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Affiliates League (Previously Affalliance)

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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G. Termination

(1) This agreement may be suspended, canceled or terminated without cause by either party


A program of course from the legal point of view can use a "without cause" term, but the affiliate has no benefit from such a term, because she/he has already the opportunity to stop promoting the program which is de facto a termination. It does not effect any rights of the program.

On the other side if a program can terminate a contract "without cause" due to the terms, it forfeits any rights of the affiliate on his money, even without any wrongdoing, especially on the "life time commission".


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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They do give a reason..

(2) In the case of breach of terms from the Affiliate part, AffAlliance will be entitled to terminate the present agreement with immediate effect by notifying in writing the affiliate.

(3) AffAlliance the right to terminate the present agreement with immediate effect by notifying in writing the affiliate in the following cases:
3.a.) AffAlliance may determine whether suspicious betting patterns and may suggest activity where new depositors are benefiting from incentives from the affiliate to recoup losses and/or other fraudulent activities. AffAlliance reserves the right to withhold any funds/ commissions accumulated from such actions.
3.b.) The affiliate ceases to do business because of financial or legal reasons, beyond his control or unexpected.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Objection, Your Honor!

I was myself judge in the real life and can very well read laws and terms and understand the important legal significance.

In laws and terms the first article mentioned has to be checked if it is valid. AFTER that the next article on the same matter has to be checked if the FIRST is NOT valid and if the second is and so with all following articeles and not vice versa or random. The numerical order is important. De jure there is no exception from that.

In this case it is with Article (1) FIRST ruled, that "This agreement may be suspended, canceled or terminated without cause by either party"

The following articles AFTER (1) you mentioned, are not effecting (1) in any way. It's still from the legal perspective a "termination without cause".

The articles you mentioned are only a tool to double up on (1), but exclusively only for the program. (1) is for both parties.

It's clearly stated in (1), that the "termination [...] without cause" can be done with a "thirty (30) days written notice via email to the other party".

The other articles are for AffAlliance only, while (1) is for both parties, and these other articles include the possibility to "terminate the present agreement with immediate effect".

De facto and de jure AffAlliance is not giving a reason for (1). It's a standalone article. From the legal view, it is, what it is, the opportunity of the program to terminate any affiliate "without cause".

It this is not the intention of the program, then they have to remove the predatory term "without cause".

This is factual correct situation.
Last edited:

Affiliates League (Previously Affalliance)

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