1Club Casino

Rogue Affiliate Program


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 14, 2010
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As discussed in the Important Announcement thread, there is an ongoing issue with 1Club and Scuter. What the casino is offering in re: terms of payment, is beyond ridiculous.

As my account here at AGD had not been validated as yet, I signed up at the GPWA, and PM'd Ryan, asking if we could discuss it. So just a heads up Ryan, if you could get back to me I would appreciate it. AGD is probably the more appropriate venue, as GPWA doesn't deal with RichClicks, but with Earn United (Ryan's other program).

Dom and/or Andy, I'd also like to speak with both of you as well regarding this casino/affy program, and the player terms and conditions currently in effect...and specificially regarding Scuter's case. What is the best way to get in touch with you guys? I know the PM route, but feel that email is probably better, as I'm not limited to a set number of characters.

Thanks in advance.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
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It's a gawd damn travesty IMO that "Rich Clicks" affiliate program is still even listed here at AGD! But of course the affiliates can make money from this rogue ass program when the programs casino will not even pay their players...:rolleyes:

Andy, Dom, Christine, Dave...you guys need to wake the hell up over here and start looking at these programs with a little more aptitude of how the casino behind the program treats their players...this particular case that Pinababy69 is talking about is absolutely sickening.

Sorry to be so blunt there guys but it's time for a wake up call here!

You also need to read her post here on Dave's forum OCR for the sickening details...

1Club Rogue - Page 6 - Online Casino Reviewer - Gambling and Online Casinos Forum
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Thanks guys!

It's pretty out there, trying to pay me in Euro just so they can bring this clause with unspecified Forex rate into play [my account is USD, all my deposits were USD]:


This is in addition to their private processing fee of $150 for every 850 paid. Ostensibly per month, but they're almost a full two months behind now already [out of 4] so...???

At this rate, if they brought in no more new fees, I would get the final payment in about four years. With around 1/3rd deducted for their Euro and 'processing' fees.

Not to mention all the other outstanding 'issues'...:eek:
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Andy is away on business and may check this thread soon as far as Dom I am not sure if she is around this week either but I would send her a pm so it hits her regular mailbox.

PS.. Player terms and conditions are still in the works but they are coming very very soon.

Thanks very much for the info re: Dom, Bonustreak. I did come across the post that Andy was out of town, but hadn't realized that she wasn't around right now either.

This has been going on for months now...so a few more days won't hurt. I will send both a PM as you suggested.

And I had also read about the venture you guys have going to incorporate player T&C's into the mix. I personally think that is outstanding, and am glad to see a site that "approves" affiliate programs, decide to throw that into the equation.

Guru...thanks for the reply and the PM. I have answered you at OCR, and I'm pretty sure that Scuter and I will be taking you up on your invitation. I really can't say thank you enough. I hope when I rally the troops, they are all as receptive as you are to just how ludicrous this all is.

Scuter, take a breath.

I've had a reply from Ryan at GPWA, and I'm afraid he's not going to be able to help too much. He says he can't really get involved in player issues. That may be the case. So we will find other ways to try and convince the casino to actually do the right thing.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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And I had also read about the venture you guys have going to incorporate player T&C's into the mix. I personally think that is outstanding, and am glad to see a site that "approves" affiliate programs, decide to throw that into the equation.


I strongly concur with all of the above opinions and gifs.

Pinababy69 said:
Scuter, take a breath.

Yes, Ma'am. I will centre my chi.



Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Hi guys again I am sorry that things are not moving fast on this end with responses from AGD team it is crazy right now for all of us. I have personal family issues right not that are taking all of my time, my family will always come first bottom line.

As far as I know this program was always good towards affiliates and players which was the case at the time we certified them. Things have changed to the bad it seems and we will investigate this I promise you asap that but Andrew will be the final decision maker on what happens from there.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Hi guys again I am sorry that things are not moving fast on this end with responses from AGD team it is crazy right now for all of us. I have personal family issues right not that are taking all of my time, my family will always come first bottom line.

As far as I know this program was always good towards affiliates and players which was the case at the time we certified them. Things have changed to the bad it seems and we will investigate this I promise you asap that but Andrew will be the final decision maker on what happens from there.

Oh please Christine, there is absolutely *no* rush on this whatsoever. Honestly, until Pinababy convinced me to make a quick post here, I had hit a complete dead end for over a month and was ready to give up in despair. The only developments since have been only thanks to the brief discussions on here and on OCR and - of course - my [undeserved] Advocate Extraordinaire Pina / god.

Family > daylight > work > daylight > relaxing > daylight > *addressing an issue caused by my idiotic degen* [I'm not even sure I should rightfully be the caboose of any To Do List train, but a degen can hope...]

