7Red Affiliate Spam


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
7Red spammed me today. Nice. Thanks!

The spam even had my name on it, which indicates they have purchased / acquired / stolen a list of players from somewhere.

We've sent this message to notify you about our latest news. This e-mail has been sent to you because you have provided your email address on one of our websites in the past. click here in order to cease future notifications from us. This message is courtesy of 7Red.

Er no. No I haven't. You're spamming me.

I'm willing to consider the possibility that its an affiliate doing it. But if so then it is strange this sort of stuff is in the email, because by all appearances it seems to be coming from 7Red themselves.

This electronic mail is the property of 7Red, This may contain information that is considered confidential and intended for certain recipients only. No information provided here is to be used for any purpose other than its intended use. Any unauthorized use, either by disclosure, dissemination or copying, is strictly prohibited by law. If you have received this mail and you are not the intended recipient, please let 7Red know this by replying back to this mail then destroy it and make no further use of its contents. All copyrights/trademarks contained in this mail shall remain the property of their respective owners. No other rights are granted herein. 7Red, reserves all rights.

It seems pretty clear it is 7Red sending it, or they are at least complicit in the spamming. Somehow this is not surprising considering its a casino run out of a Chinese take-away shop.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
7Red spammed me today. Nice. Thanks!

The spam even had my name on it, which indicates they have purchased / acquired / stolen a list of players from somewhere.

Er no. No I haven't. You're spamming me.

I'm willing to consider the possibility that its an affiliate doing it. But if so then it is strange this sort of stuff is in the email, because by all appearances it seems to be coming from 7Red themselves.

It seems pretty clear it is 7Red sending it, or they are at least complicit in the spamming. Somehow this is not surprising considering its a casino run out of a Chinese take-away shop.

I appreciate the public accusation without providing any proof. If you actually rely on that text you quoted I got news for you - people happen to forge emails. I am not sure whether you are truly naive like that or you are just trying to bash us. Based on your last remark I bet the second option.

Either way, you should know that we don't deliver spam and we do not condone it.

If an affiliate spammed you please contact me personally and send me all the info so I can deal with it instead of quoting 2 lines of the mail you got. That won't help me track the spammer down.

Our offices are in Malta and Sweden. Please try to be more precise on your next post.

Best Regards,
Michael Gold
Marketing Director
Last edited:

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Mike... you really get upset quickly :( This is something most affiliate managers simply take on and try to solve instead of demeaning the affiliate.

Vladi - can you forward the email to me? I'm quite sure I can find out if it is from 7Red.

Mike - please try to be a bit more congenial in the future. Spam is an important issue and should be taken more seriously. It would have been easier to have him send you the email and then state exactly WHY it isn't from 7Red.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Mike... you really get upset quickly :( This is something most affiliate managers simply take on and try to solve instead of demeaning the affiliate.

Vladi - can you forward the email to me? I'm quite sure I can find out if it is from 7Red.

Mike - please try to be a bit more congenial in the future. Spam is an important issue and should be taken more seriously. It would have been easier to have him send you the email and then state exactly WHY it isn't from 7Red.

Spam is an important issue to me. I am always happy to help on that. It didn't seem that the OP was looking for my help but only to trash.

My goal on this forum is to exchange information and improve our service and I do not feel it is mutual if I need to face accusations and stingy remarks on every post like the ones made by Vladi.

From now on I will try to take a deep breath and relax before I reply and I will appreciate if the members do the same. Please try to use the question mark instead of the exclamation mark.


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Yes, let's all try to be more civil with one another :)

Thanks Michael.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
"Very professional of you". Hi pot, meet kettle. :)

I do not have the email any longer as it was deleted. It landed in my spam folder which gets auto-purged so it was only lucky chance that I saw it when looking for something else.

I didn't post it because the tracking links were all going through a 3rd party mailer service, making it extremely difficult to work out who was really sending it (I did try first). I will be sure to post the next one I receive. Fair call though - I cannot prove beyond doubt that it was sent by 7Red. As in all spam cases this is extremely difficult to prove as they all use tracking tags and it can always be blamed on a dodgy affiliate. Anyone reading the email would think it was 7Red because it was sent using the same theme as the site, as well as the aforementioned disclaimers and fine print asserting that it was an official 7Red communication.

The email was primarily advertising an $8 (?) no deposit code + other stuff about the casino. I also know that the email reply address or sending domain was something at fantasticones.com, which may assist you. I know this because I ran it via whois so it is cached in my terminal history which I just checked.

As for being hateful, yes I am proud to say I hate spammers. I detest them. They are scum. And there are far too many of them attracted to this industry, largely because of affiliate programs that "actually condone it" (yeah I saw that Michael, LOL).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
"Very professional of you". Hi pot, meet kettle. :)

I do not have the email any longer as it was deleted. It landed in my spam folder which gets auto-purged so it was only lucky chance that I saw it when looking for something else.

