Why I work with Reffiliates

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Why do I work with Refilliates?

1. Getting Affiliates Paid
Yes, this is out of the ordinary for me to post like this.. but I have to give huge praise for the guys at Refilliates (Tropica Affiliates, if you still know them by that name). They have gotten A LOT of Rival affiliates paid. And I mean a lot. I am one of those guys who was owed $x,xxx USD. They were persistent and in the end took matters into their own hands to get me paid by an affiliate program that was having a difficult time paying me.

2. Getting me the materials I need
I get materials for my website (mainly new slot information) from them well before game launch. The details are excellent and any questions I have about it are answered. I am ready to put up information weeks in advance of any game coming out if I wish.

3. Communication
They are always willing to help. Always answering emails. Always offering advice. I asked about a website of mine and they provided some excellent details between 2 AM's on how I might improve the site on a page by page basis. Complete with graphics, circles, and numbers pointing out which portion of the page they were talking about and how I might fix it (make it better). Absolutely outstanding, IMO.

4. Pay on time
They always pay on time. I also expect they would communicate if they were not on time. They communicate well, see #3 above :)

5. Trust
The most important part... trust. Because of #1 - 4, I trust them. They have 2 Rival-based casinos and have quickly become more trustworthy than any others (IMO) due to #1 alone.

anyway... There are few Rivals to choose from these days that we all trust. While I think Rival has been clearing up many of the issues with these brands - I think Refilliates stands out with the best reputation. As affiliates - let's vote with our banners and start promoting these guys. It just makes sense. Take down those old banners for Rockbet and SimonSays and all those others that haven't done you well.

Support AGD even, if you want

Join Refilliates with the banner above. Join their casinos using the link below. But.. the best news would simply be to join and give these guys a shot. I think they deserve our trust at this point.

[CasinoCode=273]Refilliate Casinos - Click to see, Play to support AGD[/CasinoCode]

Click to Join Refilliates


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
I would have but I am already part of the team... unfortunately I have not had enough traffic on my UK casino review site to make any conversions so I don;t know first hand.

I wholeheartedly support these posts, even from the boss man. It is the true purpose of participating in forums like these, to know who has been doing stuff right, and who is TRUSTABLE.

I used to post my top paying, converting, and overall best programs monthly and I should get back into that habit more often.

Now to voice opinion from the other side of the field... I found their artwork to be terrible looking, especially in the banner department. Even with the very pretty gal on their homepage, you don't get the feel of the tropics, and thus I found it difficult to get pity clicks based on visual stimuli alone.

My suggestion to the Refaffiliate team is to see what type of graphics are working in the US market and get with the program.

Now, does this help them and us in regard to you posting? Absolutely and thanks very much because in a recent poll on CAP I stated how I feel about newer programs. I do not plan to work with another affiliate company unless someone I have known for awhile can prove they have been paid and also give me an idea about their conversions and work ethic.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
I joined Reaffiliates recently. Damn, I always mean to check AGD for a referral link. It'd be great if AGD could have a list of referral links we could use when we join a program.

Tropica / Cash o' lot

Affiliate Program Representative
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Thank you Andrew for the great recommendation and for your support. It really means a lot to the team who work non-stop to ensure the brands become the number 1 Rivals to play at.

Muffincrumbs - your feedback is great! We have just finished designing our new Tropica Banners and we will be making these live soon. I will ask our designers to share these with you so you can provide feedback. We will be rolling out UK, Australia and India themed sites within the next few weeks to help with acquisition in those countries.

FictionNet (and all other affiliates here): If you are an affiliate of ours via this site, then please PM me your login. I want to make certain you are linked to Andrew so that he can be paid for his efforts. Andrew is one of the hardest working affiliates we work with and we need to look after him so sites like AGD (and others) can remain operational and profitable.

Our main focus is Non-US markets as we seem to convert and retain better there without the complications of US processing, which continue to plague the region. With Tropica having 25 Free and 3 Match offers and Cash o' Lot offering 850 Free during the 10 Steps to Riches Deposit process, we seem to have a relatively sound formula that players seem to enjoy.

I hope we can continue to grow your revenues and maintain a honest, professional relationship with all of you. Our main objective is to make affiliates and players feel they are getting exactly what they want from our brands.

Now, I will let you get back to your morning paper and coffee :emoticon-0162-coffe

Have a great weekend!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Dieter, I will PM you my affy ID today. Thank you.

ETA: Dieter, I don't see an option to PM you.
Last edited:

Tropica / Cash o' lot

Affiliate Program Representative
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Hi FictionNet,

PM's are now working - please send me your Aff ID.


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