Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA Idiot Sponsor Chilli Partners explains 35 % Scam Fee

You will never guess, how GPWA Idiot Sponsor Chilli Partners explains their 35 % Admin Fee Scam, a percantage, more and more thieves guilds are working with now.

The low level representative says in the public, we all can be lucky working with them because others are more evil then they are. So without any doubts in their minds the only solution on this issue is to shut up and move on.

I quote the excuse from the useless welcome thread: "[...] our fee its a bit higher then others , but there are programs who charge even 50-60% admin fee"

"Your honor, there are others, who have robbed more banks than I did. So please give me a free pass."

"a bit higher"

Of course, the difference between 0 % and 35 % is insignificant, "a bit higher".

And the IQ of that program since that public statement is a bit lower, from already 35 points only to now Zero.

Welcome to the admin-fee scam artists party.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - King Billie (AGD paid sponsor) announced it too has increased its Admin (errrr SCAM) Fee, from 25% to 35%. AGD should kick King Billie to the curb, and straight into the Doghouse (rogue pit), because this is clearly an unfitting action of a sponsor.

Should King Billie be dropped as a sponsor, for pulling such a crooked stunt?

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The King Billy Admin Fee Incident

Hi Dave,

I am pleased to anwer your question. Here is also the full story.

A thread about the King Billy admin fee scam was opened at GPWA. One day later the first thing No-Affiliate-Services did, without any doubts by the request of King Billy, censoring the title and changing it from "King Billy Rapes affiliates with new admin fee's" to "King Billy new increased admin fee" to make it look "more appropriate" as if the people are complete idiots and Daddy has to decide what the audience is allowed to read or not.

King Billy indirectly admitted, that they requested the censorship.

They wrote: "First of all, we strongly disagree with the choice of verb in the thread’s title – not out of being Politically Correct, but because of common decency. Some words just shouldn’t be thrown lightly in all occasions." on 29 January 2021, 3:47 am.

Playing one of the usual XXX cards.

And what a surprise, after King Billy "strongly disagree with the choice of verb in the thread's title", No-Affiliate-Services censored the title 5 hours later, on 29 January 2021, 8:55 am.

Never heard about the First Amendment, freedom of arts and satirical exaggeration?

The funny thing is, apart two decent people in that thread also some usual GPWA bigmouth punks are upset about that scam at once. They of all people, after done nothing all over the years for the people, only for themselves.

Aggravating and mitigating circumstances must also be taken into account for a fair judgement about King Billy.

One may say, they informed the people about the increase of the scam fee. This is a sign of transparency and a mitigating circumstance. I say, they know, that the truth will come sooner or later to the daylight, and if a webmaster will post in a month or so the bombshell, that King Billy has increased the scam fee behind the back, it become even worst. It was a logical must to inform the affiliates.

They are so unsettled by their own wrongdoing, that they not even changed the terms to the right day. The terms are "LAST UPDATED: 28.01.2020" instead of 28.01.2021.

Source: https://affiliates.kingbilly.io/terms_and_conditions.asp

There is no doubt, King Billy is guilty of scamming the people with an admin-fee at all and on the top of super-scamming the affiliates with the increase of 40 % on the original fee (25 + 40 % = 35). If in a real business any company increases an already outrageous, egregious and preposterous fee of 40 %, everyone is asking, if they have lost their marbles and what kind of creepy crooks are doing that?

And again, like Chilli Partners also King Billy demonstrated with a public relation desaster on that fee reporting their incompetence with handling issues.

They are obviously proud to be a pusher of that scam fee, claiming "admin fee is a standard practice of the industry", and as a total flop argument, they desperately are listing their received awards to make the scam look better, an aggravating circumstance.

Yes, they are listing as an argument all awards, also the rigged IGB and AskGamblers awards, exactly the awards, which are rigged, and all people and programs should be ashamed of themselves when they are making propaganda with that wortless so called "awards".

No paid booth or other financial benefits or not a member of the Commission of the leading Families in this industry = Smaller or even no chance for an award.