I didn't post it because the tracking links were all going through a 3rd party mailer service, making it extremely difficult to work out who was really sending it (I did try first). I will be sure to post the next one I receive. Fair call though - I cannot prove beyond doubt that it was sent by 7Red. As in all spam cases this is extremely difficult to prove as they all use tracking tags and it can always be blamed on a dodgy affiliate. Anyone reading the email would think it was 7Red because it was sent using the same theme as the site, as well as the aforementioned disclaimers and fine print asserting that it was an official 7Red communication.

The email was primarily advertising an $8 (?) no deposit code + other stuff about the casino. I also know that the email reply address or sending domain was something at fantasticones.com, which may assist you. I know this because I ran it via whois so it is cached in my terminal history which I just checked.

As for being hateful, yes I am proud to say I hate spammers. I detest them. They are scum. And there are far too many of them attracted to this industry, largely because of affiliate programs that "actually condone it" (yeah I saw that Michael, LOL).


Thank you for your kind words. I see you are really holding yourself back trying to keep it civil.

Next time please channel that lovely hatred of yours into keeping the message and forwarding it to me, including the headers, so I could act against those spammers.

Thanks ahead,


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
You are overly sensitive Michael.

You want to know why I hate this stuff so much and why I publicise it? We know there are many casinos that spam, affiliate programs that spam, and affiliates that spam. And it gives a bad name to the rest of us that don't.

The problem is that there is no incentive for you to stop it. You can blame an affiliate. It is predictable and it always happens every time as it is almost impossible to prove otherwise. The fact is it is favourable for affiliate programs if an affiliate actually is the spammer - they get the players from the spam campaign that they didn't pay for, they can cut off the affiliate account, and then they just got a bunch of players for free.

Now not only do I tire of having to sort through this crap in my various spamboxes looking for the odd false positive, but I have had two separate mailer companies shut down our entirely opted-in list of only a couple thousand subscribers recently. They have done this because the fact the emails we send are casino-related means that they could lose their whitelisted status and therefore be unable to guarantee their delivery SLAs to other customers. In short I am treated as a pariah because of the actions of other unethical scum in this industry.

So I will continue to publicise when I believe an affiliate program is either spamming or is assisting spammers. I don't care if it offends you.

But never mind, continue to act indignant and victimised and shoot the messenger rather than examining yourself and your program in order to work out how you might prevent this problem from occurring again.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
You are overly sensitive Michael.

You want to know why I hate this stuff so much and why I publicise it? We know there are many casinos that spam, affiliate programs that spam, and affiliates that spam. And it gives a bad name to the rest of us that don't.

The problem is that there is no incentive for you to stop it. You can blame an affiliate. It is predictable and it always happens every time as it is almost impossible to prove otherwise. The fact is it is favourable for affiliate programs if an affiliate actually is the spammer - they get the players from the spam campaign that they didn't pay for, they can cut off the affiliate account, and then they just got a bunch of players for free.

Now not only do I tire of having to sort through this crap in my various spamboxes looking for the odd false positive, but I have had two separate mailer companies shut down our entirely opted-in list of only a couple thousand subscribers recently. They have done this because the fact the emails we send are casino-related means that they could lose their whitelisted status and therefore be unable to guarantee their delivery SLAs to other customers. In short I am treated as a pariah because of the actions of other unethical scum in this industry.

So I will continue to publicise when I believe an affiliate program is either spamming or is assisting spammers. I don't care if it offends you.

But never mind, continue to act indignant and victimised and shoot the messenger rather than examining yourself and your program in order to work out how you might prevent this problem from occurring again.


That was a nice post. I like what you wrote and it is so much easier for me to relate to it as there were no mean comments or categorizing.

Not only that I have read it thoroughly I believe we are seeing eye to eye on that subject. Everything you wrote is true and happens in this industry but I am wondering what made you decide I am one of the bad guys? Why not giving me the benefit of the doubt that I actually care before shooting?

You should know that I examine my program on daily basis and always trying to improve. From time to time there is a breach in my security and the most important thing at that moment is to close it. My bet is that you do not receive frequent emails spamvertising 7Red and that is due to the fact I either stop spammers when they sign up or once they make a mistake.

I am not offended with you advertising the fact you received spam but with the words that follow and the things you imply. The reason I am offended with that is because I feel like I am on your side trying to cooperate and yet your arrows are pointed at me.

If you could help me find whoever spammed you I will be grateful. If not this time then next time.

Have a nice day.


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds like a logical conclusion to the thread :) Thanks to both for talking this through. Hopefully next time someone gets some 7Red spam we can get this sorted. Remember, feel free to send any spam my way - I'll look into it pretty deeply as well.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
If you could help me find whoever spammed you I will be grateful. If not this time then next time.

Have a nice day.


Will do. Thanks.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
As for being hateful, yes I am proud to say I hate spammers. I detest them. They are scum. And there are far too many of them attracted to this industry, largely because of affiliate programs that "actually condone it" (yeah I saw that Michael, LOL).

I think we must be related. We need a spammer burning festival. Chuck a few spammers on the fire and we party into the night, drinking their blood.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Hahah I'm down with the burning and partying but I'll leave the blood drinking to you!

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