Cheapest offshore company


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Me not, as a German and European i try to avoid EU facilities as good as i can (atols also) :-D

Which guarantee systems within EU? Like this one in Cyprus 4 yrs. ago? Yes, they got his money back. But it shows that deposit protections and guarantees made by governments are theoretical and useless.

UK, Cyprus, Malta ... all having NON Dom Systems. Cyprus the far best of all. (0% tax within EU without exotic structures but its still EU)

I try to use what is useful for me. Paid enough to the EU. In the past. :)

You get the first € 100k back on a personal account. It could be a theory in a big crash, but for example with Icesave branches within the EU people got their money back.

At Malta, I had a look. You mean the tax credit system? I'm having a Maltese LTD, but I don't use it that much, actually just for practical things. Must say things go very smooth there and that might be a big difference with for example Senegal. Cyprus I didn't know. It sounds interesting definitely, also because it's way more appealing to me than UK.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Just if you want to promote gambling to residents of Romania

I read a lot of discussions related to this gambling license but did not find anything like this. Can you please give me the source (link) where you found this info?



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Romania has nothing to say about where you send UK customers to.

I got a letter from ONJN stating that I don't need a Romanian license for websites that are inaccessible for Romanian residents, hence Romanian IP-block. Logical, because if your website cannot be accessed from Romania, you are not breaking any Romanian law. I must say conversations with them were endless. I got a proper response when I asked a lawyer to ask them.

Practically, they aren't 'even' fining or .com websites in English that are obviously targeting UK customers. But, those websites are not complying Romanian law of course, because Romanians can find there gambling ads and be redirected to (illegal) casino websites. So, in fact, every affiliate where ever on the world should comply with this Romanian law.

They are giving fines to websites in Romanian, no matter the domain. If you're having a .com-website, in Romanian and accessible for Romanian residents, you probably will get a fine. I've heard some people received a fine.

However many brands do control very strict with who they're working, I must say I see appearing quite some websites in Romanian that appear to not have a license. I've heard also that for some people it's worth the fine if they get fined just once in a few years. But it seems that most big websites are having a license.

I hope this is enough information.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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And in your case, if you want to be sure, I think the best thing to do is explain your case to ONJN and ask them for a response in a letter. Then you always have some evidence. Just in case...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I know that if you have a or .com website not targeting Romanians the ONJN can do nothing but if you register a company in Romania they will ask you to pay the license no matter if you are targeting players in Romania or not. Am I wrong?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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They do not ask people to pay a license. Then they should contact every marketing, media, internet company. They handle the license solicitations and give fines to websites that break the Romanian law. But I would always make sure that you comply Romanian law and let them confirm so.

But there's, of course, a disadvantage compared with a Maltese affiliate...

In case of a regular tax control, the tax department, of course, will have a look at where your income is coming from. If they notice that you're breaking the law, you might have a problem. So it's useful if you can show them, in case of a control, that you're not breaking any law. No doubt there will be a problem if websites appear to be accessible for Romanian residents, you have a bunch of Romanian players in your accounts, etc.

If you want to play safe:
- IP blocks for Romanian IP's on your websites.
- Make sure that no Romanian appear in your affiliate accounts*.
- Let the ONJN confirm that you're not required to have a license.

* This one is tricky, they might get there because of something that is out of your control, for example, your link with an exclusive bonus offer at some group. You could make an IO or contract with the affiliate program that you're not targeting Romanian players and that they're excluded or something. Some programs can even untag them. You need to have a contract anyway.

If you're in Malta, you don't have these problems. Just in case of a Romanian player, the program is by law not allowed to pay commission for that player, but no idea how strict everybody is complying that.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
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Thanks a lot for the info. Anyway, I'm not planning to open any company in Romania anytime soon. I was a little bit interested at one point but then let go the idea because of the unclear laws.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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You're welcome.

Well, if you're not living in Romania and other options are equal, I would go for another option too. The best option depends on everybody's own situation and wishes. If you don't matter living in Malta or Romania, I would choose Malta, because laws are a bit better there.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 29, 2015
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Cyprus? The same Cyprus that was the experiment for theft from account holders to pay off bank insolvencies? That place scares me!
Yes this Cyprus ... they paid all back, plus interest plus a Cyprian Passport for all who paid more then 500k .

But this is a point i mentioned above. Cyprus is a very interesting place to live. Almost zero tax, EU (if you like), nice weather, one of the best social insurance systems and xxx more advantages BUT don´t hold your banking account in the country where you or your company are located.
e.g. (if you are not a german) you could hold your private account with AAA Deutsche Bank or so and your maybe (Cyprus) Company account at DBS in Singapore or vice versa. This is all about spreading your risks.


New Member
Mar 29, 2014
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Yes this Cyprus ... they paid all back, plus interest plus a Cyprian Passport for all who paid more then 500k .

But this is a point i mentioned above. Cyprus is a very interesting place to live. Almost zero tax, EU (if you like), nice weather, one of the best social insurance systems and xxx more advantages BUT don´t hold your banking account in the country where you or your company are located.
e.g. (if you are not a german) you could hold your private account with AAA Deutsche Bank or so and your maybe (Cyprus) Company account at DBS in Singapore or vice versa. This is all about spreading your risks.

No. They certainly did not pay us back.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Romania with 3% tax up to €500k revenue (if you hire a local it is 1% only),

It would be worth hiring someone full time, I'm sure there are people in Romania who speak English, yes/no?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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It would be worth hiring someone full time, I'm sure there are people in Romania who speak English, yes/no?

Sure. Hire someone just to mail after links or something.

SFM I've tried. Must say I found them more a LTD-seller than a good advisor. But that's like most of the similar companies. They ust want to sell a construction, not give advice about what's best your situation.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
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It would be worth hiring someone full time, I'm sure there are people in Romania who speak English, yes/no?

More than 50% of the Romanians speak English at a medium level and it will be easy enough to find someone to hire but the 1% tax is not 100% accurate. You must hire 2+ workers in order to pay the 1%.

Also, for any company related to gambling (even affiliate marketing) you must pay another $6000 2nd degree ONJN license annually.

For the rest, the process of opening a new company in Romania may be very cheap and fast if you hire the right persons to do it.

I have opened a new company (not gambling related) in Romania in May this year and after 5 days I got all the papers in my hand. The costs for the whole thing was approx. 400 euros plus another 120 euros monthly for the company office rent (42 square meters).

If you are interested in opening a company in Romania I will try to help you with all that I can (just let me know).