With the successful exception of Buffalo Partners, which have been proven accomplice knowingly and willingly of the hacking of schools, hospitals, care homes and Kindergarten, I have never directly requested any termination of a GPWA sponsor. I can only express my opinion, holding up a mirror to people, telling the uncomfortalbe truths - like you are doing it - and all websites, GPWA, AGD or others have their own choice to make.

The weakest and most disgusting way to handle such issues is censorship. This makes every website evil.

You know, law is essential to me. Don't forget, that legal civil contracts have been signed. I don't know, what is standing in the contract between AGD und King Billy, and I have no right to know that, but both sides have to fulfil it. If it is not possible to terminate a contract due to a change in the admin-fee, then everyone has to accept it. A move into the predatory section would amount to an early termination of the contract I believe. A stigma attached to breach of contract is the last thing wanted. But there is always the legal possibilty not to renew a sponsorship. That's not for me to decide. Everyone has to fight every day for the own reputation, you Dave, me, GPWA, AGD, whoever, like the slogan: "By their deeds you will know them."

Of course King Billy in my opinion is a rogue program with that scam fee. Many programs are not making money with a competent and foresighted business anymore. They are making money with phantom fees, with first deposit payout stalling tactics, with quotas, high minimum paypouts and with the knowledge, that they are operating in lawless countries with underworld offshore constructs and cannot be brought to justice.



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Hi Leopold,

Like myself, you've also been around for ages in this industry. We both know these Admin-Fees, just like quotas, are trumped up scams to steal rightful commissions. The thing is, the only way to get these crooks to change, is to hurt their bottom line (aka income).

When the GPWA was owned by Cindy (the founder) any program who did not tow the line, and instead tried to scam affiliates, was blacklisted. Back then that was enough to have most affiliates drop the program. With next to no affiliates promoting the casino/s, the program either went broke, or they made amends and promised to never step out of line, again.

However, the power the GPWA had back then, didn't sit well with certain Operators (Microgaming for one)... So the only solution was to ruin Cindy's, the board's and the GPWA founders reputations. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who got the job of, bringing Cindy, and the GPWA down.

There was a PDF released in circa 2007 about the Gambling industry King Pins. Was mainly Gambling in the USA. However, within that document, 3 or so pages were dedicated to the emerging Internet Gambling scene, and named the King Pins of that.

Who do you suppose those names were?

FYI... 95% are still very much active today.

Fortunately I got into the gig in the early days of its infancy. Hence, I was blessed with literally years and years of no quotas, admin-fees, bogus taxes, or any other scams we're seeing these last few years. If the industry imploded tomorrow, I'd still be OK.

Things is though, these thefts (scams) are becoming more and more brazen, as the months and years go by. If something isn't done to at least halt these crimes, pretty soon, programs will be taking the shirts from affiliates backs.

In closing, the people/sites who could make a difference: AGD, GPWA, Askgamblers, ThePOGG, CasinoMeister etc., etc., don't give a toss. They seem to only become concerned or involved, when, their own income is put at risk. Duncan the owner of ThePOGG... He only posts when its an advatnahge to himself or his site. Other than that, he doesn't contribute.



Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Signs

No one at GPWA has the balls to give Aussie Dave a thanks for his clear words with respect to the Chilli Idiot-Partners admin fee scam?

What a bunch of weaklings.

Well, minutes ago I was thinking about, how to send a sign to him also there.

After my GPWA account is declared hostile, after countless of my post have been proven censored in an evil way, not only by the Coup-Capo universal4nothing but also by the No-Affiliate-Services backstabber, after I cannot post anything or PM anyone, they have forgotten the last backhole, I can express at least with a sign my opinion directly there:

I am still able (in the moment) to give people a thanks for their posts.

So I tested and did it exclusively for Aussie Dave's post moments ago:

If "The Following User Says Thank You to AussieDave For This Useful Post: Roulette Zeitung (Today)" will disappear at once, then you know, what's going on.



