ComeOn Certified Program - Spam


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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On a number of my sites I have contact forms. These are there ONLY for players &/or site visitors to contact me if they experience any issues with the casinos I promote or issues with the web site.

One such form located at:

I've had to add the following warning because frankly the form was being spammed on a daily basis by affiliate programs:

"Affiliate programs, gaming sites or commercial entities using this page to contact the owner, your details will be submitted to spam reporting sites and agencies. Use for site VISITORS ONLY Your IP:"

However I still get the occasion twit who thinks he/they can abuse this form and the rules don't apply to them &/or their program.

Today I received this from the AGD certified affiliate program ComeOn.

----- Original Message -----
From: <Fredrik Johansson>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11:17 PM
Subject: Online Form: Comeon! Affiliate

> Hi!
> We are currently expanding and would like to talk about getting on your site.
> Can you shoot me an email back or get in touch over skype?
> We have information about our affiliate program on www. comeon. com/earn if you would like to find out more in the meantime.
> Cheers,
> Fredrik

Is this anyway for a certified program to act? No!

Tell me why you did not follow my form rules?

"Affiliate programs, gaming sites or commercial entities using this page to contact the owner, your details will be submitted to spam reporting sites and agencies."

Tell my why I should not follow through with reporting your ass?
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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Any reason why this program is not listed as a Certified Affiliate program but wears the AGD certified dog tag on site?


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Affiliate Manager
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Dave,

I am really sorry to have breached your rule, it was not spam-intentioned.

We are a bit overloaded with work and my colleague, Fredrik, was simply blind for banners and text when focusing on just contacting you. We have actually launched out Australian version yesterday and genuinely tried to get in touch with you to get on your sites.

Seriously, sorry about that.
Affiliate Key Accounts Manager
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Affiliate Manager
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
I think it is because we are a relatively new program. I am sure the guys will get around to it soon.


Affiliate Manager
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Any reason why this program is not listed as a Certified Affiliate program but wears the AGD certified dog tag on site?

I think it is because we are a relatively new program. I am sure the guys will get around to it soon.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Fredrik, was simply blind for banners and text when focusing on just contacting you.

I could accept that excuse if my form page had banners and text all over it. However it doesn't.

I find it really hard to believe anyone unless they are Medically Blind could miss this WARNING. Especially since their IP is listed in BOLD.


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Affiliate Manager
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
And yes I'm really annoyed!!!

Your program has contacted me before this. When I don't reply that means I'm not interested. It doesn't mean keep hassling me, got it!

Hello again,

wow man, you sound really mad over this - wish you had simply replied to us "Not interested" and I am sure that you would have not been bothered anymore.

Too bad to end like this as we have put a great team for the Australian market and really work well with our affiliates in other markets.

If you ever change your mind, we have a lot of useful tools and do nice promotions that I am sure your visitors would appreciate. Early bird catches the worm.

If you are still mad after my apology, then I am not sure there is anything else I can do at the moment.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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wow man, you sound really mad over this

You think so :rolleyes:

Here's a thought...Work your butt off (3,500 hours a year) for the next 5 years building 30 sites that actually care about player issues and just not trying to turn a buck.

Add contact forms to these sites so players and site visitors can have a means of contacting you if they have any problems.

Then, sit back and watch each year the mounting spam that comes through these forms from affiliate program managers who, either can't read English or more likely, don't give a rats a## about simple requests that these forms NOT be used by affiliate programs to contact the owner.

You bet I'm really mad, I'm fuming :mad:

I've had to yank so many forms from my sites because affiliate programs can't respect my site form rules. I've had a gut full. Why should my site visitors and players have to lose out because some affiliate programs can't and wont respect my site terms?

And people wonder why most affiliates go to great lengths to hide their contact details...

Do you get the picture now, man!

PS Now added a veiled agreement to http: // www. australian-onlinecasinos. com/contact.php hopefully the Medically Blind affiliate managers can see it!
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Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Dave, take a chill pill. Adnan apologized -- what else do you want from him? His head on a platter?

You're "fuming" over this -- really? Does that seem like a reasonable reaction to an unwanted email? Just hit the delete button next time and move on with your day, instead of wasting at least an hour bitching about it here. Life is too short to be angry all the time.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Dave, take a chill pill. Adnan apologized -- what else do you want from him? His head on a platter?

You're "fuming" over this -- really? Does that seem like a reasonable reaction to an unwanted email? Just hit the delete button next time and move on with your day, instead of wasting at least an hour bitching about it here. Life is too short to be angry all the time.

I agree with Engineer. Take it down a notch, this is a professional forum. Thank you.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Does that seem like a reasonable reaction to an unwanted email?

When your bombarded with SPAM from these programs and your time is taken up having to wade through 150 or so of these a day, maybe then you'll realise why I'm so upset.

