Bitstarz and Olle are Top Notch

Starz Partners (formerly Bitstarz Affiliates)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
For those who know me, you'd know, I tend to shoot 1'st, then ask questions later. In most cases, I'm pretty spot on-the-mark when it comes to sniffing out BS. Hence, more than a few affiliate managers over the years have coped my wrath.

However, on the odd occasion, even I screw up, and make a bad/wrong judgement call. That's certainly the case, when it comes to both Bitstarz and Olle.

After being treated badly as a player by another Direx N.V. casino 3.5K stolen from me (who incidentally is no longer under Direx N.V. control), I simply assumed all casinos under this license were tarred with by the same dishonest-brush.

Well that's certainly not the case here. An affiliate friend I've known for years contacted me, and said Olle, and Bitstarz are the real deal. There's not BS there. As I trust this person, I decided to join Bitstarz to see for myself.

I'm thrilled to report, that since I've been playing here for the past couple of months, there's been no drama with cashouts (there are no withdrawal limits)... Olle has been my VIP host for a good part of my time, there.

A couple of weeks ago, I hit it pretty big on their Quickspin slots. So big, QS enforce a play audit. So for 48 hours a small amount of my total withdrawals were in limbo, awaiting QS's OK to release them.

Olle however decided 48 hours was enough time to check the validity of those wins, and instead of waiting for the word from QS, he advise me that, if he arrived at work the following day and those funds were still in limbo, he'd release them himself.

I ended up reversing them. Though in comparison to what I'd withdrawn (won) already, those reversals were a speck in the sand.

Anyway, up until tonight Olle had no idea his new VIP client was AussieDave. I've informed him in an email, and advised I'd be making this post at AGD.

Reiterating, most times I'm spot on. However sometimes I get it wrong. To this end, I simply felt compelled to write this post about how impressed I am with both Olle, and the Bitstarz team.




Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
Reaction score
Seems like it worth giving them some more space on my websites

Bitstarz Affiliates

Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 18, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Dave,

First of all, I really appreciate giving us a shot, and I had absolutely no clue that the person I was talking to was you :)

About your experience with another Direx Casino, I'm very sorry about that, mate. I'd like to emphasize that despite us using the same platform as the other Direx brands, we have no company ties to them. The owner of BitStarz only owns BitStarz and nothing else. I'm happy that despite the bad experience, you gave us a fair chance.

I'm not saying that BitStarz is perfect either, we make mistakes as a collective and I make them as a person, and I think it says a lot about a person who's willing to admit that perhaps we don't always make the right calls and is willing to change their mind. That speaks volumes about one's character.

I have to say it's humbling to receive such kind feedback from someone who's been in the industry for such a long time. It gives us the confidence that we're doing something right and it encourages us to work even harder to improve all aspects of the BitStarz operation.

So with all this said, thank you so much for the kind words, you certainly made my month :)


Starz Partners (formerly Bitstarz Affiliates)

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