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - I got slammed last week by yet another of my "truth" post's being deleted, and once again chastised in a PM (like a naughty school child) by universal4nothing. Why? I responded to the sanctioned spammer's post, which, as always, was a load of misguided dribble, and just another useless post. lol... I was accused of holding a vendetta.

AFAIK, that is a word commonly used in Mafia circles - (Corfleone Family) :D

For the record, I don't hold grudges or vendetta's. However, I'm 100% allergic to BS, spammers, liars and affiliate program scammers.

Hence, I speak up against wrong doers. Sadly, what happens to me, and to others, when we speak-out against the GPWA tyranny (oppressive) ruling, myself and others get gagged. Posts are edited (worse blind edited) or deleted. And, we are publicly made to look like the 'bad people'.

Thanks for acknowledging my post, Leopold!
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA: Chilli Idiot Partners - Blinkered or Bimbo?

If one looks at the origin of so many so called representatives, then they tried a psychological study after finishing the school. Well, no one in the real world obviously wanted to hire them, so they fled into the online casino industry, because they believe, they are the psy-op specialists to take affiliates for an idiot.

A good example is the new beloved sponsor of GPWA, Chilli Idiot Partners.

After Dave told them, what kind of lousy scammers they are, the so called representative from Chilli Idiot Partners replied to Dave, as if she is too stupid to understand the clear message or as if this is a silly psy-op game.

After blamed with all rights as scammers by Dave, Psy-Op-Flop says "thank you for the interest to our affiliate network" and that she "believe that [Dave] can try to work with us as an affiliate".

Yes, of course he will do, after Dave told her unambiguously, that "anyone promoting the program, is telling Chilli Partners, it's OK to scr#w me!".

Psy-Op-Flop doubles down, is claiming that Dave's criticism does "not have a solid base" and "is directed rather to unscrupulous participants in the affiliate marketing market, but not to us".

What are they thinking at Chilli?

Two option available: Blinkered or Bimbo?

You have the choice.

Or like IGB would say to their pseudo-judges: "You can vote. We make the decision."


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Roulette Zeitung - Psy-Op-Flop, that's hilarious :D

Posted a reply in that thread... I'm sure Chilli Idiot Partners will be impressed...

Also, what's with Universal4nothing thanking them (Chilli Partners) for commencing their own forum at GPWA. Every paid sponsor gets one!

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA's Video Propaganda Guy: Climax of Hypocrisy

In his new concoction of shameless hypocrisy, filmed in the last corner of the city, where people let their dogs poo, Corfleone's cuddly hand puppet, exposed Video Propaganda Guy crying crocodile tears, whining at his shrinking audience about the new UKGC restrictions.

Hey man, it is you and the rest of the Corfleone Family, who are protecting serious criminals since an eternity, still taking money whenever you can, no matter, if it is from criminal origin or not, no matter, if the sponsors are the lousiest scammers ever or not.

So stop your showboat-modus and accept, that you and the rest of the Corfleoone Family are also the reason for all that restrictions, with your sponsor schemes, with your censorships, your personal threats, harrasments, with your vendetta on the critics.

There is no doubt, without the Corfleone Family, without their demimonde platforms GPWA and APCW, without the corrupt Casino City and finally without Corfleone's criminal pusher portal financeaffiliateprograms.com, where professional fraudsters like eToro found a warm nest, without this evil empire the world would be a better place and restrictions on our industry would not have such dimensions.

When Video Propaganda guys is talking about increasing fees he forgot to tell the audience the truth about fees, the whole truth about the admin fees.

The climax of his hypocrisy in that concoction starts at 3:42, when the propaganda ad for the admin fee scam artists from Jim Partners is aired.

Yes, the same Jim Partners, who are stealing 40 % of the earnings from their affiliates with the phantom-fee and on the top refuses to pay you out your first earnings unless you brought at least 5 players.

This is the true face of APCW Perspectives.

Here I have a new intro for your propaganda videos:

This would be at least close to the truth.

