Vegas Affiliates


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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The new affiliate manager (Daniela Balzan) has daniela[at] in her signature at the GPWA.

I emailed VA several times last month; nobody responded. I sent Daniela a PM yesterday at the GPWA concerning the possible new, predatory T&Cs. I haven't received a response yet, but I'm hopeful that I will soon. I'll post here if I hear back from her.

The new beta system annoys me. You still have to click around quite a lot to find what you're looking for, and the pages are slow to load. NetRefer would have been a better choice, IMO.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
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Hi Engineer,

It would be much more useful if you communicate with us through email or on forums were we are actually active such as GPWA.

It took a short while for me to get back to you simply due to the fact that you emailed us on a Sunday, and Monday was a Bank Holiday in Malta. However your email was promptly answered first thing on Tuesday.

If there is anything you need please contact me on info at


As you have heard, a no-activity clause will be introduced shortly however we will not simply be reducing any affiliate commission for partners who will remain active or reactivate with vegas affiliates. A newsletter outlining these details will be sent out very shortly.

If you would like to discuss this further you can contact our head of affiliates Sebastian Debono who will be happy to talk to you on sebastian at Or Skype- sebdebono
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
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Hi Bonustreak,

We have not received any emails regarding your missing payments, I am looking into in and will get back to you shortly. If there is anything you need I am always available on Skype - vegas.aff or through email.


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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It would be much more useful if you communicate with us through email or on forums were we are actually active such as GPWA.

Don't be rude, now :) Just kidding, but you could certainly be active here where Terms and Conditions are talked about. That is what we do here after all. AGD is becoming more active all the time and that will not slow down in the future :) Unique Visitors has been increasing steadily since we began using the forums. Come join us! ;D


As you have heard, a no-activity clause will be introduced shortly however we will not simply be reducing any affiliate commission for partners who will remain active or reactivate with vegas affiliates. A newsletter outlining these details will be sent out very shortly.

If you would like to discuss this further you can contact our head of affiliates Sebastian Debono who will be happy to talk to you on sebastian at Or Skype- sebdebono

We, at AGD, have helped many programs gear their terms towards an affiliate-friendly set of T&C's and we would be more than happy to do the same with Vegas Affiliates. If Sebastian (or whoever is in charge of this) would like to send those terms to:


We can offer the advice of our certification team to guide you in your upcoming terms release.

Thank you.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
No offense intended :) we are finalizing all the details, we'll be happy to share them with you as soon as we are ready.
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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No offense intended :) we are finalizing all the details, we'll be happy to share them with you as soon as we are ready.

I know :) I was seriously just kidding around. That never comes across well in a post - I considered that it might not, but posted anyway :)

Yes, please let us know when they are ready and forward them to the email given above.

Thank you.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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That's very good to hear, I'd just as rather keep increasing the player base and give them a push than drop them...


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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Oh boy. I hope that's not so once everything is taken into account.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
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FYI I just received a payment from them a couple weeks ago.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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While Vegas aff has not always been the most responsive of programs, I have always been happy promoting them and have a nice little player base of long term hobby players there.

I generally target that group of players because I am in this business for the long run and building a lasting player base is my number one priority, as it is for the casinos too.

With quotas in place, I am much better off sending bonus hunters,which are much easier to find. That would satisfy a quota.

It seems casinos that impose quotas cannot see past their nose. What do you think you are going to gain? Who in their right mind is going to send good quality long term players to a place that can stop paying at will?

Most affiliates will just drop the program. Who can afford to let their income depend on someone who can confiscate it at their whim?

Those with large player bases will just stop sending good value players alltogether to protect themselves and send the occasional bonus hunter instead.

What have you gained? You have stolen people's earings where possible, but you have cut off your future earnings.

Your reputaton with affiliates is ruined, and you know how hard it is to redeem a reputation online. Every word written about you online lives forever.

I really hope you reconsider this. It would do Vegas affiliates a world of good to work with affiliates to increase new players sent than to alienate them. I know on my sites Vegas Aff has always held medium to low exposure due to the lack of contact. The occasional communication and special offer would have generated more players, a quota will put a total stop to this.

And I have not even touched on the legal implications of a breach of contract. Locations such as Great Britain, Malta, South Africa, Australia, Antigua and others will allow lawsuits for breach of contract in this. I checked with my lawyer. Gather up enough disgruntled affiliates who are losing a good portion of income, and there will be consequences that will cost you a lot more money than you are proposing to save by confiscating our income.

Work with us, don't stab us in the back!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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He seemed pretty adamant that the rule will be in place and then went on the line of "we are contacting affiliates on a case by case basis", we have all heard this line before and why they continue to use that as some sort of defense I have no clue. Any affiliate that has been around in this business long enough will tell you to take a hike when you approach them with this.

I will have no loss taking this place down I am more disappointed because I had thought to vamp up the marketing for them since they had new management come in.

Oh and he also told me this is a normal term with most EU companies :rolleyes:

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I say that Vegas Affiliates is treading on dangerous ground, then. If they implement such a retroactive policy, we will certainly contact all of their affiliates as well. Let's see how NO traffic suits them.

Additionally, I will make it AGD's mission to find every affiliate promoting them and talk to them about how this new term is the worst thing for their business. It is about time to take a stance against illegal contract renegotiation. If that doesn't give the programs the 'push in the legal / moral direction', then we need to find all their affiliates and file a class action lawsuit.

It's time to end Retroactive Contract Changes.

Contract breaking is illegal (not to mention immoral). It is time to take a HUGE stance against these affiliate programs. They have no sustainable earnings without affiliates and we need to collectively ensure that this industry remains profitable if we want to continue marketing.

Quotas are not acceptable.

Contract changing, retroactively, is not acceptable.

Vegas Affiliates needs to honor it's contracts and I certainly hope they use the AGD certification team (like we have offered to them) to ensure that the terms are affiliate-friendly.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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Vegas Affiliates, I know you are trying to "save money" by doing this, but if you renege on the deals you made in the past, it will completely destroy your business. Your casinos will end up blacklisted on every reputable portal, because if the management is capable of stealing from their affiliates, they are capable of stealing from players, too.

Please do the ethical (and legal) thing by honoring the agreements you made with affiliates in the past.

If you absolutely must have new T&Cs, then the new terms should apply only to players referred after a certain date in the future -- i.e. the new terms should not (and cannot, legally) be applied retroactively.

I hope you'll do the right thing.


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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I never had trouble converting there, I had communication problems for years though.

They apparently send bulk mail to an address of mine that has a box trapper and I never get it. It is impossible to change the email address at the site, and I have written to them about it and submtted tickets for literally years off and on. The last ticket about this was submitted just last week and got no reply.

If and when they "contact individual affs" they will still not reach me.

That is the cause of not being better featured. Easy fix, just reply to mails. No need to stab people in the back.