Focal Click - not getting paid!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 6, 2009
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I have not been paid by Focal click operators of Omni casino. They owe me Feb And March commissions and soon to be April. I do not like the fact i have been promised for months they would get things in order and get me paid.

I am wondering how many others among you are not being paid, is this widespread among affiliates or just the few I know of.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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I am waiting, too -- I'm owed for the last 9 months (August through April). Apparently they have been working to set up new banking in order to pay their U.S. based affiliates.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
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From a UK perspective they've been fine - always on time - so probably be a US issue IMO.

Bonus Paradise

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 30, 2008
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I am in Europe and got paid to Neteller on 22 April from Focal Click
(Adding it to AGD calendar now, forgot to do that)
So far I got paid always in time.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I started testing programs by asking them to send me a small payment before we get started. This way I'm confident they (a) aren't counting pennies (because if they are they should not be running a casino) or (b) they don't have problem paying to their U.S. affiliates, advertising agencies and marketing groups.

Focal was very excited about getting back on our site, etc. until I wanted a $1000 test payment. - That was too much. Believe it or not, when I said okay, $100, the answer was that it is considered a "micro-payment" or some other silly wording. I chose not to do much with them.

I see my method is a good one I should keep up. Hope you guys get paid. :(


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Yeah, 9 months is beyond comprehension. I hope he still doesn't have links up. It appears that taking care of US based affs is of low proirity. That is way too long to not have a method in place, it's not that hard to get something up. They are the only program I have issues with.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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No, I took the links down, and they won't be going back up until I'm paid.

9 months sounds bad, but actually December/January is when I realized something might be going on.

Focal has a system where you have to "request" your payment (which is less than ideal, but that's another issue), and I let my earnings for August, September, and October build up until I remembered to request a payment in late November. That wire never arrived, and I guess it was early January when I started wondering what was going on. So really I've been "waiting" for 4-5 months, but the amount accrued is for the past 9 months (if you include the month of April).

I do think we'll all be paid eventually. They are paying non-US affs, which is a good sign, I think.

WCD, I like your idea. I might start doing something like that in the future.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hi All,

I just noticed this thread and wish to reply.

The current matter we are experiencing is strictly limited to a handful of US affiliates only. We have been extremely up front, honest and transparent with each and everyone during this time, and continue to do so.

The issue has been well explained and it is solely confined reliable routes to deliver earnings to this jurisdiction. Nothing more than that. As our international based affiliates are well aware, payments to them are paid upon their request. It has been and remains our commitment that our affected partners will soon again experience the same.

All US affiliates were paid on demand until this absurd matter arose in late December of 2010. Each and all of them well know that their earnings were always paid and will continue to be paid in full the moment we can route earnings to this jurisdiction reliably and properly. Any suggestion that we will not is very disheartening and absolutely inaccurate.

We understand patience runs out. We can assure you that our patience with this issue ran out somewhere in late January. We deeply value all of our partners and we are again sorry for the delay. We had a solution in late February which was days away from being ready, then another at the end of March which did not materialize as promised to us (and to our partners). Hence the delay.

Please let me be clear and honest...again. As of today (actually it was Monday) we have a new solution in place, we are about 1 week -10 days away from being able test it. With that said, we’ve been told this twice already by other solutions...but we feel pretty good about this one. Once it goes well, and we expect that it will, this issue will be solved in full.

If a US partner has any questions, please feel free to email me directly at Chris at FocalClick dot com. I will be happy to discuss with you again.




Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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The current matter we are experiencing is strictly limited to a handful of US affiliates only. We have been extremely up front, honest and transparent with each and everyone during this time, and continue to do so.

Very true this is why I am not concerned I know they are good for it.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hi All,

The issue has been well explained and it is solely confined reliable routes to deliver earnings to this jurisdiction. Nothing more than that.


Why can you guys not offer Quicktender as a payment option for your US Affiliates like so many of the other affiliate programs do?

Is it a funding issue? If not, then I see no reason that you cannot offer that option.



New Member
Apr 27, 2011
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USA affiliates are hard to pay because our laws and government sucks, not because Focal Click doesn't want to pay us.

I'm in the USA and we've had our share of bank problems. Two bank accounts closed in 2009 because of associations with online gambling. Chris has gone out of his way to get us paid through 'unconventional' means, every month, and help us avoid more closed bank accounts. He's jumped through more hoops than any other affiliate manager I've had, and we've been in business since 2003, so that's a lot of affiliate managers. ;]

Since Chris has joined Focal Click, they've completely reworked their poker room and casino, and added customer service staff on the inside to get better conversions and value from every new player. As a result, we've seen our income and conversions jump significantly there. This is a program that was largely an afterthought for us, for years, even with a very good manager in Mark.

Bottom line - not getting paid is frustrating. But it's not because Chris isn't busting his tail to get it fixed.

Disclaimer - I was on the phone with Chris today complaining about how much of a pain in the balls it is to get our money home, as USA affiliates and post- Black Friday, etc. - He mentioned that he was taking some heat because of difficulties paying a few USA affiliates. I wanted to put in a plug for Chris and Focal Click in general.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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@ Chris, PSORG: if you re-read the messages there is no heat here. Just people standing up for your program. Myself, I avoided the problem and shared my solution with folks.

The real solution is having an international bank account of course. I'm setting up one now, but that does not detract from the facts.

Also, its tiring of affiliate managers paranoid of "taking heat" - at least that heat is not in your wallet like it is for us! Chris you should be happy for the affiliates who are going to bat for you. I for one would not (nothing personal, but re-read these messages. they are all well founded, non-flaming, and informative!) -- if I was a US affiliate about to promote Focalclick - I'd be glad I found this thread. No offense but business is business.


New Member
Apr 27, 2011
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I should rephrase. "Taking heat" was my words, and I shouldn't have attributed them to Chris. Chris wasn't upset with affiliates wanting to be paid. He was really just commiserating with me, regarding how much of a pain in the neck our government, banks and laws are making it to get paid.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I don't think anyone is attacking Chris' credibility or the job well done since he has taken over at Omni. I think there are many affiliates with growing concerns, if anyone is taking the heat it is us affiliates.

I do think that they should stop any USA affiliate registration from this point on until they know they can pay them.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Why can you guys not offer Quicktender as a payment option for your US Affiliates like so many of the other affiliate programs do?

We actually pursued that option multiple times but were told that we could not use them. We definitely wanted to bring that option on board to make it easier for our US affiliates.