Long life the Fearless Leader.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA dropped to the lowest level now - Also censoring thanks

GPWA: Signs

No one at GPWA has the balls to give Aussie Dave a thanks for his clear words with respect to the Chilli Idiot-Partners admin fee scam?

What a bunch of weaklings.

Well, minutes ago I was thinking about, how to send a sign to him also there.

After my GPWA account is declared hostile, after countless of my post have been proven censored in an evil way, not only by the Coup-Capo universal4nothing but also by the No-Affiliate-Services backstabber, after I cannot post anything or PM anyone, they have forgotten the last backhole, I can express at least with a sign my opinion directly there:

I am still able (in the moment) to give people a thanks for their posts.

So I tested and did it exclusively for Aussie Dave's post moments ago:

If "The Following User Says Thank You to AussieDave For This Useful Post: Roulette Zeitung (Today)" will disappear at once, then you know, what's going on.

"If "The Following User Says Thank You to AussieDave For This Useful Post: Roulette Zeitung (Today)" will disappear at once, then you know, what's going on."

Exactly that happened now. They are now on a so low level, they even censored my thanks to Dave manually.

This can not be a technical error or a "human error" (Usual excuse from universal4nothing, when he has deleted posts and was caught red handed).

They have deleted my thanks for Dave, but the function is still working. Moments ago I gave Dave again thanks for all of his posts in the Chilli Idiot Partners Welcome thread and you can clearly see, that there is standing now, that I gave Dave the thanks today on 9. February 2021, the evidence, that my prior thanks have been removed, because then the prior date from Friday last week would be visible. Today is Tuesday. You cannot give thanks twice, unless they have been removed.

Image, how desperate they are, when they have to censor thanks like a little child. This is so moronic.

And what an amazing coincidence, that my thanks were censored, when the backstabber-in-chief, the most disappointing person ever in this industry, when he, the so called "Affiliate Services" guy enters the stage with an intentional pseudo-friendly and ridiculous statement about the admin fee scam to silence everyone, to indirectly shut them up, when he says: "We can voice our opinions without accusations and attacking each other. Please let's keep the discussions civil and professional."

The word "accusations" is the most important and exposing word. This is the quintessence of his sentence, the true core. The other words in that sentence are only a distracting side game.


He calls the critics with that liars.

This is fair away from being "civil and professional". He wants to silence the critics on the admin fee scammers at GPWA and he of all people is talking about "opinions", when the censored AffPower Income Access thread is now "temporarily" closed by him personally since 932 days.

That is saying he of all people, after my thanks to Dave disappeared on the quiet, when his personal income is generated by recruiting the most evil admin fee scammers of the world. I have always said, that sponsorship at all is no problem, unless you take money from criminals and scammers like GPWA is it doing since some years now almost exclusively. His income is generated by money, which will be stolen from affiliates, because most new sponsors are criminals and/or admin-fee scammers. This is a fact. More two-faced is not possible. It would have been better for him, nothing to say on that matter.

At least he received a high-five thanks for his "accusations" post from the Chilli Idiot Partners representative. What a glorious honour.

They are all liars at the Corfleone Family. And Backstabber-Capo unfortunately plays the most two-faced role. The other members of the Family with the exception of the woman don't know it better. They have been bad all the time. It's their nature. The truth about the woman is a whole different story.

Censoring thanks is the most idiotic move I have ever seen in more than 20 years in the online casino industry.

That is also a part of their vandetta on Dave and me.

All GPWA Sponsors should be ashamed being a member of that Family. Sooner of later this will hurt their reputation.

Long live Jim "40 % Scam" Partners!
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Comparing AGD with GPWA

AGD is not blaming others for their own mistakes.
GPWA is doing that.

AGD is not censoring a single word.
GPWA is doing that since years.

