WARNING: Red Hot Revenue Rogued

Rogue Affiliate Program

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score

If you are promoting Red Hot Revenue, please stop now! There are a growing number of affiliates who have not been paid and so far RHR is doing nothing about it.

We have gotten more and more information about affiliates not being paid by RHR and have had talks back and forth with RHR with no resolution at all. In fact, each email has been met with more excuses and delays.


Affiliates are not being paid for services rendered in the form of revenue sharing commissions for players sent.

Affiliates are not receiving return communications when attempting to contact Red Hot Revenue or BetRev in regards to those paid commissions.

AGD is getting delay after delay in resolving the issues with payments to affiliates owed significant amounts of monies.

Red Hot Revenue is now in our ROGUEHOUSE and will continue to remain there until payments have been made to all affiliates who are owed monies.

Your contacts at Red Hot Revenue:

Jacqui: info@redohotrevenue.com
Support: support@redhotrevenue.com

Roy does NOT work at Red Hot Revenue any more. He was an exceptional affiliate manager and I do not know what that says (or doesn't say) about RHR. Jacqui is your AM now. Jacqui is responsive to AGD, but is unable to get affiliates paid at this time.


New Member
Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
I havent been paid for month.:mad:

Its a joke that Red Hot Revenue still have a AffilateGuardDog-icon on the homepage.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I havent been paid for month.:mad:

Its a joke that Red Hot Revenue still have a AffilateGuardDog-icon on the homepage.

I'm still working on some payments with them.. But the icon should come down. Unfortunately they did not implement it the way it is supposed to have been implemented, so I cannot take it down myself. :( I will talk with them about removal of the seal.

Thank you.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
I Havent been paid since September 2008 !

Hi fellow Guard Dogs ;)

Forget about Red Hot Revenue.
I havent been paid since September 2008 and the owe me around 24.000$ :mad: (a lot of money - damn)- Roy was an excelent contact but he was fired from RHR and since then there havent been any contact with support/finance or the owner Brian (got a direct phone number to his private cellphone)

Am i angry..... YES I AM.

I have brought them so many customers and i used to get paid but since Roy stopped nothing happends.

Just want to share my experience with ya all.....

Please write me if you experience the same or even if you are getting paid.

I am willing to give 10% of the 24.000$ to the person that is gona get me paid ;)

C ya all and thanx to admin for a great Guard Dog program.

Please PM me if you have any news.

- Tricky
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
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BTW if anybody did not know this. Brian (the owner of Red Hot Revenue) is also the owner of Giant Vegas Casino, Royal Dice Casino etc. Casinos which still is earning asubstantial amount of money

So we are in a situation where the affilate company and the refered casinos has the same owner. I simply doesnt understand why Playtech (the company behind the casino software) is still cooperates with this company.

It must be the $...

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, I have talked to CityGuard about your account and others in this thread. Jacqui is in discussions with him at the moment and felt it better to have 1 discussion path than multiple.

I think (hope) this will help everyone get paid by RHR more quickly. We will soon see.


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
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Hello from Rogued Red Hot

Hello All

I am not posting to try and make nice. The situation is a difficult one and quite frankly CRAP for all including ME!

I can however give you some facts.

1. There is fewer than 10% of our affiliates who have not been paid at this point.People who are due money will be paid. (payments are already being released - not as fast as we would all like but atleast they are being released)

2. RHR has come under new ownership so while I am still here and Brian - we unfortunately have limited control of the release of funds - if we did I would be in Mexico right now drinking ALOT of tequila~!!!!!

3. I endeavour to get back to my emails as fast as possible with some kind of answer and If I overlook an email - please do not take it personally. Grab me on MSN (harder for me to hide!!)

4. I have always tried to maintain a transparent relationship with all I do business with. NO BS - for those of you who know me - I aint tip toeing around this situation - it is what it is!

