Terms of Shame » Bet365 Affiliates

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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[Regular quota und a way to steal old players]
2. Your Rights and Obligations
2.2 Minimum Referral Requirement
All bet365 affiliates are required to refer a minimum of 5 active Customers within a three month period of joining the program. Should an affiliate not reach this requirement the affiliate account may be closed, but you will have the option to open a new affiliate account.

[First payout quota]
4. Referral Commission Payouts
4.1 Referral Fee Payout Requests
Your bet365affiliate account must have a minimum of 5 active referred Customers before you will be eligible for Referral Commission payment. Subject to clause 6, you are entitled to one payout per month, providing you have fulfilled the above Customer requirement at the end of the preceding month.

[Termination backdoor]
6. Continued Promotion
We reserve the right to reduce Referral Commission percentages if you reduce your efforts to recruit new Customers. Your reduced or suspended promotion of our sites will be deemed to represent your termination of this Agreement.

[Termination even without reason]
5.1 Term and Termination
Termination is at will, with or without reason, by either party.


Minimum Payout

For information purposes

4. Referral Commission Payouts
4.1 Referral Fee Payout Requests

50 EUR [...] 50 GBP [...] 100 USD

Source: bet365affiliates.com/UI/Pages/Affiliates/?ContentPath=/Affiliates/v2_Root/informationPages/termsAndConditions&lng=1
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Not sure Bet365 deserve calling out, got one very small account that still ain't hit the 5 player threshold and at least a couple of years old. There's been no hint of closing the account. In over 10 years of doing this, bet365 have probably been the best or at least most honest and reliable


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Player quotas are 100% SCAM.

Nothing more than a program's desire to steal an affiliate's rightful commission earnings. When an affiliate decides to reduce their expose; because frankly who in their right mind would keep sending referred players to a program, who, only pays commission IF the affiliate meets the program's quota???!!!

So, instead of Bet365 being honest, and paying each and every affiliate, for each and every tagged player who deposits and loses, they instead give this person the 'bird', and then terminate the account.

Meaning: Bet365 not only steals all ongoing commissions, but steals ALL their tagged players, by terminating the partner agreement, if, the affiliate doesn't deliver the player quota(s).

Player quotas and Admin Fees... Both are BS. Both are Theft. Both are Fraud.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Not sure Bet365 deserve calling out, got one very small account that still ain't hit the 5 player threshold and at least a couple of years old. There's been no hint of closing the account. In over 10 years of doing this, bet365 have probably been the best or at least most honest and reliable
The reason, why I am writing at all, is, I believe, the needs of the Many outweigh the needs of the Few. If you feel like in the final "Wrath of Khan" situation and are happy with your individual experience, then this is wonderful, and you have all rights to say that.

The terms however are as they are and can be a problem for the Many in the future. Unfortunately, sometimes things change quicker than expected.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Player quotas are 100% SCAM.

Nothing more than a program's desire to steal an affiliate's rightful commission earnings. When an affiliate decides to reduce their expose; because frankly who in their right mind would keep sending referred players to a program, who, only pays commission IF the affiliate meets the program's quota???!!!

So, instead of Bet365 being honest, and paying each and every affiliate, for each and every tagged player who deposits and loses, they instead give this person the 'bird', and then terminate the account.

Meaning: Bet365 not only steals all ongoing commissions, but steals ALL their tagged players, by terminating the partner agreement, if, the affiliate doesn't deliver the player quota(s).

Player quotas and Admin Fees... Both are BS. Both are Theft. Both are Fraud.
i've never seen or heard of bet365 stealing anyones players, even when they closed a load of accounts due to compliance, they have kept paying for those players. numerous people on gpwa still get paid even though they 'shut' their accounts


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 4, 2019
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I'd be in the same boat as Aidan, never heard of bad behaviour/stealing of players from bet365. I had an account closed for new referrals a few years ago, but payments keep coming on the players I referred.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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I'd be in the same boat as Aidan, never heard of bad behaviour/stealing of players from bet365. I had an account closed for new referrals a few years ago, but payments keep coming on the players I referred.
obviously things may change in the future but I do think we have to be fair on how they have acted so far


May 2, 2011
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Bet365 has had those terms for the past 17-8 years? I have seen people call them out on those since 2009 that ONE DAY it may happen but till this day, this has been the program that has treated me fairly and with respect.

From the time I used to make 30$ a month to the time I'd bring 5 figure sums their attitude towards me was always the same. I'm sure many can relate.

When sh*t hit the fans in 2017 despite disallowing many of us to promote them, bet365 left our players and till this day I still get earnings from a brand, I haven't promoted in 3 years?

Show me one program that wouldn't drop affiliates the first chance they've got especially when they are no longer "serving" them. Sky did that the very first second they got the opportunity. So did WH so did Betfair and the list goes on.

The initial 5 players is tough in the beginning, but after writing to my manager James back then, even at 3 players with 48 eur in my account I'VE GOT PAID.

Yes their terms are not ideal, yes they have a NCO, I'm pretty sure the casino earnings are bundled as well, though it says here they are not, yes the initial 5 player rule is bad for NEW affiliates, and yes they have termination clauses, but until I see this being enforced at least once for no reason, I'm willing to defend them, as being one of the most transparent and honest programs out there.


Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 7, 2016
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There is no need for quotas and personally, I don't know why programs bother to have them. An operator should be happy to get 1 player from an affiliate, instead of closing their account and getting nothing. Makes no sense having it.

Eddie G

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 28, 2012
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Ah, the sweet irony of life.

A dude claiming to be a professional roulette player for 14 years and selling his secret strategies for 100 euros is now complaining about some semi shady terms from one of the fairest affiliate programs in iGaming.

Based on years of seeing your posts and the attention to detail in them, I think, if you redirected part of that white knight attention to your affiliate projects, 5FTDs per 3 months would be a laugh.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"professional roulette player for 14 years"

This is the reason I never needed the money from this industry. You should not spread lies about me. Only the usual losers are doing that. I am not selling "secret" strategies. Where is standing the word "secret" on my website? That are serious reference books, and the 14 years are already over. If you would have the slightest idea about the personal permanancy, then your statement would not be that foolish.

I gave away all rights on my writings some time ago to the right person not only in case I will pass away, because this was demanded by a lot of people.

I have retired from gambling and also from having companies a couple of years ago. I am simply too old for all of that. Yes, I had on the contrary to 99% of all people over decades some companies in the real world with real people outside of this digital nothing, where anonymous wackos and bigmouths feel strong, companies with happy employees and more happy customers.

In the real world.

One of the reason, why this evil industry is so lousy in my opion, I have never seen so many unprofessional working people like here in the programs.

After my wife passed away, many things changed, no everything, but like in the multi-level-marketing industry and the romance scammer scene I have also shown this industry their own mirror image without having any benefits from that, and this will remain forever.

Some losers, who are attacking me since more than 35 years personal without any real arguments because of my investigative work, with letters, later in the internet, you know, I had a couple of dozens of them I believe all over the years, at the end, they all failed. Most of them vanished and as in MLM also here in this industry they did nothing for the people only for themselves.

The MLM scammers could only stop me with illegal DDoS attacks. That says it all.

The scammers here in this industry and in the MLM are really not very smart. The romance scammers are.

There is a simple logic: If a program will not use evil terms, then there is no reason to write them.

Ask your lawyer.

This is also a matter of IQ.

The terms are the legal standard in the real word. Perhaps in this virtual world people believe, they are only a joke.

No, in all businesses in the Internet terms are also the legal standard with the exception of the casino affiliate industry.

I repeat, the main reason is, most people here are only thinking for themselves.

It's everyones free choice.

Those with the biggest mouths are the first, who are whining and yelling, when their own profit will be scammed away one day. If other people have a bad time, they don't care.

Only one maybe two dozen of people in this industry of all hundeds of people are thinking different.

This is the sober truth.

I have only quoted the legal terms and will be attacked personal. Very funny. As I said many times, a low IQ industry.

And I will continue to quote terms, whether you like it or not.

Look at Aidant.CFC. He is able to express his opinion and receives a thanks for that by me. He don't need to act like a creep.

AGD makes their decision on the terms and not on sponsor money or only on opinions.
Bet365 is predatory here.
The terms are the quintessence.
For good reasons.
What else should be the quintessence for a sober category?
The legal standards are the most important thing in every world, if real or this illusional.

If a program will not use evil terms, then there is no reason to write them.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Look at Aidant.CFC. He is able to express his opinion and receives a thanks for that by me. He don't need to act like a creep.

I don't agree with you on this one, but I respect your opinion and admire your passion. I don't feel the need to be rude to anyone


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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In all my years, I've never heard of Bet365 screwing any affiliate over, with these T&C FU clauses.

However, the valid points remain. Whether a program will or wont, have or hasn't enact on these FU clauses, is a moot a point. These FU clauses are part of the T&C's agreement.

These predatory (FU) clauses shouldn't be in there at ALL.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
In all my years, I've never heard of Bet365 screwing any affiliate over, with these T&C FU clauses.

However, the valid points remain. Whether a program will or wont, have or hasn't enact on these FU clauses, is a moot a point. These FU clauses are part of the T&C's agreement.

These predatory (FU) clauses shouldn't be in there at ALL.
im sure bet365 would argue they are there to protect themselves. i think there's certainly other programs that have actually used this over the years and thats where efforts should be concentrated


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I can see both sides of the story - and I agree with just about all the comments above.
And I definitely would not sign-up to promote Bet365 these days.

The terms are bad - but totally typical of any Sports-Book centred operator.

But Bet365 are the only operator in this category that I still promote because they are the ONLY ones who haven't stabbed me in the back... yet.

ALL the others (about 10) that I promoted at some time, have run off into the sunset taking all my players and my rightful commissions with them... :(



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
im sure bet365 would argue they are there to protect themselves.

Protect themselves...lol That's like saying, I didn't run that person down, the car did :p


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Protect themselves...lol That's like saying, I didn't run that person down, the car did :p

lets keep it sensible shall we, they would, and I have seen them say it protects them against, for example, someone joining as an affiliate and putting their own betting account through. There's numerous times it's been discussed on GPWA. Like I said, why not direct efforts on the firms that have used these terms, because there's a lot out there

Bet365 Affiliates

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms Predatory
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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