Rewards has been smacked by Google

Rewards Affiliates


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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I didn't say you had to promote our brands. What I was getting at, was why don't you use this time to rank your own sites there and get all the traffic we are missing out on. I.e. make money with your site from our "misfortune". IMO that would be more productive (and make affs more money) than talking about why the sites are not there. I hope thats a little clearer.

Nope we do not have to promote your brands, but we already have promoted your brands and those that recently joined the group.

It is not that simple just to remove CR brands and the problem would be solved, knowing about the internal cross promotion - damaging our players base - which is still very much an issue.

Sometimes it is NOT all about the money Renee, a partnerprogram we can trust and rely on is IMO far more important than the feared "google dance" for SERP where one could be making money from the other person's having a misfortune.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
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This thread is not about the program, it's about some sites no longer appearing in the serps. I was giving a positive "tip" regarding this.

You know, I was going to write more but I'm not even going to bother. Do whatever you want. You are obviously not interested in making good of a bad situation.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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We all definitely need to stop the name calling / inflammatory comments (even in relation to an affiliate program). I don't agree with RA's cross promotional techniques either, but saying mean things about them instead of a discussion helps nobody.

I would love to see the cross promotion stop. I went from $$ every month with Villento/Rich Reels to $0 as soon as RA took them over. I wasn't thrilled with that at all. Same thing happened with some of the other properties taken over. Again, I am not happy with any of that. That's my issue with RA - cross promotion that (at least on the surface) appears to have taken any players I may have had away from the casinos I sent them to (without tracking to my account).

I will say that I haven't exactly pushed RA to tell me why, though. I'm sure they have a reason, but I have heard this same scenario from several affiliates, so it will be difficult for me to believe anything at this point.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I actually agree with Renee about it being much more productive to focus on building sites rather than reduce ourselves to this. Remember time is money. I don't think beating on pots and pans is going to feed anyone. The idea she should start wasting time and producing emails to and from google is a joke.

The facts are out, so probably time to just play your hand, dump them or keep them. Plus this thread just wasn't about this. the SEO part is kind of interesting though. I can't really blame her for being defensive in this thread. my 2 cents. -- beat me, but make it quick. :eek:
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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With comments like these I can understand why it would be easy to think that I'm trying to be rude or hostile, but that is not the case. I was hoping you guys would read between the lines of my post, but I will make myself clearer.

I didn't say you had to promote our brands. What I was getting at, was why don't you use this time to rank your own sites there and get all the traffic we are missing out on. I.e. make money with your site from our "misfortune". IMO that would be more productive (and make affs more money) than talking about why the sites are not there.

I hope thats a little clearer.

Hit me up on email/chat/phone etc and give me a list.

I wasn't thinking you were being rude. I took it as exactly as you posted it.

My comment was more about a "do the right thing or it will come back to haunt you" type thing.
This has to do with RA using affiliates to bring in players and then siphoning off the players through untagged cross promotion. Which is perfectly fine if its the policy upfront, but it wasn't. No one likes to be decieved.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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When I posted this thread I was just posting it as a heads up, not trying to start a pissing match. Its a shame it devolved into one.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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I see not only the .com's been smacked but also the domains with specific country TLD's ? E.g : In is not ranking for their name casino action.


AGD Member Ltd
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
Anyway the big G are doing what ever they wants ... That sucks !
We all should do something !
Maybe start our own SE and beat them ? :)


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I guess it goes to how something is read when it comes to forum posting, it is hard to gauge how someone is coming across so for that I apologize to Renee for any over reacting I may have done. I agree with what everyone has said as well it is just time to decide on our own what is best for our business either promote or don't promote Rewards.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Renee said:
Quote Originally Posted by lots0
but rewards management is lacking more than a few brain cells.
With comments like these I can understand why it would be easy to think that I'm trying to be rude or hostile, but that is not the case. I was hoping you guys would read between the lines of my post, but I will make myself clearer.
I apologize. I should have been clearer, I was also expecting people to read between the lines... :p

Some of the SEO methods that were/are approved by RA management were bound to lead to problems.
Whenever google catches a site trying to deliberately manipulate their rankings, google WILL take action.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
I guess it goes to how something is read when it comes to forum posting, it is hard to gauge how someone is coming across so for that I apologize to Renee for any over reacting I may have done. I agree with what everyone has said as well it is just time to decide on our own what is best for our business either promote or don't promote Rewards.

Yep it does. But you know me - I'm the biggest softy around and I'm pretty direct. If I wanted to be an asshole, you'd know 100% that I'm being an asshole. There would be no doubt about it.

I apologize. I should have been clearer, I was also expecting people to read between the lines... :p

Some of the SEO methods that were/are approved by RA management were bound to lead to problems.
Whenever google catches a site trying to deliberately manipulate their rankings, google WILL take action.

Yep I knew exactly what you were getting at. Was just using it as an example for the people who thought I was retaliating.

Could it be somebody reported them to Google for manipulation SERP?

Unless you were the person reporting it, I don't think that is important.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Yes I thought the same thing might have happened - either a competitor or an annoyed affiliate / player / employee. Who knows, no-one will ever find out.

I've seen this happen before to a colleague's site and "we're working with google" means very little as google refuses to tell anyone the specific reasons why they have been penalised. All they will say is your site violated our guidelines. It becomes a crap shoot in the dark trying to fix it. I wouldn't want to be in the Rewards SEO guy's shoes right now.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
RA has been pushing the SEO envelope hard for over a year that I know of... I am sure the increase in SEO activity was a direct reaction to their casinos dropping rankings in the organic SERP.

The fact that several of the anti-virus vendors have blocked RA at the same time that RA got slapped by google... makes me think that it was a technical issue that brought RA's questionable actions to google's attention. But who knows... When you constantly make people angry... You always run the risk of being 'tattled' on.

A word to the wise... with RA being 'slapped' by google, it is a sure bet that RA's casinos are on google's bad neighborhood list.
A no_follow will not protect your rankings from a link to a "Bad Neighborhood" on your site.

I would expect RA to come out with 'new' domain names soon (.lv is popular), in an effort to get past the penalization and anti-virus problems.
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