Rene Hartl and the Interwetten thieves


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
So we've recently had our account with Interwetten which has been active for many years shut down by affiliate manager Rene Hartl, who is now up there in the running with Onno van 't Hoff from Royal Panda for the most incompetent affiliate manager of the year award.

A long time ago we received an email from them demanding ID documents to verify our account, like many other programs have been doing. No problem, we send them the usual kit that everyone else asks for... ID documents, shareholdings, company registration etc.

Not good enough for Interwetten. They also require the scan of my drivers license, which is acceptable to every other affiliate program, to be officially certified by someone and the original paper copy mailed all the way to Malta. They also ask for me to go to my local police department and get an official paper document stating that I don't have a criminal record. Rene lies and states that it is a Malta Gaming Authority requirement. Really Rene? It is funny that no other affiliate program has asked for this, and even more curious is that the others I asked about it stated categorically that there is no such requirement. It is a lie I believe in order to give them an excuse to close accounts.

As an aside, knowing how this industry is run, can you imagine the reaction if I asked for the same from half these affiliate programs and casino owners? I'm sure there are more than a few "colourful" police records out there.

Anyway I can see the writing on the wall here and what they are trying to do, but I call their bluff and go and apply for the documents and I am told it can take 4-6 weeks, not to mention it costs me $60. I tell Rene this and that I am waiting until it is sent to me. A few days he closes our account without an apology or any communication at all. I know this because I can't log in to check stats any more.

Weeks later I have the document and the perhaps naive hope they might re-open the account but due to the vague nature of the emails I have received from Interwetten, I still don't know if they want the original police report mailed to them or just a copy. I remind them that IF their lie was true and I have to send an original, I would be required to pay $60 for every single Malta affiliate program we deal with, plus probably have to answer some awkward questions at the police station as to why I need 100 copies of my non-existent criminal history. No response from Rene again, I presume he's too busy chugging Ribena and playing Fortnite or something.

So more weeks pass, I'm extremely frustrated now, our account is still closed, clicks are presumably being lost, and Rene is still off with the fairies. I send another email with a photo of me holding both the police check and the certified license to prove I have the documents and asking once again whether both originals need to be sent to Malta. No response again for a few weeks until I chase it up yet again.

It is now that Rene informs me that as he did not like the position of my finger holding the document in the photo that I sent he is not going to re-open our account. It was not intentional and I think it is quite a funny accident in hindsight but it seems Rene is a touchy soul. Obviously I must have broken the term in their T&Cs that says "if we disagree with the artistic quality or finger placement in photos that you send us we have the right to terminate your account." Yeah that one.

Of course this game they played was designed to ensure they could close our account. I have not broken the agreement. I have done what they asked. I have sent an email asking for some kind of explanation 2 weeks ago but Rene, as per usual, has not responded. I swear this clown must have cushiest affiliate manager job in the world. Send out an email or two once a month and just sit back the rest of the time doing nothing. I looked through my records and the only other contact I have had with this guy is back in 2017 when a payment failed. I sent an email with correct bank details then another one a week later asking if he got the first email. No response to either. Sounds familiar?

Oh well if I ever run into him at a conference or something I guess will have to give him the finger for real.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Same old song, however, this case is extreme.

Casinos are asking for all kind of documents while having misinterpreted the rules and having the affiliates' money in their pocket. I've had once a program asking for a criminal record. It was the joke of the day here at the police station an illegal gambling site asking their affiliates for a clean criminal record.

And if you ever ask a casino somethings, no way they are going to provide any documents.

Clowns like Rene feel safe behind their screen. In the real world, people would pull this kind of clowns over the counter. We read that a lot in the newspaper, it's, of course, better to solve things civilized, but sometimes it's well-deserved.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
Reaction score
How common is it to be asked of documents as an affiliate? Never had that happen to me nor any of my affiliate friends. Is it only for Malta registered affs?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks to the OP for the post.
They also require the scan of my drivers license, which is acceptable to every other affiliate program, to be officially certified by someone and the original paper copy mailed all the way to Malta.
They also ask for me to go to my local police department and get an official paper document stating that I don't have a criminal record.

Had a similar request from Interwetten 8 months ago. I also pointed out it was unusual as we've never been required to do anything like this with any other program - and many are registered in Malta.

I also pointed out that if this was money laundering regulations then it would be more appropriate for THEM to send ME documents - as it is INTERWETTEN that are sending money.

The discussion was polite - but unyielding.

We had worked with Interwetten since 2001. I explained that I would NOT be sending a police record document or certified papers - unless there was a reciprocal arrangement by the INTERWETTEN company owner and AM.

That was never going to happen so I said that they should close our affiliate account.

Frankly, the decision was that we are better off dropping this group now than continuing on a path that is likely to get more and more ridiculous as they become more and more obscure asa gambling destination.

IN 2001 Interwetten was synonymous with a quality European gambling destination - possibly the #1 European program. In 2019 they are irrelevant.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
Same old song, however, this case is extreme.

Casinos are asking for all kind of documents while having misinterpreted the rules and having the affiliates' money in their pocket. I've had once a program asking for a criminal record. It was the joke of the day here at the police station an illegal gambling site asking their affiliates for a clean criminal record.

And if you ever ask a casino somethings, no way they are going to provide any documents.

Clowns like Rene feel safe behind their screen. In the real world, people would pull this kind of clowns over the counter. We read that a lot in the newspaper, it's, of course, better to solve things civilized, but sometimes it's well-deserved.

Why was the gambling site "illegal"? And why promote and "illegal" site in the first place?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Rene lies and states that it is a Malta Gaming Authority requirement. Really Rene? It is funny that no other affiliate program has asked for this, and even more curious is that the others I asked about it stated categorically that there is no such requirement. It is a lie I believe in order to give them an excuse to close accounts.
This is a directive from his boss to tell this big porkie pie or Rene is up to something else himself ;) Either way this is direct theft of the players that you have sent to them over "x" amount of time. Your players (and many other affiliates players) to state the obvious are now on the house account or on some other affiliates account (maybe ones who like Ribena also).
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
How common is it to be asked of documents as an affiliate? Never had that happen to me nor any of my affiliate friends. Is it only for Malta registered affs?

It is increasingly common especially with programs in regulated jurisdictions like the UK. I am not in Malta. It has nothing to do with where you live as an affiliate, but rather where the affiliate program is located and the AML regulations they follow.

IN 2001 Interwetten was synonymous with a quality European gambling destination - possibly the #1 European program. In 2019 they are irrelevant.

Ain't that the truth. The small consolation is that our rev had dwindled with them over the years, so it's no great loss.

Your players (and many other affiliates players) to state the obvious are now on the house account or on some other affiliates account (maybe ones who like Ribena also).

Yes and the irony of someone stealing our account while inventing appeals to authority and asking for criminal record checks at the same time is not lost on me.

Interwetten Affiliates

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Predatory
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:


Audit coming soon

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