Any Amazon Affiliates here?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I am thinking of diversifying and finding some niches for Amazon - anyone promote Amazon here? I've heard some good things, but have never tried. I have an affiliate account there for many years, but never even tried.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
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I looked into this several years ago and the margins were small (5-10%) plus you only got credit for the first customer purchase. Any subseqquent purchases were not commissionable. I would imagine everyone has an Amazn account now anyway. Forex / Binary doesn't interest me but it might be a better option


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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I was told a while back that their cookies expire rather quickly, so you have to
make a sale with them in a rather short period of time, or else you'll lose them.

Also, it's difficult to get excited about 5-10% commissions when you are a
casino affiliate, especially for purchases that might be less than $100.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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I'd like to know who told you Amazon was a good thing?!

I like to buy books - and of course Amazon are good for the consumer - but their affiliate set-up doesn't compare to any gambling deal. It's peanuts.
Here is the gist of what you get paid for - direct from Amazon.

How long do visitors have to add an item to their Shopping Cart after clicking on one of my Amazon links until I no longer earn advertising fees on their purchase?

In most cases, you earn advertising fees for visitors that come to an Amazon site and place any qualifying items in a customer's Shopping Cart within 24 hours of their arrival at most Amazon However, this 24-hour window for most Amazon sites will end before it expires once the customer submits his order or reenters through a Link that is not your Special Link.

Once the window is closed, you will not earn advertising fees on any subsequent purchases. However, if the customer then returns to through one of your Special Links, this opens a new 24-hour window.

It is of course possible that a customer may arrive at an Amazon site via your Special Link, add an item to his Shopping Cart, and then leave without placing an order.

As long as the item was added to the customer's Shopping Cart during this 24-hour window for, you will still earn an advertising fee if the order is placed before the Shopping Cart expires (usually after 90 days). The advertising fee will not be credited to your Associates account until the customer has purchased the item, accepted delivery, and remitted full payment to

1/ Basically a window session cookie - and the trick is to get the customer at least putting the book in their cart - then you get 90 days to complete.

2/ If the customer visits via your link but does not use a cart - goes away and then comes back (even via type in or bookmark) then you don't get credit.

3/ Even if the customer buys via your link - he/she is not your customer for lifetime - just for that purchase.

So it's not about getting a customer to sign up for an account - that's totally irrelevant to getting paid - it's about making a purchase NOW on this visit. You'd really need a good sales patter to get people wanting to visit and BUY NOW at Amazon to succeed. As soon as the customer hesitates or wants to price comparison shopping elsewhere you are likely to lose credit for the sale. That might be typical of real world affiliation, but you can see it's a process that requires a steady stream of traffic.

We promoted specific targeted sports books for 3-4 years, had over 2 million impressions and would have generated about $2000 in sales (maybe 200 books) - paying us about $110 to $120 as affiliates. We've dropped it as an ineffective waste of our space and time.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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I also would love to get into a different market, but I have yet to find anything that even pays half of what casinos offer in terms of commission. My only real thoughts have been, when / if this whole casino affiliate thing falls apart. I would try to get into the real estate game, and use my Google marketing skills in that area. Leads sell houses... We seem pretty good at generating those here.

Other then that, I don't know what else to do. As with most everything else, Amazon sales are a one time deal.. As casinos offer residual income on the clients you refer, anything else would need to have a pretty large CPA to interest me (real estate).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 6, 2013
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I wouldn't bother with Amazon, you'll make peanuts compared to casino affiliate programs. A 5% one-time commission is nothing compared to this industry.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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I've heard of a few affs with profitable amazon revenue - it's not going to be anywhere near the types of percentage that you get in this business, but don't forget that there's a lot more traffic to be had. I've also heard stories of affs who only promote books (or whatever) and occasionally get someone buying a TV or other high ticket item through their links.

Plus if you make a useful and informative site (rather than just a generic product guide, which seems to be the reason most affs fail) it's fairly easy to pick up natural links/shares etc..

Personally I don't do anything with amazon but we do diversify into other niches - so far sticking to purely informational sites (monetised by adsense mainly) and some aff-type sites in health/fitness. We also have a trial travel site in the works, so if that turns a profit we'll probably build a portfolio of them. We're also (ok, the wife is, but I'm taking part of the credit! :D) doing a local information guide for our area that will have more of a community feel to it.

I feel that diversifying is generally a good idea (especially in this business) but I'd suggest picking something that you're interested in and know a lot about rather than a random keyword you found a domain for. We also tend to try and overlap niches where possible - so our first travel site is about cheltenham, which of course fits in nicely with our horse racing sites.

Similarly, we also have a couple of general football and sport blogs, which again, complement our sports betting sites but don't have any kind of betting content on them themselves (which we'll eventually try and get into google news).

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I am thinking of diversifying and finding some niches for Amazon - anyone promote Amazon here? I've heard some good things, but have never tried. I have an affiliate account there for many years, but never even tried.
In Germany Amazon has lost reputation in the last 12 months because they pay their workers a pittance in Germany's logistic centres. It's a big scandal here, and everybody was able to watch the full story on free TV.

And the affiliates?

Since 2013 you can find a lot of bad reports from German Amazon affiliates. Many accounts were closed for hidden reasons.

An example ...

Hello again from the Associates Program,

I have reviewed your account and confirmed that you are tagging customer sessions without the user generating a click to

As such, the decision to close your Associates account and withhold fees is final, and you are no longer eligible to participate in the Associates Program.
Any other accounts you may have or may open in the future may be closed and advertising fees withheld without notification.

Because this decision is final, further requests to review your account for reinstatement will not receive a response.

We appreciate your understanding.

Term 27!?

Amazons dream: Flying Amazon drones deliver parcels to end customers in Germany too.

My dream?: A mighty storm arises and a ghastly thunderstorm approaches when ...



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
The Amazon boat like most has sailed and it's way over the horizon.

Forex / Binary doesn't interest me but it might be a better option

If your looking to get another income stream, I'd suggest the Binary vertical. IMO Forex takes a lot of knowledge and is huge learning curve too. You need to at least look-like-you-know what your talking about ;) Where as Binaries is similar to gambling. I think though the minimum deposit is $100 but then it's just a matter of your punters picking if their given market with rise or fall, over a set period of time.

I bought up a couple of nice binary domains but as yet, can't find the time to get into.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Amazon Germany and Amazon France closed my affiliate accounts in recent months without mentioning any reason. Do you know what are the likely causes ? Like change in requirements ?

What are good affiliate program alternatives to replace them ?