Genting Affiliates Not Paying Commision - £2000 owed since October


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 19, 2013
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Hello folks, This if my first post, I've been wanting to join this community for a while now, finally got to it today!

I signed up to Gentings affiliate program a while back and agreed to list them on my site roulette-online(dot)co(dot)uk for an agreed pre paid tenancy fee + rev share. Everything was going well until i sent a player that dropped a five figure sum back in October. I got in touch via skype with account manager at the time and she seemed very excited about the player i sent..

About a week later i got in touch just to make sure that our revenue payment for the month of October which was just under £2000 according to the contract that we had was in line to get paid. I didn't get an answer back so i kept mailing until a member from the customer services team got in touch a week later and said that the account manager had left the company.

I do understand that these things happen and sometimes theres an unavoidable delay with payments as they need to assign another account manager to go through all the deals.

The Problem is though that i have been waiting way too long, im still a small affiliate trying to make a living from this...Its not fair for me to wait for so long without any payment and without any straightforward answer from their support team. They haven't even assigned a new affiliate manager to me so we can sort this out..I'm dealing with their support which is like talking to a brick wall unfortunately.

I have been mailing their support team every week asking for an update on this situation and also asking to get a new account manager assigned to me but the only answer i keep getting is " we are currently trying to sort this out for you" or " when i get an answer i will get back to you". This week they have completely ignored my emails and it doesn't look like i will get paid this month..

It's now almost Christmas and i still haven't been paid for October

What is the deal with Genting affiliates? In the past with other casinos when affiliate managers left they got in touch prior to leaving and introduced me to a new affiliate manager, this is not the case with Genting.

Does anyone here have any similar experiences??It would be great to hear them..And for everyone else reading this post - i would stay away from Genting affiliates if i was you..

Rant over..


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Sorry to hear about your troubles with Genting affiliates.
The "contract" you mention, is this a signed agreement by both parties? Unfortunately just an email agreement wont stand up. If it's a signed agreement, does it specifically outlining your bespoke deal with this affiliate program and does it have any exit clauses etc etc. Can you provide a basic run-down of the agreement (again if it is a signed contract).

Just took a look at your site and I have 1 question. If they owe you all this money and as you say your a small affiliate who can't afford to lose out here, why are they still listed?
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 19, 2013
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Hello and thanks for your interest in this!

The contract is a signed agreement between both parties yes, i have a signed contract with genting, i issue contracts because i've been burned in the past by signing deals via skype etc, rookie errors:)

The TC's are:

Genting casino agreed to pay an upfront tenancy fee for 3 months (which they did) in order to get listed on my site in the 2nd position of our affiliate table on the homepage.

Each month if the net revenue exceeds a certain amount which is stated in the contract then we start earning rev share, if the net revenue doesn't exceed the amount stated then we don't earn rev share.
There's no out-clause, in other words casinos pay us up front fees for a 3 month listing, on top of that we earn rev share each month only if the casinos net revenue exceeds a specific amount which is stated in the contract. In Gentings case we sent quite a big player that dropped a five figure sum in October and as i stated above we've seen nothing so far, no payment and they are ignoring our emails..

The reason why genting are still listed is because i'm hoping to get paid this month, plus unlike them i don't break my contracts TC's, i agreed to list them for 3 months and that's what i'm doing.
I'm hoping to get this issue sorted soon and get paid, but they are completely ignoring me and the reason why i made this post in the first place was to find out if anyone else has been treated like this by them in the past or recently and to raise awareness.

I'm going to give it more time for now and if i don't get paid i'll obviously stop listing them and do my best to raise awareness about their unethical behavior/lack of correspondence and spread the word to everyone...
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
The reason why genting are still listed is because i'm hoping to get paid this month, plus unlike them i don't break my contracts TC's, i agreed to list them for 3 months and that's what i'm doing.

That's a fair call. Pity more didn't have this type of work ethic. Though, they've breached the agreement and imo being honourable when the other party is ignoring you and likely cheating you too, I'd be more inclined to pull them ASAP before I risk sending them another large player. But of course that's your choice :)

These type of deals are always risky imo. Unless your site is pulling in big numbers. It's like these CPA deals where a program agrees to a deal, pays the first couple of months, then reneges. Reiterating unless you have site which is pulling large traffic numbers, you risk not meeting the expectations of the casino program. In this case they'll feel cheated. Going on what you've outlined, I dare say Genting may feel this way now. Having tried to contact them on multiple occasions and being ignored and not being paid in agreement with your contract, seems to me the most likely situations here.

I don't know what traffic your site produces, but, if you have the means to charge a listing fee, then in future, for these type of agreements, I'd be charging a flat media buy. Payment is paid before the commencement of each month. Doing this any other way and your risking the above results, imo.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 19, 2013
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Hey thanks for your reply,

I've had similar deals in the past with other casinos and never had any problems, in my case casinos pay the tenancy fee upfront for 3 months and then once they have made their pre-paid fee back i earn revshare, the flat media by model that you are suggesting sounds the same however i don't earn revshare?

The only person that's being cheated at the moment is me, still haven't had a reply from their support team.
I do understand that these deals are risky and that is why i have a contract in place and make sure the managers sign it before i proceed with the deal.

That's a fair call. Pity more didn't have this type of work ethic. Though, they've breached the agreement and imo being honourable when the other party is ignoring you and likely cheating you too, I'd be more inclined to pull them ASAP before I risk sending them another large player. But of course that's your choice :)

These type of deals are always risky imo. Unless your site is pulling in big numbers. It's like these CPA deals where a program agrees to a deal, pays the first couple of months, then reneges. Reiterating unless you have site which is pulling large traffic numbers, you risk not meeting the expectations of the casino program. In this case they'll feel cheated. Going on what you've outlined, I dare say Genting may feel this way now. Having tried to contact them on multiple occasions and being ignored and not being paid in agreement with your contract, seems to me the most likely situations here.

I don't know what traffic your site produces, but, if you have the means to charge a listing fee, then in future, for these type of agreements, I'd be charging a flat media buy. Payment is paid before the commencement of each month. Doing this any other way and your risking the above results, imo.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 19, 2013
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I got Paid after all..It took them almost 3 months but it all got sorted the other day. Their finance team got in touch and apologized for the inconvenience, turns out their affiliate manager left so they didn't have anybody picking up on these issues.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Albeit no one should fall through the cracks like this but at least you finally got paid. Thanks for the update :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Very true! your welcome! They should be able to sort everything out with a decent new affiliate manager & team, i was told their new affiliate manager is starting at some point in February ..


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
They should be able to sort everything out with a decent new affiliate manager & team, i was told their new affiliate manager is starting at some point in February ..

I received notification today from their acquisitions manager, which confirms, Genting Affiliates is getting back on track. Seems with the relocation to Alderney and the lose of their affiliate manager, this unfortunately threw a spanner in the works. I'm fairly confident with the line-up there now, affiliate operations at Genting will once again live up to our high expectations.

Genting Affiliates

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  7. T&C updates not emailed:



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