Zenman - AGD Mentorship

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Thanks Zenman for joining the Mentoring program :)

Domain: Registered. We talked a bit about what type of domains would work for what is being targetted. We will not divulge the domain name until after a site is ready :)

Hosting: Free hosting will be set up shortly on AGD's server.

What's Next?

You will soon see an email that shows the hosting and server details with user names and passwords. We will then instruct how to set up DNS so that his website can be 'found'.

Once the domain is properly set, we can begin finalizing the type of site you will require and AGD will have a custom template commissioned so that your website looks professional and unique.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Recent Happenings:

  • AGD set the domain up on the hosted server

What's Next:

  • Zenman will point the DNS servers to the correct location
  • AGD will talk with Zenman about the path moving forward for this domain and the site architecture.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2009
Reaction score
Here's the site

Hi AGD members !

Well its a bit rough, a little thin in content.... but I am over all pleased with how www.onlinecasinoexpose.com is taking shape.

With no website development and only basic computer skills going in... having gotten a taste, I can say, that I look at all of your great websites with a new level of appreciation!

With a great deal of graditude for AGD's ongoing mentoring (Thank you) and custom design of this sites Logo and themes template, I would like to say thanks again, and as well, to the affiliates whom have kindly exchanged emails to help me with marketing and their materials.

Looking forward to and would appreciate AGD member comments...
Lots to learn!

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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
You've really taken off on this!!! Looks nice Scott.

It appears that some of the left menu are missing pages. I would fix that immediately. Get some good textual content in there and you will do well, I think.

Good work!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2009
Reaction score

Greetings AGD member's,

Looking at a few of my affiliate accounts, OnlineCasinoExpose has signed up at least one player for this week.

Of the 20 new player sign ups over all, most are with rivals and recently.

Getting better at wordpress, that blog engine that powers my site and am in hopes of picking up some useful tips (and free t-shirt!) as I attend a seminar this coming Friday here in the valley of the sun presented by wordpress and sponsored by godaddy. phxwordcamp . com
(gotta get my 10 posts in so I can insert links!)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Dual monitors

ahh.... much better!

Lacking screen space, I just hooked up a couple of high density resolution 23" Samsung's in a dual monitor configuration. Have heard people say they like running duals... we'll see.

I'm hoping this improvement will help with productivity... can now have multiple pages up, marketing material, email accounts and AGD forum of course!... all at the same time.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Awesome! It is great to work with multiple monitors. I use multiple monitors + Virtual Machine software. Good stuff.

Sounds like you are rockin' now! Good luck and let me know if I can help you with anything.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Keyword Density

Admittedly to date, I have not used any webmaster tools.

Well, I just used a couple of keyword density analyzers on my home pages and a couple of other pages and according to those results, my sites are nothing but tables.... good grief.

The results returned on a check for density of 1,2 and 3 word phrases for the top 50, returns nothing but ul's , td's, symbols and other gibberish.

Is this bad? if so....
Can I rectify this?

I did make some site changes to the wordpress permalink structure to now, no longer show in the browsers, page ID numbers, but titles instead, and this may help a bit.

After doing some reading, I think I need to really redo some stuff relating to my keywords, keywords in page titles and internal page links to related content and in conjunction with a good wordpress seo plugin.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2009
Reaction score
Site tweaks

Hi AGD members,

Did some site reconfigurations around my blog roll, community board and feedburner at Online Casino Expose.

After making a blog post but before publishing it, I can choose to make it a community board post as well, with a drop down menu that shows all of my boards and select the appropriate one.

Its really convenient.... A blog post is then created (mine are closed) and an exact board thread is created that can be discussed by visitors, if they choose.

Kinda excited about this configuration and how it can be utilized. For instance, if a new game comes out by rival, I can grab the banner code, write a blog post under say "casino news" called new rival game. I can choose to also publish it to my "casino news" thread on my board for those visitors. From the community board, it links to the original blog post and all of my related blog posts, and additionally, anyone subscribed to my blog feed gets it in their email.

Made some other slight changes that I think looks better...
Right side bar has more textual content and internal page links that I think look better. Getting rid of the "click here" to pages for what I guess are more S.E friendly links to my pages.

Home page is a little messy right now.... reworking the textual content and have to tweak my "mouse overs" as well. Also, get the home page content to meet up with the bottom of the sidebars.

Any comments from the pros here... greatly appreciated!


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds pretty nice, Scott. And the sites are definitely looking up! Sounds like a pretty cool plugin. I don't have any forums tied to my blogs (except here at AGD), but sounds pretty cool.

Another way to do that (at least with vBulletin), is to use the RSS feed of your blog inside the Forum's RSS Management Administration piece.