Thank you!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Hey Bonustreak, no need to be sorry. You guys are willing to figure players into your decision making process at some point, and that's more than many sites are even willing to consider.

In re: 1Club...I didn't expect a response today or any immediate action, nothing like that. Just trying to make you guys aware, that's all.

A quick synopsis:

Scuter had a balance of 23K plus, and thus far has received two payments of under 1K each to his Paypal account I believe.

2K of that balance just went mysteriously missing at some point. After requesting playlogs/an audit, he was provided with some altered form of this...which was incomplete. He believes that approximately 1100 spins are just missing as well..along with the 2K. When the casino/manager was queried on the missing 2K, he generously (cough) offered to replace the 2K in Scuter's account as bonus money, with a WR attached. Obviously not acceptable as the money was originally withdrawable funds.

As written in 1Club's T&C's, they claim to only pay out a maximum of 1K per month. However, when queried on that term here at AGD (in the other thread), Ryan made this statement:

Hi Rob,

There is no set deposit or withdrawal limits. The casino manages players based on a wide range of variables including payment methods used, player class, account history, and many others. Standard procedure for the casino to issue players' withdraw requests of any amount is the typical Faxback form which includes photo ID and utility bill. Once that is on file, the process is simple with no formal requirements.

Hope that helps.


His statement that there are no set deposit or withdrawal limits is pretty much an outright lie, regardless of player class etc. Scuter played through in excess of 60 thousand dollars I believe. If that didn't prove to the casino that he was a genuine player, then what would?

After receiving no satisfaction from the casino in regards to the missing funds, or being able to withdraw the remaining 20K in his account...he filed a complaint with Hastings/CDS. He received a few replies from them. Originally (he will have to clarify), I believe that he was told he would be paid the missing 2K. Further queries to them on his behalf, prompted them to reply again that his issue had been escalated to second level. Shortly after that, he received an email from the casino (James) informing him that his account would be closed, and the balance paid to him under term 13.1.

Is the balance the remaining 20K? What about the still missing 2K? That has still not been received by him.

Clause 13.1 states:

13.1 Closing Your Account
You are entitled to close your Account and terminate these Agreements on seven (7) days notice to Group by withdrawing the entire Account Balance from your Account and sending a letter or email or telephoning us using the details at 'contact us'. All withdrawal requests are still subject to the withdrawal requirements and limitations in Section 7 and any other Sections in this Agreement that would affect withdrawing.

So we are then back to square one...1k a month. Both Scuter and I had hoped that the casino would just do the right thing, pay the man his money, and be done with him. I don't think either of us thought they would fork over 20K in one lump sum....but hopefully, after Hastings intervention, that they would at least offer a reasonable monthly payment plan.

In fact, what they did do, is add insult to injury.

All of his deposits were in US dollars, all of his play was in US dollars. The casino now insists they pay him out in Euros, and he must pay the exchange rate himself. No idea how much that will take out of his whopping 1K monthly payment. But wait...it's not really 1K. Know why? Because the casino refuses to pay him out back to his Neteller account, and is adamant that they send this 1K via bank wire only. Yep, there's a catch there too. Each 1K bank wire will cost Scuter $150. So it's actually only $850 he'll be getting each month, minus the exchange rate conversion fee as well.

And one last little insult....1Club charges a $5 per month fee on inactive accounts. Which Scuter's account is now classified as inactive, due to their closure of same.

So after they finish with this game of dragging payments out over a period of at LEAST twenty two months or more (don't forget the missing 2K, we haven't)...he would be lucky to walk away with 70 cents on the dollar. Maybe.

I contacted Ryan this morning, who told me he doesn't really get involved with player issues and does not discuss any details with third parties. Fair enough on the third party part....I expected that. And Ryan certainly doesn't know me from Adam. However, Scuter has given me full authority to act and speak on his behalf where I see fit, and to attempt to negotiate a settlement, if the casino is interested. Scuter just wants this done with. And I don't think the casino wants the bad publicity that "could" arise from this.

The man proved he was a genuine player by wagering and playing like a madman for extended periods. If this is the way they treat a high roller/whale, how in God's name do they treat the little guy?

I have committed myself to this, and anyone who knows me at all, knows just how tenacious and resourceful I can be. So can we all just save everyone alot of headaches and aggravation, and settle this thing? I think Scuter is willing to accept a "reasonable" offer.

He is more than welcome to refute anything I have stated above, or add to it. Just as long as we stay focused on 1Club, and keep it civil.