If it was one or two I wouldn't care.

Reiterating these forms are for site visitor and player issues only.

I have to read all these damn emails every damn day to see which are legit and which are not.

Maybe that will help you see why I'm so narky about this!

Oh and as far as the opology...
Instead of saying sorry we screwed up.

But no, instead lame excuses are used.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Dave - why do you have to act so unprofessionally? I can somewhat understand being *bothered* by this, but to take it this far *after an apology* is simply useless. It's not professional and it's completely unnecessary... I assure you, he has already gotten your point 5 posts ago.

I've mentioned plenty of times before that we are not interested in this sort of behavior at AGD (from anyone). There will be no vote taken if I keep seeing outbursts that are unprofessional, you will only be banned. No return the next time.

You may not care and that is fine, but I think it would serve you better just to act professionally and stay here at AGD. If you choose not to - that is fine, we can accommodate that as well :(


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Dave - why do you have to act so unprofessionally?

It seems when a topic or issues arise which don't go with the flow or they appose the status quo here at AGD, it's insinuated the member/s are acting unprofessionally. Following that these uncomfortable threads are 9 times outa 10 closed.

Why is that?

If my actions are the general consensus of being unprofessional by your standards and that of AGD, I could sumise your being unprofessional also!


Edit: I see Dom has commencedd a similar thread about being spammed.
http:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/sports-spam-driving-me-nuts-t4480.html

She seems just as annoyed as I am. and justifiably so...Yet no personal slurs toward her integrity or teling here to take a "chill pill", hey...
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I see in Dom's thread she is talking generally, she does not slam a good standing affiliate program. I have not heard of anything about COME ON that is bad, they have said they were sorry, they were not intentionally spamming you.

I agree your over the edge on this, we all get invites to affiliate programs if I am not interested I delete the mail. I stopped getting ticked off over this long ago when I realized that it is a standard industry practice.

You should be happy they noticed your site in the Aussie market, maybe you can earn some good money with this brand, they are decent and great to work with!!

The goal of AGD is to be professional, we do not want affiliate managers to feel they are not welcome here to post because they are and they deserve respect.

Take your issue up in an email this forum is not the place for it.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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It seems when a topic or issues arise which don't go with the flow or they appose the status quo here at AGD, it's insinuated the member/s are acting unprofessionally. Following that these uncomfortable threads are 9 times outa 10 closed.

Why is that?

If my actions are the general consensus of being unprofessional by your standards and that of AGD, I could sumise your being unprofessional also!

9 out of 10 forums say AussieDave should be banned. Is everyone wrong except AGD?


Edit: I see Dom has commencedd a similar thread about being spammed.
http:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/sports-spam-driving-me-nuts-t4480.html

She seems just as annoyed as I am. and justifiably so...Yet no personal slurs toward her integrity or teling here to take a "chill pill", hey...

Because she isn't beating an affiliate program over their head *after* they have apologized. She does not act unprofessionally like that.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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she does not slam a good standing affiliate program.

The program who ignored my contact form T&C's. Who then sent commercial spam via the aforementioned. Are you referring to that "good standing affiliate program."

Or is this not about them abusing my contact form?
Me thinks it's more about turning a blind eye, a we don't care attitude. And the focused turn to discredit me, regardless if I or anyone else has valid concerns or proof!

Dave - why do you have to act so unprofessionally?

Now that's a slam :p

Personally Christine, I think you've just got a bee in your bonnet with me. Never did get a reply back to that PM I responded to from you!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
What stands out to me is that the program did respond quickly and apologized. Maybe the apology wasn't worded exactly like you wanted it to be worded, but they apologized. If this is the first time you've addressed this with this program, and the first time they've apologized, then that should be enough. You can't hold them responsible because of any other programs that have also contacted you like this. Unless this is an ongoing problem with the same program.

pro·fes·sion·al adj \prə-ˈfesh-nəl, -ˈfe-shə-nəl\

characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with Dave.

Some of these programs SPAM the hell out of you, Even after you ask them MANY MANY times to stop.

Then when you call them on it in a public forum... they talk all nice and act like it's not their fault that your getting SPAMMED by them.

It's easy to hit the 'delete' when you only get one or two of these a day... but when you spend a 1/2 hour or better a day, EVERY DAY, just going through your messages (mostly all SPAM from aff programs) it gets real old and a HUGE waste of my (and Dave's and every affiliate's) time...

This is a much much bigger waste of time, IMO, than spending a single hour venting your frustration about all the SPAM you receive on a public forum.

I for one refuse to do business with people that spam me. If they SPAM me, they are going to SPAM players... and that is totally unacceptable.

I would also like to add that talk is cheep... action is what matters.
They talk nice and 'apologize' but they still send out SPAM... their apology is worth... well you figure out what their apology is worth...
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