstreak - contact

I know that it would mean a lot to me to have my players tagged back to me that were removed.. I cannot prove this but I have a feeling it has happened. Not trying to put you down Chris but this is an endless cycle for us affiliates. We build up trust in a program that is 'honestly moving forward and putting the past behind them' and then after 6 months or so the affiliate team we worked so hard with and built a great working relationship with is all the sudden gone with a whole new untrained team taking over, making changes to terms that will benefit the shareholders and totally destroying all that was worked for an us the affiliates are back down from making thousands a month to NOTHING.

I myself am not in a hurry for that.

Hi Bonusstreak,

Please feel free to contact us to review this, as we would be more than happy to provide you with a complete overview of all active players since you joined the VA Affiliate program.



Calling it like I see it.
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Bonusstreak,

Please feel free to contact us to review this, as we would be more than happy to provide you with a complete overview of all active players since you joined the VA Affiliate program.


I requested a full overview report and was asked to agree that my winner issue was resolved to my satisfaction before I could get a full report. :emoticon-0140-rofl:

It took VA 2 years to cook a report on one player - I wonder how long it would take for a complete overview. :emoticon-0158-time:

I'm off to get see if I can get some of my VA players to come forward.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score

First of all, regarding the comments on reports. It all depends on the data requested. All data available in the Vegas Affiliate Software in much faster to collect than if we need additional information which we get from our software suppliers. If we had player migrations to other casinos, then this might add to the length of time we need to process the report.

And arkyt, to respond directly to your comments. We fully accept that you have been waiting too long for your issue to be looked into with care. The fluctuation of staff cannot have been helpful in this matter, however, you have been provided with the report you originally asked for (reference to GPWA) and we are waiting for you to communicate with us if you have any questions regarding this report. We only want to resolve the issue and to do so we need some co-operation from your side also.

Kind regards,
Vegas Affiliates


Calling it like I see it.
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
And arkyt, to respond directly to your comments. We fully accept that you have been waiting too long for your issue to be looked into with care. The fluctuation of staff cannot have been helpful in this matter, however, you have been provided with the report you originally asked for (reference to GPWA) and we are waiting for you to communicate with us if you have any questions regarding this report. We only want to resolve the issue and to do so we need some co-operation from your side also.

Kind regards,
Vegas Affiliates

Chris - I have not been supplied with anything I requested! The report you sent me isnt much of a report at all; so to come in here posting like you've done anything worthwhile is a joke!

I was NOT supplied a full audit of this supposed fraud player - in fact it really wasn't much of a report at all...

What you provided me with is a few columns / rows of data which shows the "supposed" total deposits / withdraws of this player vs the "supposed" total deposits / withdraws of all my players from 2008-2010.

During that time this "supposed" fraud player was "supposedly" responsible for >

2008 ... 79%
2009 ... 92%
2010 ... 89%

of the total amount of deposits ... what these numbers are made to show is what VA claims in a threatening email that they sent me about my "actual performance as an affiliate" ... to that I requested they look 2004-2010 ... I suppose I stunk up the place that entire time too huh? Management over there has some serious issues!

According to the reports this player made off with $175,000 - yes 2008-2009 they withdrew 175k MORE than they deposited and this didnt warrant any type of audit by the casino? REALLY?

Lord - if a player takes advantage of a $100 bonus they are ran around the block, but someone makes off with hundreds of thousands and they get by with it for 3 years unnoticed until an affiliate complains about it over and over and over the entire time its going on?

Sorry VA - I dont buy any bit of what you are selling!
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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Are you promoting VA brands? Are there any issues? Feedback please.

I stopped promoting them the last time they went through this identical BS.

Over 12 months of broken promises, unpaid affiliates ect...ect. You can get up to speed of what happen back then by reading their GPWA forum. A bunch of screwed up data and a nonchalant attitude was enough for me. After all this and them bringing in those retroactive terms of 10% if you don't deliver x number of players was enough for me.

So I kicked em to curb.

I honestly don't know why people still work with Vegas Affiliates.
Surprisingly the casinos are good, they have great retention but the affiliate program is a joke.

I wasn't going to add it cause it makes no difference now.
But if you read my posts over in the VA forum at the GPWA when they (VA) transferred to the new affiliate program. At one point I saw $10K commission owed, which apparently to them was a ghost in the system. That and my Whale disappearing the month they changed over...well you get the idea.



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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Chris - I have not been supplied with anything I requested! The report you sent me isnt much of a report at all; so to come in here posting like you've done anything worthwhile is a joke!

I was NOT supplied a full audit of this supposed fraud player - in fact it really wasn't much of a report at all...

What you provided me with is a few columns / rows of data which shows the "supposed" total deposits / withdraws of this player vs the "supposed" total deposits / withdraws of all my players from 2008-2010.

I can back that up, it's about the same piss poor report I got when I disputed where my Whale had gone - with the lame excuse the account was closed.

Come to think about it I should throw em up on Dodgy Casino History.



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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I am in full agreement... that report (and Dave's) sound too sketchy to me. Why let a player play for that long if they are fraudulent. Sounds to me like a way to pocket the affiliate's earnings.

I would love to see some real proof to the contrary.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score

Just posted on GPWA:

I think it is important to go through this case in an ordered way so as to present the facts without making any speculative claims. As stated in the prior post VA should have caught this far sooner and we are not requesting any of the prior commission returned, the only action we have taken is to close this player’s account in accordance with our terms and conditions which can be found here:

Vegas Affiliates Terms And Conditions

We have remained open and provided arkyt with all the reports requested. His queries to us directly via email do not reflect the posts seen on the forum. I would ask that arkyt to communicate with me so that we can ascertain the exact information desired (if not already provided) and assist step by step so that he is able to break down the figures and gain a full understanding.

The report last received via email was a top level report. It was prepared in a summary and in such a manor to protect player information as we anticipated its publication on the GPWA forum. A detailed report was far too large to post on a forum. We have a more detailed report and have emailed this to arkyt as this post goes out.

Regarding the figures displayed on the forum. The percentages are correct; this is verifiable by a ‘drilling’ of arkyt’s account reports to pinpoint the player ID. It was only due to the large deposits being made that prompted your first query with VA. It is clearly apparent with any close analysis where the majority of all of your earnings were coming from when tallying this fraudulent player against any other traffic.

We have been extremely open during this whole time and wish to stress that we have always assisted in any way possible. Implications of a threatening nature are simply untrue and there has been nothing remotely threatening in any of our correspondence. I would ask again if you would allow us to post the last report provided (top level report) so others can view and form their own opinion.


Marketing Director


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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in accordance with our terms and conditions
Vegas Affiliates Terms And Conditions

Oh the T&C's that were retroactively changed :rolleyes:

If you feel people are being unfair to Chris, yourself or the VA program, you seriously need to look at this from our side. Frankly no one at VA gives a toss about affiliates, because if they did, we'd not have been hammered with retroactive T&C's designed to rob affiliates of their rightful earnings.

You can say what you like, cry foul if and when it suits VA but fact is the nonchalant treatment of affiliates - like we don't need you attitude has come back to bite VA in butt...Suck it up cause Vegas Affiliates only have themselves to blame.


Vegas Affiliates

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Warning
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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