CR Issue

Rewards Affiliates
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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Affiliate ID: TYPEIN_

And you think you had problems with Mini Vegas and Vegas Affiliates WCD :rolleyes: The saying, 'Better the devil you know', certainly rings true here with CR takihg over this mob now.


An affiliate program is supposed to pay it's affiliate their rightful earnings. It certainly should not be allowed to scam them with unethical cross marketing...If that doesn't steal enough money from affiliates to buy more casinos...

Rob them blind by using the last referrer to always tag the Casino Group when they contact players referred by affiliates and encourage them to visit - Casino Rewards Premier Online Casino Loyalty Program. Which looking at the title should only have their loyality program in operation, NOT trying to HOODWINK affiliate tagged players to sign-up at their other casinos.

Bare in mind the last referrer as Renee keeps telling everyone IS a GOOD thing...Is in fact only a GOOD thing for Casino Rewards because it allows them to contact players directly, knowing they'll likely sign-up at another casino from, thus tagging these players to CR and stealing them from affiliates.

Things will always be like this at CasinoRewards when an affiliates player visits CR regardless of how they got there or even when they are contact directly by Casino Rewards. Once that player clicks through to one of those casinos and signs up that player is tagged to CR...BYE...BYE affiliate tagged player.

Being ignorant of dodgy, unethical crap like this going on is one thing, Renee.

However not doing anything about these crooked acts whilst knowingly continuing to work for JT & ITS Management and defending this theft is the pits Renee. In Australia where you and this company operate from, there's a word for this and it's called FRAUD & I dare say conspiracy to commit fraud also.

You've knowingly aided and abetted in defrauding affiliates out of million of dollars of their rightful commissions.

i.wilful blindness or the deliberate shutting of a person’s eyes to the obvious;
ii.knowledge of particular circumstances which would be obvious to a reasonable and honest person.

I've ommitted the casino owners name for the time being. Instead used his initials. However if your people think you can steal from me and get away with it you're sadly mistaken. Each day that's passed since the BS scam got brought out in ther open (march 2011), I'm about ready to give CR/RA the BIRD.

Your refusal to discuss these issues with me and those I have with CasinoRewards/Rewards Affiliates, leaves me with little choice but to start going public like this!

You have my contact details if you or JT should reconsider your stonewalling silience and decide it's best both parties (that's CR/RA and I) have a pow-wow you know how to contact me.


Andy & or Mods
I'd rather not use your forum as platform to air my issues with an affiliate pogram. But as Renee, Yaniv, Casino Rewards, Rewards Affiliates, ITS Management and the owner JT refuse to discuss my issues, I'm left with no choice but to post in hope they'll come to their senses and open dialogue with me.
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Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Affiliate ID: TYPEIN_VLV: Affiliate ID: TYPEIN_GHC:xhttpx://

The only reason this will happen is if the affiliate code has not been entered correctly or if there is no affiliate code (i.e. the link points directly to the casino).

After checking with fiddler i see that the code is linking directly to which is why you're seeing it as a type in with the URL.

If you want to know if links are working, test your own links as you're able to see your code behind it to know that you have it entered correctly :)


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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The only reason this will happen is if the affiliate code has not been entered correctly or if there is no affiliate code (i.e. the link points directly to the casino).

You may like to ask Renee another question...Because frankly what CR does to steal affiliates players, makes the Vegas Affiliates cross marketing to Floridita Casino and such a teddy bear picinic.

WCD or any other affiliate try asking the following:
What happens when a player clicks through a banner/link on my site, signs up at...lets say Captain Cooks...Not long after this receives an email welcoming them to Casino Rewards Loyalty Program, which also includes a direct link to

The player visits Casino Rewards and is confronted with heavy marketing of all their casinos and gaming properties. This player, your tagged player, spots a better offer at Golden Tiger and visits the casino.

Take a look at the footer and see who's tag is there. It's not yours BUT a CR tag.

Keep in mind this player was referred by you. They signed up via one of tyour links/banners to Captain Cooks within a couple of hours previously. However right now, that tag player has now joined Golden Tiger and the referring tag is acredited to Casino Rewards and not you or the affiliate.

This type of screnario will happen to ALL you players who you've signed up at one of their casinos.

These players, your tagged players will always be tagged to Casino Rewards when they click through and join one of their gaming properties from the CR or any of the CR websites. Why?

The last referring tag applies.

Meaning Casino Rewards contact your players and is hoping they'll click on another Casino at their Loyal Program site (CR) and sign-up up because this CUTS YOU out of the picture.
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Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score

After going there and clicking on one of the links at the bottom i get the affRENEE in the link. I have attached a screenshot.

Then if i scroll down to the bottom on the casino site the same aff id is there: affRENEE

This will work for any aff id.



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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Nice try Renee but your not a player who received a mailer from Casino Rewards with a direct link (no tagging) to the CR web site and subsequently that player clicked through to Golden Tiger and the laster referrer is acredited to Casino Rewards.

