Playshare Shaves?


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I don't want to sound like a knocker because I'm anything but.

Technically what you've suggested is a great idea, however its flawed, sorry.
There are only a few of us who will fight hammer and nail. Who will yank programs whether it affects out income or not.

10% of affiliates make 90% of all earnings ... just because one or a few of the 90% that makes 10% identify and drop a shaving program - is it really going to hurt the program?
No it wont!

Blacklists and ostracising rogues casinos doesn't work. If it did, Virtual Casino Group would have gone south years ago. In fact the blacklisted possibly helped them in screwing over more players and affiliates.

That's the point here. These methods just don't work mate!

Present a solution which can busts these thieves. In addition have a small crew who will submit Press Releases to main stream media day in, day out. I can say with confidence do this and the crooked affiliate program(s) will take notice and fix up their act.

To take action like this we don't need hundreds of webmaster, we just need a committed group of people (affiliates) who can donate an hour a day to this project - if and when Press Releases need to be sent out.

Take this course of action & go hard at it for a couple of weeks and watch the thieves fall into line. Do it a couple of times and I doubt too many other programs would risk running the gauntlet with us.

Edit: Maybe a Mod can move these posts to a new Thread. The OP has issue with Playshare shaving. Our posts have taken the OP thread off topic.



Last edited:


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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Edit: Maybe a Mod can move these posts to a new Thread. The OP has issue with Playshare shaving. Our posts have taken the OP thread off topic.
1000% agree!
I posted my response to this thread in the other thread, as requested:
http:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/auditing-monitoring-affiliate-tracking-t3446.html

And there is a third thread too - so we are discussing this in 3 separate places now - we are dividing and conquering ourselves! :eek:



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
1000% agree!
I posted my response to this thread in the other thread, as requested:
http:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/auditing-monitoring-affiliate-tracking-t3446.html

And there is a third thread too - so we are discussing this in 3 separate places now - we are dividing and conquering ourselves! :eek:


I think all these threads discussing the same topic makes it confusing to follow.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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We have been doing our own testing for about 3 years now , I have 20-30 players in about 12 countries and we send them random amounts each month.It can get expensive but the $10,000 or so we spend each year on test players give me peace of mind .I randomly sent offers to players on our mailing lists asking if they would do tests for us and that is how we have built our test players.I also found about 10 or so mostly europeans on forums like Digital point who we have bought services from in the past.People TOTALLY outside our business.
A couple times when we have seen issues we have shared it with others who may be able to bring some things to light .I personally do not want the responsibility and I do the tests for my own business use and in the end my gut feeling has part of my decision on working with programs or not.The worst instance we even got was 5 players in same month not not tracking to us ,they claimed there was cookie issues.I shared that info in GPWA private members area.

In regard to Playshare ,I do not mind sharing this that we had a prepaid arrangement with them that went back to 2008 ,we did a refund of the balance about a year ago as I did not wish to be 'obligated' to keep such poor performing casinos on our site.
When we did that refund , we dropped them off a bit but our earnings have been very strong there for past few months. we did a test back in 2009 on a small scale only 4 players and total of deposits were only $460.00.

I know a small bit about programming and it seems to me if this was a innocent mistake then there should be others that are affected in these forums.The affiliate in question had this happen to a test player , my question is how do those of us who do not have any test players at this time know if we are affected or not?

I would like to see the technical explanation of the problem as i know we have quite a few qualified programmers who would be able to smell any BS .



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Hi All,

With no means of access to the back office the doors are left wide open for any program to shave at will.

The only recourse affiliates have in keeping the bastards honest is to send test players. Having to do this is just another expense out of people's pockets. But it's a must do exercise.

IMHO affiliate shafting is of epidemic proportions these days.

I promote Playshare and have not noticed any strangeness.





Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I agree it is likely more common than not , I have had a Rival casino where literally nearly 600 REAL MONEY Players have gone from my account within 3 months .I got all the excuses like it is summer they are on vacation etc but to lose a few hundred players in a single month is too much.This was about 18 months ago but based on that it turned me from rivals and new casinos.
I try not to let my mind think if we are not making money we are being cheated but it is hard to believe when you can make so much with one group and nothing with another. We also will have different experiences with programs as well .Obviously if Program A pays your bills and is quite a bit higher than Program B you cannot shift all traffic to Program B and hope for the best.

I had one program I had suspected of shaving for a while ,I started sending my manager emails that I could not understand why i earn so little $300 -$600 a month .It seemed whenever i complained my income shot up ,one month to over $1700!It became sort of a game for me and the 'third conincidence' it happened I pulled them.I can't prove anything of course which is why i won't name them but we all have these things that put doubt in our minds.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 8, 2009
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I had one program I had suspected of shaving for a while ,I started sending my manager emails that I could not understand why i earn so little $300 -$600 a month .It seemed whenever i complained my income shot up ,one month to over $1700!It became sort of a game for me and the 'third conincidence' it happened I pulled them.I can't prove anything of course which is why i won't name them but we all have these things that put doubt in our minds.

Ha, this is exactly what happens when my brother complains to sloto.

For me if I don't see the kind of returns I know I should be seeing with my traffic they are slowly coming down as I update. When a casino offers the same strong 400% bonus and I send the same traffic to 2 different programs and one kills it while the other does shit, I know something is up. It doesn't really matter what the reason is "shaving, bad luck" ect.. my move is still the same, they are coming down. I am not interested in babying any program, either pay me the dividends or I will find someone who will with the same traffic. Short leash on all of them.

And I don't ever buy those excuses either that it's the holidays, summer ect... I mean sure it's gonna slow down some, but its all relative. If my traffic hasn't slowed down don't feed me that bs and expect me to believe everyone is searching google and signing up with the casino now so they can play next year. What do you think I rode the short bus or something? I don't buy that shit one bit. If everyone prepared like that and adopted that sort of mindset our country wouldn't be in shambles like it is.

If nothing else comes of this thread, at least we all get to vent a little. I think that does us good. And note to the good programs, you know who you are, keep up the good work and thanks for being fair with us. You will never know how much that's appreciated. For you dud programs, you can go cheat someone else bc the cleaning of the hacienda has commenced.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Ha, this is exactly what happens when my brother complains to sloto.

To me too, as far as I can see it the downturn has begun late this summer.

*1 player active* this month at Sloto.

I am going to mouse axe all "a valueless, troublesome, or noxious brands growing wild, especially one that grows profusely or on cultivated ground to the exclusion or injury of the desired crop; weeds collectively"



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I had one program I had suspected of shaving for a while ,I started sending my manager emails that I could not understand why i earn so little $300 -$600 a month .It seemed whenever i complained my income shot up

Funny you should bring something like that up.

Not that I emailed my aff manager went over his head but income had dropped to a pittance. I Raised hell. Woke up a few days later checked stats, I'd made over $5K. That figure rose to $10,770US. The next month, it crashed again.

Oh I'm confident shaving (stealing; theft) is the norm these days not the exception.





Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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To me too, as far as I can see it the downturn has begun late this summer.

It starting getting real bad for me around June 2010 but definitely been going south every since. Same traffic volumes (more in some cases) but conversion are generally crap. Or players deposits once or twice and disappear.

Gambling and sex are and have always been recession proof.




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