5. As far as I know I am in contact with the outstanding payment affiliates - if not grab me on MSN.

6. I have no intention of disputing rogue status - late payments are unexcusable all I can say is atleast its not a non payment issue. I know that in time we will be back on the "nice" list and off the "naughty" list.

7. All moneybookers and neteller payments are up to date except Feb which will be made this week. Wire Transfers are delayed but we will get that fixed shortly.

Thank you Affiliate Guard Dog for your help with this matter.

We hope to move forward on a positive note soon

Best Regards
EMail: jacqui@redhotrevenue.com

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Thank you Jacqui. Please provide me and others with your MSN IM so that we may contact you. I assume it is the email provided at the bottom of your post, but want to be 100% sure.

Thank you again for having the courage to come here into your own rogue thread to help us all understand that RHR is planning on payout outstanding debts and moving forward in 'good light'.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, thanks Jacqui for responding to my emails, too - we hope to get paid soon as well. It would be nice if some people who have gotten paid already would post to give us all faith here!


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all

Things is now moving in the right direction, never thought the communication could go that smooth after 6 months of waiting.

I think i owe you all an update on this subject. I have now been in direct communication with Jacqui and she is dealing with the problem about my missing payments.

I will try to take it from here and....

I will post again when:

- The money arrives - (lets remember talking about the money isnt enough)
- The money doesnt arrive by a fair amount of time - (lets give her some work space and some time to push the right button)
- Part of the money arrives

Know i said it before - thx for all the help to all of you :).

Tricky aka. Engel

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Posting here does AUTO-NOTIFY the folks at RHR. I am having a difficult time understanding the continual delays in payment. For a short period of time, some affiliates (they say 90% or something like that) were being paid.

However - I see (and receive emails and PM's) from the same affiliates who weren't paid previously and it seems to me that they still haven't been paid.

Jacqui - can you please respond to this thread and let us know the 'Real deal'? Affiliates deserve to be paid for their traffic and players.. This is starting to get ridiculous.


New Member
Apr 8, 2009
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No payments - for 6 month

I have posted on GPWA to. Just wanted to respond here also.
Nope no payments FEB and MARCH.

I havent been paid for 6 month and im down with $11000 :eek:

What is happening here - well except nothing i mean ???

- Olsen


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
I have posted on GPWA to. Just wanted to respond here also.
Nope no payments FEB and MARCH.

I havent been paid for 6 month and im down with $11000 :eek:

What is happening here - well except nothing i mean ???

- Olsen

Appears the stats have stopped so this looks like things are halted. Perhaps they are doing what Grand Prive has done to affiliates... is this a sign of things to come?


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
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One more time, no payment for March :mad::emoticon-0132-envy::emoticon-0132-envy:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
I hope not. If they are, I will try the technique of turning their listings into "rogue" pages... like others do - I've never done this before, but I am owed a good chunk (not 11k) of money from them and have held out a long time trying to get paid.

No payment for months, no contact, doing what Grand Prive did, getting away without paying old affiliates while inviting new affiliates with promises of high returns, and with Guard Dog logo on site to boot.... GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!

Good job of penetrating honest associations, scooping up players via affiliates hard work and moving on... Just like taking candy from a baby...money in the bank! The joke is on us!

I hope that everyone adds the ROGUE (aka Scumbag) link to their site, the word will get around as to who is honest and who is a scumbag! Better still, add link to your signature, articles, posts, twitter, email, and all communication on the net... have a contest, to see who gets the scumbag posted on top of google !!! Start a website of casino frauds... I will provide free hosting... any takers? lets see who gets the most attention!!!

Does the Guard Dog have the bite??

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I agree 100% and I love the contest idea.

Now - they have been told to remove the AGD logo many times over :( They just refuse to do it. It is the reason we no longer have images to place on websites and, instead, have certification-serving code.

As a note... if you place your Red Hot Revenue Rogued links in this post, that will be the best as far as linking and strength goes. At AGD every post goes to the top of Google quickly. Google 'Red Hot Revenue' and you will see that.

Red Hot Revenue

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:



Audit coming soon

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