This Affiliate Program Closed My Affiliate Account


New Member
Oct 8, 2020
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This Affiliate Program, if I may say so, closed my account, motivating this by the fact that they suffered reputational risks as a result of the fact that I published a record of a participant in one of the gambling chats in Telegrams and I consider the ban of the affiliate to be unfair, because in this record the employee of this PP admitted that fact What Affiliate Can Steal Players From Partners.
And I think it will be important to add that the affiliate threatened to close my profile if I didn’t start pouring traffic, but at the time of threats from their side, there was nothing like that in the affiliate rules. And I Lil Traffic To Them And Not They To Me So This Affiliate Came Out Of Lawlessness! Screenshots of Communication With Their Managers I Will Attach
PostScriptum at the time of closing the PP, the balance was 77 US Dollars, that is, they took all my players to themselves and brazenly appropriated my profit, what is it if not a scam of partners ?!
image 1.jpg

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 18, 2018
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@SHEBURSHUN Please note that the images in your post have been edited to hide personal names since posting personal names is in breach of our forum rules.
1.4 Posting private information such as real names, real addresses, and LinkedIn or other social media URLs in regards to a member or organization is not permitted.

Regarding the complaint posted, if you would like us to contact the representatives and ask for clarification on your case, please send me your affiliate program username (I sent you a PM where you can reply).


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 18, 2018
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Thanks for sending your account details @SHEBURSHUN, we notified the representatives about your post and asked for updates.


Affiliate Program Representative
May 15, 2023
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Dear community members.

We would like to pay attention to the information that our former partner is disseminating. In this regard, we consider it necessary to provide you with evidence that what is written by the partner is not a complete picture.
Firstly, we want to note that our partner violated the cooperation agreement, which was prescribed in the terms and conditions of cooperation on our website

In addition, violation of the confidentiality of employees, namely, the recording of conversations without the notification and consent of the parties. These actions violate the law and the principles of business ethics.
Secondly, we have a chat with a partner in Telegram, where we explained and analyzed the situation and the partner’s claim about the absence of his players. This correspondence demonstrates our attempt to resolve the situation in a peaceful manner.
We want to emphasize that we are ready to provide any necessary evidence that confirms the correctness of our actions in this situation. We strictly follow the principles of honesty and transparency in our business dealings.
We believe that false information distributed by our partner harms not only our company, but our entire brand as a whole. Please do not take for granted unsubstantiated statements that damage our or any other company and its reputation. Therefore, we attach below the fact-checking and confirmation of our words.Also, I would like to note that this partner repeatedly spoke negatively towards our brand in various thematic chats, used obscenities when communicating with our employees, and also insulted them.

Event timeline:
1. The partner addressed with a problem, namely, in connection with the relocation of our product to a newer SaaS platform, the partner stated that we had detached the players from it.
2. We explained to the partner that this is physically impossible, since this functionality is simply not available on the platform. That is technically impossible to do.
3. In turn, we explained to the partner why this could happen (I am attaching the text and a screenshot of the dialogue as evidence)
4. We checked with the old and new platforms and provided all the necessary data on the players. Where the partner himself confirms the fact of the availability and correctness of the documents.

View attachment 4918

Further in the dialogue, we also clarified the question, what kind of players are we talking about, the text of the question: “A question about both files, both “active” and “players without deposits”?
To which the partner gave a positive answer (I attach a screenshot)
View attachment 4919

After verification, we provided the partner with a detailed response on the situation, namely:
Good afternoon again, I ran a reconciliation on active players.

The situation is this:
Total players for reconciliation - 143
Missing players - 2
Fixed players - 67
Not assigned players - 75

1. Missing players are those who have not registered on our site after a product update.
2. Unattached players - players who registered on the site after the update, but did not enter your promo code and did not make a single deposit.

To confirm that the players who are not fixed have not brought any deposits, I am sending the table in the next message.

Also, a reminder that we do not have the ability to detach or attach players to a partner.
Such situations that the partner's players are not fixed for the partner occur in such and only in such cases:
1. When a player registers not using an affiliate link
2. When a player registers without a partner promo code
In order to avoid similar situations in the future, please remind your players about the importance of registering with a promo code, as I repeat, we do not have the opportunity to detach or attach a player from a partner.

I am also attaching a screenshot of the dialog:

View attachment 4920

The result of the whole conflict is as follows:

1. When searching for the “lost” players that the partner had previously mentioned, all but two were registered in the affiliate program.
2. Those who made at least one deposit were automatically assigned to the partner.
3. All players who were without deposits and did not show any activity after transferring them to the system did not gain a foothold.
For our part, we offered the partner an additional activation of those partners who were without a deposit and somehow motivate them, the proposed option was (send a promotional code). To which the partner replied: “OK, good. Right now there is no traffic from the sites due to the ban of the standard site, in the near future I will start working on 12 sites at once. God, give me the strength to master this solo))”

I'm attaching a screenshot:

Monosnap Шебуршун - англ версия - Google Документы 2023-05-16 17-45-47.png

Please note that a neat and working correspondence is being conducted with the partner, without negativity and other things.