Thanks for the venue Bonustreak, and Andy and Dom. ;D


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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FML. Was just finishing a very concise [rare for me :(] summary just adding to Pinababy's outline, which totally included the most important points...Win7 forced update. :cry:

I was just being OCD mostly, Pina nailed all the important stuff. I mostly wanted to clarify how sick my illness was, in terms of my behaviour / wagering at 1Club - any gambler sicker than I was when I played there...poor bastards... :(

$1,000,000 in Slots wagering alone - in a very short period of time, the vast majority turned over purely with my own $ [no bonuses involved]. One day, I turned my $58,000 [withdrawable balance] into 0.00 wagering as high as $500/spin and then frantically tried to deposit more.

So [edit: Ryan's] claim on this forum [quoted by Pinababy] amounts to...how can I say this diplomatically...a string of gross untruths. And what he claimed here publicly, management was effectively telling me privately, implying [an implication I agreed with, in some embarrassment] that it was just a ludicrous question to ask. The question being: Whether my wagering which results in $100,000 wins or losses in a DAY and easily can swing up or down $1,000,000 in a week or month at $100 / $125 / even $500 per single Slot spin....whether that wagering would then be subject to a $1000 MAX per month cap on withdrawals. It was too ridiculous to even contemplate such a thing; I felt like an idiot for even asking for clarification prior to redepositing one day.

$2000 was stolen when I attempted my first ever withdrawal - and I have what amounts to irrefutable evidence of that fact.

The motive for the theft, which eluded me for a month of confusion, turned out to be a plan to reach a "compromise", where management would 'replace' my missing $2000 with a 2000 phantom bonus which entrapped my remaining $20,000+ with a $130,000 Wagering Requirement on Slots only.

When I politely refused, gritting my teeth at everything becoming clear to me at once, the manager told me not to be a "dickhead" [very rude insult in Australia] and to "just take the deal". Deep breaths, another polite refusal and request for a play audit for the umpteenth time. Ignored, as always.

My emails are mostly ignored except for the occasional incoming email informing me of their latest 'strategy' to - how do I say this diplomatically - STEAL my money.

From $24,000 withdrawable, they've paid $961 and $960 to my Paypal. $2000 stolen, still stolen. I've never received my full play history, despite having requested it 20 times in 2-3 months. I have their shocking tampered XLS which I can show anyone - it's missing 1100 spins by their own admission, along with 5-10 other issues which each alone make it worthless for any kind of audit purpose [with the sole exception of clearly indicting them, of course].

They're already almost 2 'payments' behind, in only 4 total. So it's looking like 2 months or longer for every $600-650 [hopefully] incoming over the next 4 to ? years. Yeah, I'll talk deals to end this relationship, quite happily in fact :) They might find me the most understanding negotiator ever. fml

Thank you for listening / reading.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 14, 2010
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So Andy's claim on this forum [quoted by Pinababy] amounts to...how can I say this diplomatically...a string of gross untruths.

I think Scuter meant to say Ryan's claim on this forum, not Andy.

Thanks for the additional clarification Scuter. Reading the rest of it, really is sickening to me.

And one final point, Scuter does have all the chat transcripts, emails, etc. to back up all claims made in re: conversations with the casino.

Thanks again guys and gals here at AGD, we'll leave it with you. I think you have all the facts, and are welcome to whatever evidence you wish to see. I have PM'd Dom, as Christine suggested...so she will be aware as well. And Christine, I understand about real life stuff going on. Like I said, no worries.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Thanks Pina - that's like the 3rd time I've done that. I'm downie or something - apologies Andy! have edited to fix..again...


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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Boy, I turn my back for one day and find this thread. I have not read it in complete detail yet.

Richclicks was approved before we started to consider the Casinomeister Rogue List as far as I remember.

It is approved solely on the basis of affiliate T&Cs.

Personally, I don't know them at all and just stayed clear since I only promote entities personally known to me so I have recourse available.

For AGD, however, that's irrelevant because we deal purely with documented facts here, digging into the legal mumbo jumbo in T&C's no one likes to analyse because it's too time consuming and makes smoke come out of your ears.

We can re-open discussion for the AGD board review process.

Some questions that can expedite things:

Is the casino in question on Bryan's rogue list?

Has a PAB been filed?

What were the results?

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but it's a good thing to make the facts easily viewable for the board. When we have to read through tons of threads or visit other sites to find facts, it delays things considerably.

Again, I need to point out that AGD will be rolling out a player solution soon, so we are all waiting for the programmers to finish on that. For that reason AGD will not be expanding player involvement at this time, since there will be an efficient platform dealing with player aspects in the same way that AGD deals with affiliate aspects.

Andy is not here this week (Andy, please contact me asap when back) and my presence is very spotty over the next two weeks because of a combination of visits from relatives we only see every 20 years or so, and some health issues of my husband's which have me driving him to various doctor's offices for a while.