Let me go back through my screen caps and I'll post some proof of my own.
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Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
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Can a mod please move this stuff into it's own thread so it's not derailing my original thread? As the thread starter i can request this, no?

Also, this has been spoken about and explained at the GPWA. As a consequence I will not be posting anymore about it here since affiliates can post about it over there and I feel this is a waste of my time having to post in 2 separate locations.

All the information is available at the GPWA including the resolution which was agreed on by the private GPWA members.



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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All the information is available at the GPWA including the resolution which was agreed on by the private GPWA members.

I told the GPWA to stick my mebership, again!

When the APCW accepts podcast sponsorship from an affiliate program who has been called to count over cross marketing at the GPWA (Bare in mind Corfman) owns both enties....And the APCW claims:

"Fighting for trust, honesty and integrity in the online gaming industry!"

Then it's pretty damn obvious I'm hanging with a bunch of 'Wise Guys' with with dollars signs in their greedy eyes, who are running the affiliate show.


And as the GPWA does not pay my bills nor own my business, BUT I am one of your affiliates Renee then it would seem extremely bizarre as to why you and CR refuse to enter into discussion with me.

Oh and BTW...The following was conducted with a test I did with a friend who signed up via one of my banners and joined Capatian Cooks. Not long after received an email to (a direct link) and clicked through from the CR site to AztecRichesCasino.

As you can plainly see the aff tag is NOT mine BUT accredited to CR. (Even though my tagged player was contacted directly by CR with a direct (untagged) link to

They ROBBED me blind like this and have stolen the rightful earnings of other affiliates BY doing this to you also!!!

In this scenario with my friend (I signed up at Captain Cooks) wil ALWAYS be the last referrer when signing up to any casino they are not at member of through the CR website(s).


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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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We did a few tests that night...Again the same scenerio happened at CasinoShare from following the direct email link sent to my friend (my TAGGED player) who clicked through to CasinoShare from


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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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What really upsets me about all this it not the money that obviously has been stolen from me by hijacking my tagged players...No it is NOT. I considered you a friend.

We'd chatted for years for a while there it was on a weekly basis. I really though you were one of the BEST affiliate managers in the industry.

Then I find this dodgy cross marketing. You've obviously known about it all the while I'm thinking you've got my best interests as a RA/CR affiliate in hand. I probably wont see a cent of what CR has stolen from me BUT remember Renee Karma is a Bitch!


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Note for the mods - I am now placing this affiliate on ignore and will no longer be responding to any posts made by him.

He was harassing me via email until my boss requested that he stop. Now he has moved to the only forum he has not been banned at for doing the same towards other affiliate managers and affiliates.

I am making a request by my own means for the harassment now to stop. I expect this request to be upheld.



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I just want to be paid what Casino Rewards /Rewards Affiliates has stolen from me.

Your my affiliate manager and your who I contact over this, your the one who is accountable and who needs to stop crying wolf!

If you've got a problem with me contacting you and asking about when I'm going to be paid the money Casino Rewards / Rewards Affiliates has stolen from me.

Then contact the Police if you think I'm harrassing you!

I'm well within my Australian rights and the law to contact anyone in Australia who owes me money and ask when I'm being paid!

Maybe I should employee a debt collection agency to hound your asses for my stolen money.
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Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
This whole scenario about not properly tagging our players we send and cross marketing to them without our aff tags is really disturbing...

How long have other affiliates known about this?



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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This whole scenario about not properly tagging our players we send and cross marketing to them without our aff tags is really disturbing...

How long have other affiliates known about this?

Thanks Guru for stepping up to the plate and asking what's up.

Frankly it got swept under the carpet over at the GPWA and to the point where it was removed from the public forums and taken private. Which BTW a vote by private members was supposed to decide whether Rewards Affiliates got turfed as a sponsor as a result.

Well the vote came back (I believe in favour of kicking RA as a sponsor)...However Corfman then ignores that vote, instead claiming it was only to get a feeling of how members felt :rolleyes:

I'm not here to have a go at the GPWA/ APCW or Corfman.

All I want is to be paid what's been stolen from me from CasinoRewards / Rewards Affiliates with them using these unethical cross marketing tactics to hijack my tagged players.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Renee is what aussiedave said true - ie you cross promote other brands using your own referral links so that affiliates lose the player? I think it's very disturbing if that is true. His screenshots seem to be genuine so I'm very interested in finding out more about it.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
For completeness and to prove I'm not making this up here is one (of many emails) my player received within hours of joining Captain Cooks Casino via one of my site banners:

NB - I've reverted this to email to text but will post a screen cap of the orginal in my next post.

----- Original message -----
From: "CR Help Desk" <>
Date: 10 Apr 2011 16:04:32 +0000
Subject: Tim - Your Membership Details for CasinoRewards

Dear Tim,

Thank you for registering at Captain Cooks Casino and welcome to
the Best Gaming Loyalty Program online!