AGD has negotiated at least a solution for existing affiliates in the King Billy admin-fee incident.
GPWA did nothing. On the contrary: Since Monday it's again obvious, that they are not interested in any good for the affiliates. A renewed internal order from Mr. Corfleone has been issued to stop any hard criticism on the own sponsors. All member of the Family have to obey. The pattern is evident. Because the Coup-Capo universal4nothing has not enough IQ to handle this renewed public psy-op credible, the commando will be executed by "No-Affiliate-Services". And he is successful. First he completely blocked and killed the discussion in the Chilli Idiot Partners welcome thread in the "GPWA Announcements" area, then also with the same pattern the discussion in the King Billy thread in the Platinum section. All members with the exception of Dave stopped writing. No one else from the regular members wrote one single word after both discussions have been killed. That says it all. Mission accomplished.

At AGD anonymous wackos are not the self-proclaimed rulers of topics.
At GPWA they are.

AGD does not need a second choice video propaganda guy to push their sponsors wilh low budget ads.
At GPWA the sponsors are paying for that weekly showboat-show.

AGD is not cowardly writing private messages to their members behind the back of the audience to intimidate, muzzle, harass, blackmail and to threaten them.
Also this is a proven fact, GPWA is doing that.

AGD has no secret quid pro quo with IGB to get booths on conferences free of charge.
GPWA has a deal. Mr. Corfleone and his "Fearless Leader" maker and video propaganda puppet are playing on conferences the Kings of industry, but do not tell the very few guests at their stand, that they are nothing but a quid pro quo freeloader.

Staff of AGD is not begging for donations in the public, e.g. for divorce costs and is not publishing for this purpose unblurred pictures of minor children without their permission or the permission of their mom to make you feel sorry, and they are not yelling on the lowest level at the members, if the donations for good reasons are not given as expected, and they are not hiding that scandal later with a complete censorship after they recognized, it was a huge flop and disservice.
Exactly that happened on GPWA. It was all public.

AGD never protected Fraudnanda from Affpower, even after everyone knew, what kind of person she is.
Surprisingly, universal4nothing did, also after the end of the sponsorship. Ask yourself, why.

AGD has a real forum.
GPWA has only a pseudo-forum, is operating with an USSR like controlled opinion system. The censorship is so heavy, even Rocket Man from North Korean is no match for them. They have no intention to help affiliates. This is all a psy-op, a hoax. Day after day countless affilaites will be ripped-off by former and current GPWA sponsors. The so called forum is nothing but a propaganda tool. The only thing they care about is the sponsor fee and ad.gpwa.org.

AGD has an innovative, modern programmed mobile friendly website.
GPWA has a lousy website, because not mobile friendly, so technically obsolete und does not care about usability.

AGD is not acting like a Crime Family.
GPWA is.
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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APCW's Box-Office Smasher: One on one with 7Stars Partners

Here is the next blockbuster from the CCM with a compelling story. Without any doubts a box-office smasher. Get your ticket at GPWA's APCW Video section.

Propaganda Guy is dressed and looking like a parrot. Thank Goodness, after some time he recognized, that it is very strange to wave the free hand without the micro in front of the body and face of the interview partner.

Who the heck shall read the microprinting in the screenshots used as content-replenisher for the video?

No background music, no action cuts, no zoom, no swing, not even an old women with her 4-wheel-rollator crossing the screen to bring in some tension.

However, a nice paid for USSR Supreme Soviet like propaganda video. Unfortunately, so listless and irrelevant, that I don't believe, one single watcher will sign-up due to such a foreseeable course of that interview.

There is also a link to Youtube for this paid propaganda video:

As usual, the Corfleone Family don't want you to know, how much dislikes they receive. Look for yourself. Go to Youtube. The numbers of likes and dislikes are hidden intentionally.

At least Cash Bogus and universal4nothing sharing high-fives in the GPWA thread.
Our Family.
Our Thing.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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APCW's Box-Office Smasher: One on one with 7Stars Partners

Here is the next blockbuster from the CCM with a compelling story. Without any doubts a box-office smasher. Get your ticket at GPWA's APCW Video section.

Propaganda Guy is dressed and looking like a parrot. Thank Goodness, after some time he recognized, that it is very strange to wave the free hand without the micro in front of the body and face of the interview partner.