Immediately after the exit of the superior colleague from the chat, messages and communication from the partner were conducted in the following way:

Monosnap Шебуршун - англ версия - Google Документы 2023-05-16 17-45-59.png

After that, the partner repeatedly showed negativity and dissatisfaction with working with us, for inexplicable reasons. Soon, without any communication, the partner posted on the network in one of the telegram chats, namely ( a video that allegedly “confirms” the possibility of re-pinning the players. Which is nothing more than a juggling of facts and manipulation of the words of our employee.
Based on this action, we realized that the partner does not want to continue communication with us and pay attention to objective comments. His goal is to cause as much damage as possible to our company for no reason. Which directly contradicts the rules of the Affiliate Partnership and the summary of rules on the site
In this regard, we have decided to terminate our cooperation on this.

Monosnap Шебуршун - англ версия - Google Документы 2023-05-16 17-46-11.png

We also want to add that despite all the negativity and lies that were published in the telegram chat (, we did not disregard and immediately responded by writing to the admin of this chat. But our appeal and position on the current situation was not published and remained behind the scenes.

Most likely, this decision of the administrator was made in view of the already established friendly relations between our former partner.

Monosnap Шебуршун - англ версия - Google Документы 2023-05-16 17-46-21.png
Monosnap Шебуршун - англ версия - Google Документы 2023-05-16 17-46-36.png

Monosnap Шебуршун - англ версия - Google Документы 2023-05-16 17-46-49.png



New Member
Oct 8, 2020
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I require from this affiliate program
1. For them to return my affiliate account to me
2. They returned the funds that were stolen from me for the entire time your aff managers worked in the amount of 11257.74 US dollars
3. We apologized to all those from whom players were stolen / funds were stolen from partner profiles (Shave commissions)
4. Explained to the society what kind of reputational losses you suffered if you yourself spoiled your reputation and, to be fair, you coped with it.
You can consider this an ultimatum on my part!
I don’t intend to talk to you anymore and waste my time on you, but I want to say that the SEO specialist is the height of unreason. After all, you understand how much you can lose? Can it be easier to return my affiliate program and funds stolen over several years of work? Claim amount 11257.74 US dollars
If the requirements are not met, I will take action!
You have a week to unlock the affiliate program and pay me my money


Affiliate Program Representative
May 15, 2023
Reaction score
Dear partner!

We have carefully reviewed your letter and your requirements regarding our affiliate program. However, after a thorough analysis of the situation, we do not agree with the position expressed in your letter and do not see sufficient grounds to comply with your requirements.

Your request to return your partner account to you does not comply with our policies and terms of cooperation. In addition, we have not found any evidence or substantiation regarding allegations of theft of funds or infringement of commissions. We deeply respect each of our partners and strive to maintain transparent and conscientious relations.

We understand that you are upset by our response. However, despite the repeated warnings of our affiliates about the possible consequences, as a result, you deliberately caused us reputational damage, after which our employees repeatedly received threats against our company about blackmailing our project on your part and listened to a number of aggressive statements in voice messages. As a result, we do not want to violate the rules of business ethics and disturb the atmosphere in the team by continuing to cooperate with you.
Given the lack of trust in you as a reliable partner, we do not want to be in a situation where you will blackmail us again, and our employees will receive emotional harm when communicating with you.

We also consider your request for payment of the amount ($11257.74) to be disproportionate and completely unfair.

Arguing our position, we provide statistics.

For the period from May 1, 2022 to May 8, 2023, as a result of cooperation, the following
results were achieved:

  • 85 - first deposits
  • 99 - players with deposits
  • 2439.17 - NGR
  • 1,315.41 - partner's income

I provide a screenshot:

Also, for this period, all payments were made, according to the terms of NET30 payments, except for the last two payments:
  • April 2023 - no payout due to insufficient balance to pay out
  • May 2023 - no payout due to account suspension

I provide a screenshot:

Monosnap SpinBetter Admin Panel 2023-05-23 19-04-12.png

For our part, we will be happy to pay you the balance that was on your account at the time of blocking - $ 77.

We believe this is correct and fair for both parties.
Also on the part of the administration, after that, we consider any subsequent communication regarding this situation to be inappropriate, since all confirmations and evidence are publicly available, separately, on this forum, with all the screenshots.

This position is official and the only correct one.
Any subsequent blackmail by the partner and threats towards the affiliate program from now on will be transferred to the legal department and will be considered purely in the legal plane and within the framework of local legislation, as well as the consequences provided for in it.


New Member
Oct 8, 2020
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Blackmail you say?
To remind you who wanted to close my affiliate account due to the fact that I stopped Sending you traffic.
Is this not blackmail, given the fact that the rules of the affiliate program do not contain a clause on closing affiliates due to lack of traffic?
(The rules were read by me in both versions, the English and Russian versions.
Further, regarding the legal planes, the Casino in the Russian Federation is banned, so it is unlikely that you will succeed.
Regarding the payout, the details are in the account, But you know, you blocked me in the affiliate program with which I worked when I was Z-Partners, well
this is a period of several years of work, imagine that everything that you did for several years was derailed because you wanted to.
What would you do if you were in my place?! Would they let the situation go like that? No, so I will defend my rights to the last. After all, everything is raano true Behind me ksk you would not want the opposite!


New Member
Oct 8, 2020
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Dear community of this resource, please do not close the complaint as the partner account is still not unlocked.

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