I will still be checking in regularly.

I will reopen the board discussion of Richclicks and we will report back after we have dissected the issue..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Some questions that can expedite things:

Is the casino in question on Bryan's rogue list?

Has a PAB been filed?

What were the results?

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but it's a good thing to make the facts easily viewable for the board. When we have to read through tons of threads or visit other sites to find facts, it delays things considerably.

Hey Dom....thanks for the reply.

They are not on the rogue list....yet. There was a warning issued against them in March of this year....part of the reason for that warning being non responsiveness.

No, there has been no PAB filed, as Scuter is banned at CM. His banning isn't relevant to the 1Club issue itself, ie. not related to player fraud or anything like that. He was banned for some over the top posts regarding the industry in general and/or flaming. Like I said, totally irrelevant in the context of his case, or whether or not he merits assistance IMO.

Just to try and pare things down for you, if you could just read my post in this thread (#9), and Scuter's directly following it (#10), that should sum up the issue for you (I think)..and hopefully provide you with the facts, at least as we see them.

Thanks again Dom...and enjoy the family. Get back to me/us whenever you can, or after Andy returns...whenever.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Here's another "Rogue" in the making that is directly connected to this group as well...:rolleyes:

A new RTG Casino named "Casino Beach"...


Management of 1Club started emailing me almost primarily from ReeferCasino and CasinoBeach [two of their brands I had never heard of, let alone opened accounts at] once my emails regarding full playing history Audit changed from polite requests to DEMANDS.

Replies to those emails bounced - when I requested from James why he insisted on emailing me only from those Support emails which did not exist, he claimed "human error". Hmm - strange human error to repeat 15 times in a row, what with the emails he's sending from not EXISTING.

Other websites owned by SaturnBingo [same group] are:


I'm banned on CM [usernames JHV for flaming: which I was definitely guilty of for at least 1, maybe 2 of my 4 life bans - as TheGamblingGuru can reliably confirm, I'm sure :( - and also username SamD (duplicate account to create Tradition thread) - but perhaps someone should add the above info to that CM thread...?]

digging into the legal mumbo jumbo in T&C's no one likes to analyse because it's too time consuming and makes smoke come out of your ears.

Well yes lolz. The smoke. And the fact that there is not a remotely 'legal' thing about 99% of casino Terms/Conditions; which are almost all written by writers who have no legal or writing ability, let alone qualifications - not that it matters, the Terms aren't ever binding on the casino - not even for LGA or Alderney, let alone random Pacific islands which don't offer gaming licenses - ahem.

Redundancy and bad attempts at legalese aren't exactly my Cup of Tea. I haven't seen RichClick's Affiliate T/C but 1Club recently rewrote their T/C from scratch for players from this:


To this:


As the previous Terms were not binding, as they learned from Hastings, they quickly rewrote the Terms to around 30 pages of nonsense which includes clauses which state "if you use your account, you agree to reimburse us for all losses / expenses we sustain" [yep, we're talking about a casino here]

Of course, tomorrow they could change their Terms to 500 pages. Equally as redundant as 99% of casino industry Terms. Albeit slightly - and *only* slightly - more ridiculous.

I see Pinababy has already answered the questions, cheers. Hope your husband can own illness's face rapidly! And the AGD Player stuff sounds really cool...thanks Dom!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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that should sum up the issue for you (I think)..and hopefully provide you with the facts, at least as we see them.

I could learn a great deal from Pinababy's diplomatic writing abilities, but just to once again reaffirm I have evidence for every allegation I ever make. Or, if evidence was not held by me, I would stress this fact when making the allegation.

So...the facts, as we [and the hard evidence] sees them :)


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'm banned on CM [usernames JHV for flaming: which I was definitely guilty of for at least 1, maybe 2 of my 4 life bans - as TheGamblingGuru can reliably confirm, I'm sure :( - and also username SamD (duplicate account to create Tradition thread) - but perhaps someone should add the above info to that CM thread...?]

LOL J, guess it will have to be Pina to post about those other establishments over there at CM, I'm in the same boat as you there...I've been banned there for awhile myself! :p

We're in some great company though, (previous posters that called BS there) LOL


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 4, 2010
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We're in some great company though, (previous posters that called BS there) LOL

That we are, Sir. That we most certainly are. I am quite proud to belong to that distinguished club.

But for fear of tilting my guardian angel Pinababy, I shall shut my trap effectively immediately :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
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Just a note for the AGD guys really, but there is another 1Club player issue "bubbling under" that may be public soon.

I can't believe I just read that a casino has a $1k a month cashout limit. I mean...seriously? ???

Rich Clicks

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:


Audit coming soon

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