Who the heck shall read the microprinting in the screenshots used as content-replenisher for the video?

No background music, no action cuts, no zoom, no swing, not even an old women with her 4-wheel-rollator crossing the screen to bring in some tension.

However, a nice paid for USSR Supreme Soviet like propaganda video. Unfortunately, so listless and irrelevant, that I don't believe, one single watcher will sign-up due to such a foreseeable course of that interview.

There is also a link to Youtube for this paid propaganda video:

As usual, the Corfleone Family don't want you to know, how much dislikes they receive. Look for yourself. Go to Youtube. The numbers of likes and dislikes are hidden intentionally.

At least Cash Bogus and universal4nothing sharing high-fives in the GPWA thread.
Our Family.
Our Thing.

They are not so bad Leopold how some colleagues want to let the users know just because they are from russia or ukraine.

Some of their curacao brands are good for german customers who don't want to have any restrictions.

But i can say that the conversion for us runs very slowly till now although there are always many clicks.

Okay the terms could be better but we have special contract.

We can't have always the same opinion, but we can discuss of course.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Hi Insider,

for whatever reason 7Stars Partners here at AGD is still in the Predatroy section. But that was not the reason I wrote that post. Also my post was not about if 7Stars Partners is bad or not. I have not said one word about the program, their terms or whatsoever.

My post was about a really lousy made interview, which was more a disservice than a good for the program. Here one can blame the parrot, because it's his job to make the video good, because 7Stars ist paying for that. He has to make the script and to make the representative look like the star. Parrot is not the star. Only she deserves that role. So he has to deliver a good job for the money, but really, no one can say, it was.

I have nothing against Russian people, wrote dozens of times on GPWA, that I love their culture and I don't know, how often I have defended Moonlight Cat in the public, but there is also no doubt, that the most scam programs are operated by people from countries from Eastern Europe ... and Israel.

If you had nice experiences with 7Stars Partners, then this is the right place to write it public, and that's a good thing.
Your statement was exactly that job GPWA's Video Propaganda Guy could not deliver, and it's written voluntarily and not for money and so credible. You have done with that post more for 7Stars GPWA ever can do.

Finally to make that clear: Insider, when I am talking about USSR, then this is not about any representatives coming from there or not, it's the reflection of the dictatorship at GPWA. On my Twitter I call them Communist China Forum, here sometimes USSR, all the time that they are acting like a Crime Family, and all three satirical exaggerations are only a mirror of the truth.

I wish you a good day and good luck to 7Stars. They should not pay for useless things, in this case for a sponsorship at a complete rigged website, which is called GPWA, by now just a shadow of their former self. Making their affiliates happy like insider has more positive impact than paying for anything unprofessional, because the true voices of people with direct experiences are the real thing.

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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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The Boss Diary


Friday, 12. February 2021

Cannot sleep tonight.
Troublemaker Affy is back, disturbs the silence in the King Billy thread.
What does he think he is, a warden?
The whole week there was absolute silence in the thread of our new financier Chilli Partners and also with King Billy, after I ordered Degrade-Ant to stop any discussion and lo and behold, everyone was kowtowing.
And now this degenerate punk goes again.
I couldn't order that job to Tricky.
He is too dumb for it.
I don't know, what to do with him.
Since he became a Made Man of our Family on 27 December 2017, we have lost so much money due to his behaviour.
His job was to make us rich again.
He has totally failed.
Hopefully, this German scumbag Leopold will not tell the public the true story behind Tricky's initiation ritual.
Small perturbations, but so what?
I have to stop writing for a moment.

Bring a mirror to me, Cash Bogus!
Hurry the hell up!
There it is.
O yeah, I am looking so good.
I am Michael Corfleone, the Capo di tutti i capi, the Boss of all Bosses in the casino affiliate business.

Go, mow the lawn, Cash Bogus!
What are you waiting for, another free meal?

I'm so sick of him, but we need every man we can get.

So, I will continue with my diary.