As a player at Captain Cooks Casino you have received free
membership with our loyalty program CasinoRewards. This loyalty
account has automatically been created for you when you
registered at Captain Cooks Casino.

At CasinoRewards you will be rewarded VIP points for your
game-play. With many promotions, competitions and more giveaways
than any other program online, you will enjoy great prizes and
many bonuses!!!

If you wish to open an account with any of our other partner
casinos, these accounts will also be part of your personal
CasinoRewards loyalty account. So if you like to play on
different casinos, you can accumulate all your VIP points in one
personal CasinoRewards account faster!!

Please note that each Casino provides different account numbers.
However you will only be given one username and password for

CasinoRewards login details

Username: Tim_Xxxxx
(remember the '_')
Password: xxxxxxx
(case sensitive)

Accessing CasinoRewards

[screen.gif] You can access your CasinoRewards account in two
1. Visit FastMail.FM WARNING: URL text and host don't match,
possible phishing attempt. URL disabled. Original
URL=''. Original
text=''. For more information on
phishing click [1]here. and enter the above details
2. Click on the login button in the green CasinoRewards box in
the lobby of the casino software.

Prizes, Promotions and Points

Be on the lookout for the many great offers that CasinoRewards
has running. With regular emails, newsletters and games, you can
take advantage of at least one new offer every week!*

Add any emails from CasinoRewards and CR Help Desk to your email
“Safe List” so you never miss out!

All bonuses, comps and promotions will be credited to your
CasinoRewards account as VIP points. You can log in at any time
to check your account balance, or cash in your points for casino
chips at any of our 19 partner casinos.

When You Need Help...

Our 24/7 [2]Support Center is always on-hand to look after you,
whatever your query:
* Email: [3]
* Phone (look below for a Toll-Free number closest to you) OR
* [reponline.gif] Look for our “Live Chat” symbol in the casino
or on our sites, to connect instantly with one of our helpful

Stick with us for the best in online gaming!

Byron Riley : CasinoRewards

*Conditions Apply. Please read ALL Terms and Conditions carefully
before playing

Toll-Free Numbers

Your privacy is extremely important to us and we adhere to a
strict Email Policy. If you feel you were sent this communication
in error and wish to [4]unsubscribe, click the link or email
[5] Further queries will also be
attended to at this address.

Report any [6]email abuse.
INTL: 1-866-312-7466
+ 8088-4574
800 871 068

13&amp;lang=EN&amp;casinoid=-1 ]


Visible links
1. YYYfile://localhost/docs/phishing.html
4. YYY to protect email address
7. YYY!skill=English&SESSIONVAR!email%20Campaign=WelcometoCR

Hidden links:
8. xxx
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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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The top header with Casino rewards as you can see in the footer of the plain text email, had the direct link to

Also contained in the direct email to my player without my aff tag, was phishing URL to another site owned by Casino Rewards, that of:

Visit FastMail.FM WARNING: URL text and host don't match, possible phishing attempt. URL disabled. Original URL=YYY Original


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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Now consider all this proof above, I know full well Casino Rewards and Rewards Afifliates have been hijacking my tagged players.

How much money does that entail...Pre 2008 I wasn't heavily marketing their gaming properties. However since mid 2008 they were on 15 or so of my sites.

When all this blew up and became public over at ther GPWA on the 8'th March 2011:

At one point I commenced taking screen caps on my affiliate account monthly reports. I got back as far as Sept 2009. That month I sent 31 players who signed up as real players. June 2010 I sent 42 players. July 2010 50 players got sent.

Start to add up those figures and knowing that Casino Rewards were contacting all of these players without my affiliate tag and the mind boggles to how much money Casino Rewards with the aid of Rewards Affiliates have stolen from me.

With 1000's of other affiliate doing the same thing...Is it really any wonder how Casino Rewards can afford to buy all these casinos...I estimately CR/RA have probably stolen millions of dollars from their affiliates through this cross marketing scam!!!
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I think it's a little bit more than JUST an issue with CR.

It's actually blatant theft of tagged players!

Settle down, Dave. This thread was already played out at GPWA. I know you didn't like the response, but to rehash it again at AGD really makes no sense, IMO.

I put the title there, so obviously I approve of that title. CR/RA is not a sponsor here nor do they pay me in any way (FYI), so this is all based upon my own opinions and thoughts.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Settle down, Dave. This thread was already played out at GPWA. I know you didn't like the response, but to rehash it again at AGD really makes no sense, IMO.

I put the title there, so obviously I approve of that title. CR/RA is not a sponsor here nor do they pay me in any way (FYI), so this is all based upon my own opinions and thoughts.

What are those thoughts on this issue Andy?

Sorry if I missed your thoughts somewhere else maybe but this IS a serious issue IMO if all of this evidence of untagged players is true, as Dave has posted here...

If anyone has evidence otherwise to what Dave has posted then please by all means yours... and let the membership here be the judge of the posted evidence...either way...

DISCLAIMER: I just recently started working with CR/RA so I don't know either way yet....

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