SlotsMillion - Warning Extremely Slow Player Payments


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Hi All,

Granted AGD nor is a place for player disputes.

However, IMO if or when a program's casino is not paying their players in a timely manner, it ends up hurting everyone. For the past 5+ months, has been taking ages to approve verified player withdrawals (in some instances 7 days or more - keep in mind no weekend cash outs).

Worse, after long and tedious waits to have withdrawals approved, players are then being subjected to further drawn out delays. In some cases, up to 20 working days.

All too often, when players contact SlotsMillion support, asking where their winnings are, they're being told any old story.

If waiting out these longs delays aren't bad enough, some players are now reporting their payments going MIA, and subsequently, the entire payment process starts again.

On the surface, it may seem like it's only issues with bank wires, least that's the story SlotsMillion are putting out. For the past 5+ months they've used their 3'rd party processor as a scapegoat.

But... Players who deposit via web wallets are also experiencing identically slow withdrawal approvals, and waiting ages for their winnings too. That blows the 3'rd party processor excuse out of the water.

To this end, thought I throw everyone a heads up about the ongoing (5+ months) of absurdly slow payments to players by

Not saying are going down the tubes, but we've all seen similar issues when a casino is using obvious stall tactics to not pay players winnings. Reiterating, 5+ months and it's getting worse. Certainly doesn't instill ongoing confidence.
Aug 31, 2018
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Hi AussieDave,

I will answer on behalf of SlotsMillion, as the rep of its Affiliate program, Alea Affiliates.

I do understand your frustration, it is completely justified and I sincerely apologize for the waiting time you might have had to go through for your latest withdrawals over the past 5 months, as you correctly pointed it out.

The answer you have been getting by our Customer Support is true. The issues some of our customers have been facing lately is exclusively limited to customers located in regions where banks have recently decided to reject gambling related payments. Hence the involvement of a third party to try securing the well reception of the payments. This indeed adds some extra steps and intermediary institutions, justifying possible delays.
For information, we are in the last phase of negotiation to implement a new payment method that will allow customers from these specific regions to have an alternative to wire transfers. Once implemented, it will ensure fast payments for the simple reason that it will be fully controlled by our Payment team, internally.

Now, if you have yourself experienced delays longer than 10 business days, please send me a private message with your username and I will investigate your case personally along with the manager in charge.

Thomas - SlotsMillion.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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The issues some of our customers have been facing lately is exclusively limited to customers located in regions where banks have recently decided to reject gambling related payments.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I wouldn't call 5+ months "recently".

It's just not banks. Other players who use web wallets (EG - Neteller, Ecopayz) are also affected. Reiterating, multiple verified players are reporting long delays to have their withdrawals approved for payment by SM, be this banks or web wallets.

As far as banks rejecting payment, that's a new one to my ears. Though, if that was the case, then it's more likely these "banks" would also be rejecting deposits via Visa/MC (credit and debit) but that's not taking place.

Unless SM are fudging the purchase item descriptor # on these Visa/MC deposits???!!!

There's no one reporting depositing issue. No. Just withdrawal issue.

The only time a bank would possibly reject a wire, is if it suspected the funds were connected to 'Terrorism', or 'Money Laundering'. Even then, the wired amount would need to be substantial - not a few thousand dollars, certainly not a few hundred.

I could understand if those affected, if this was their 1'st withdrawal. But, the majority of complaints are coming from verified-players who have received past payments.

The operative fact here is: 5+ months.
SM have known about these issues for that time period.

If some markets are problematic (as claimed), then there other methods which guarantee players receive their winnings, quickly. BTC for one.

Plenty of other casinos have implemented this payment option, adding, very quickly when the need arose. Yet, SlotsMillion are still sitting on their hands, and it's the poor players who are being stuffed about.

But, and reiterating once more, it's just not slow withdrawals or "banks". It's SM's Payment Dept., approval of withdrawals too. Seems the entire withdrawal/payment procedure is running at snail speed.
  • Multiple reports of withdrawals sitting in pending state for literally days on end;
  • When payments are finally approved, then sent, they take weeks to arrive;
  • Payments lost in transit, and more delays incurred.
  • Just not banks, but web wallets too.
  • Accusations leveled at 3'rd party processor, anyone other than SM is at fault.
Players, affiliates, and anyone with any time in this industry, has seen these tell-tale-signs play out before. 99.999% of the time, it all points to financial (cash flow) issues.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
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So the question is - Slotsmillion, are you suffering from financial problems? Didnt you just close down one of your brands?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Didnt you just close down one of your brands?

I believe your referring to, which closed on the 13'th May 2019. Not a spur of the moment decision. Though the most obvious, would seem to be financial.

After the Affiliate Republik fiasco, the catalyst being Tropezia Palace Casino, called out on questionable antics I believe. May 2015 Tropezia Palace severed ties with their previous affiliate program (Affiliate Republic). AFAIK, Alea Affiliates rose from those ashes.

Some may recall Merit (Affiliate Republik AM), she was always extremely helpful. But when the above went down, she fled the ship. I mention this, because Charlotte, who was the SM rep at CM, went MIA too. According to Thomas (CM post), she's a busy person and her current position hasn't allowed her time to respond the threads. I'm starting to wonder if like Merit, Charlotte has now jumped ship too...

The problem with these situation is 9 times out of 10, the venue chooses to play semantics. When simply coming out and being truthful with players, and keeping them in the loop, would be the better decision.

Instead, most venue ends up out-smarting themselves, and with clear deflective replies, that's when past issues usually break daylight, again.

From what I've read, it seems SlotsMillion's payment issues, have slowly grown worse, to the point, where loyal players have aired their concerns en masse. However, these payment issues are still ongoing.

Nothing has changed for 5+ months, if anything, it's a lot worse now!

With the closure of LadyLucks this month, and the fact these payment issues are not just "banks" and their 3'rd party processor (as Thomas would have you think), my guess, and reiterating, it sure looks like a cash-flow problem to me.
Aug 31, 2018
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Hi AussieDave,

While I appreciate and respect your involvement in trying to find reasons to point out financial problems in SlotsMillion's end, I will personally not enter in any discussion with you here that are not related to the main reason that made you start this thread. I invite you to have a chat or call with Antonio, our VIP manager, to discuss your thoughts further.

The wire transfer that you requested on the 21st of May at 01:01am (GMT+2, our timezone) was approved and sent to our third-party by one of our Payment agents at 09:38am the following day (i.e. 8 hours and 37 minutes later) which I believe can be considered as pretty efficient. If you would like to see actual proof of this, please do let me know and I will send them to you. We then received a confirmation for the actual processing of the payment from our third-party on the 24th, at 10:41am. As we have informed you, such wire transfers can take up to 10 business days before hitting your account. As of today, it is still too early for us to alarm and escalate any possible issue regarding your payment to our third-party processor.

Please, inform us once you receive the funds.

Kind regards,


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Dec 17, 2006
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