Nice sunshine today.
I think, I will sue one of my neighbours today.
For something.
It's been a long time since I did that.
Perhaps for tall grass in their garden.
Thank you, my dear diary for your support.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Hi Insider,

for whatever reason 7Stars Partners here at AGD is still in the Predatroy section. But that was not the reason I wrote that post. Also my post was not about if 7Stars Partners is bad or not. I have not said one word about the program, their terms or whatsoever.

My post was about a really lousy made interview, which was more a disservice than a good for the program. Here one can blame the parrot, because it's his job to make the video good, because 7Stars ist paying for that. He has to make the script and to make the representative look like the star. Parrot is not the star. Only she deserves that role. So he has to deliver a good job for the money, but really, no one can say, it was.

I have nothing against Russian people, wrote dozens of times on GPWA, that I love their culture and I don't know, how often I have defended Moonlight Cat in the public, but there is also no doubt, that the most scam programs are operated by people from countries from Eastern Europe ... and Israel.

If you had nice experiences with 7Stars Partners, then this is the right place to write it public, and that's a good thing.
Your statement was exactly that job GPWA's Video Propaganda Guy could not deliver, and it's written voluntarily and not for money and so credible. You have done with that post more for 7Stars GPWA ever can do.

Finally to make that clear: Insider, when I am talking about USSR, then this is not about any representatives coming from there or not, it's the reflection of the dictatorship at GPWA. On my Twitter I call them Communist China Forum, here sometimes USSR, all the time that they are acting like a Crime Family, and all three satirical exaggerations are only a mirror of the truth.

I wish you a good day and good luck to 7Stars. They should not pay for useless things, in this case for a sponsorship at a complete rigged website, which is called GPWA, by now just a shadow of their former self. Making their affiliates happy like insider has more positive impact than paying for anything unprofessional, because the true voices of people with direct experiences are the real thing.

Hello Leopold,

At first it sounded to me as 7Stars partner is also being criticized because it's Eastern European company (Russian) and some don't like it.

Now it is clear that you only referred to the video and the interviewer.

7Stars partner are listed here because of their predatory terms. (i don't like too)

My experinece with them are rather neutral. Also if we have special contract (which excluded these terms).

I didn't want to take sides for 7Stars either, but only to say that not everything that comes from Eastern Europe must be bad.
So we are on the same base.

Maybe i misinterpreted that at first.

So everything is fine.



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I take it you have now saw the light in regards to the spammer cash bonus?

I''m sure Leopold will respond accordingly.

However, CB pulled the wool over a lot of people's eyes, using, Asperger's as an excuse. The guy knew exactly what he was doing. That makes him an even bigger scum bag than, your run of the mill spammer. The GPWA pulled my 'private membership' with a trumped up, Kangaroo court.

This member blatantly spammed, and performed other quesationable antics, but his private membership was never revoked.

Instead, Universal4Nothing accuses me of holding a personal vendetta o_O against this con-artist!
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Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I take it you have now saw the light in regards to the spammer cash bonus?

I''m sure Leopold will respond accordingly.

However, CB pulled the wool over a lot of people's eyes, using, Asperger's as an excuse. The guy knew exactly what he was doing. That makes him an even bigger scum bag than, your run of the mill spammer. The GPWA pulled my 'private membership' with a trumped up, Kangaroo court.

This member blatantly spammed, and performed other quesationable antics, but his private membership was never revoked.

Instead, Universal4Nothing accuses me of holding a personal vendetta o_O against this con-artist!
For me rip-off artists, romance scammer, unprofessional wannabes, censors, calculating brown noser, ungrateful mooks, backstabber, animal abuser and member of the Corfleone Family and their associates are the lowest.

Make a choice out of the list, which could be a good fit.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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+++ ADDENDUM +++

Moments ago, I found out, GPWA tonight terminated my last option to express my opinon, to give other people thanks. They have fully censored that function.

I am no longer able to do that.

Can you believe it?

The same with terminating Dave's private membership by GPWA's rigged North Korean loser Jury.

I hereby declare GPWA evil.
