Refilliates accounts inaccessible

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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Andy, as far is you know the connection between them and BetReels is just Dieter or they are the company that supposedly acquired refiliates?

Correct. Dieter sold to concentrate on a multi-platform casino. He is locked out of Refilliates as it is no longer his company. He has tried to contact the new operator without success and cannot share the purchasing company information with me due to NDA.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Well, I hope the new home won't mean untagged players at the same time, or a brand new database starting from blank.

Anyway, what the saddest in this story it that this is happening with a more or less trustable affiliate platform. If this would have happened with OrangeGamez, there would be less surprise. Such events always make me think whether it is worth spending energy on long term casino affiliation. Even if the platform will be abandones, a notification email would have been fair. The fact it was forgotten makes me be cautious about the new owners.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Also I wonder if this sale and the new Betreels platform has anything to the with the recent events happening in the parliament of the Netherlands regarding stricter monitoring of gambling business in Curacao. This situation seems a bit suspicious to me. Especially because Betreels is more limited about allowed countries than Refilliates was. Maybe the guys fel it is hight time to escape from the sinking ship and sold the platform (or abandoned it?), to continue with a clean "system".


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Just removed them from my most popular pages - I used them mostly for no deposit - hoping to get some real money players - got some no big players - but they did pay on time.

Feeling like I'm at the airport and they refuse to tell me why the plane is delayed


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 6, 2011
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Just removed them from my most popular pages - I used them mostly for no deposit - hoping to get some real money players - got some no big players - but they did pay on time.

Feeling like I'm at the airport and they refuse to tell me why the plane is delayed

Indeed ! Lack of communication and professionalism !!! Something shady may be going on unfortunately...


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I'm going to chime in here... Not that this affect me either way because I've blacklisted practically ALL Rival casinos.

From my understanding the casinos were always owned by Rival (aka Bonne Chance, black square whoever). At no time did Deiter own these casinos. Rival et al, gave Deiter the management rights, (affiliate white lable)...BUT Rival et al still held ownership of the casinos.

As far as the affiliate program, well maybe that was owned by Deiter and Dwayne. I'm still not convinced of that though, either.

What I'm getting at here is... Deiter is no longer there. And being that Rival et al, owned these casinos, then they'd also own the players too.

Wouldn't be the 1'st time Rival have pulled a hoodwink on affiliates. They've done it a couple of times before...just sayin.

I hope this isn't the case BUT it seems affiliates here have been left like shags on a rock. Hence why I've spoken up ;)
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
I don't like making statements without running checks...
So I did a reverse IP lookup on ( The site is now a blank page.

The IP is being shared with ALL the rival owned casino etc...

Could it be that Deiter didn't own the affiliate program either. And in fact sold nothing. Instead, Rival have reclaimed what-was-always-theirs, and moved the aff program back to their IP:, and now Rival have ALL your players and you, well, your now out in the cold.

Seems extremely odd if not bizarre, that the "new" mystery owner(s), would close an active affiliate program, and then stick it on a IP owned by Rival... Makes no sense at ALL. Though, makes perfect sense, with Rival being behind it ALL from the get go...just sayin!

Seems ALL too easy for Deiter not to comment, instead hide behind a no-disclosure-clause. This way, he's ass is protected; even if he has lead everyonme here up the garden path with BS ownership claims.

Least this way he can come back and maybe pull the same stunt with BetReels... Just seems very odd indeed, given what has transpired so far. And, now the aff program is no more and it's sitting on Rival's IP addy...

(not all 79 domains listed. The screen caps were joined together. The rest, you can look up yourself).

#54 -

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Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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My understanding is a bit different... I think ALL Rival casinos are white labels - but that they are not all OWNED by Rival.
In other words - they are all run from the same server(s) with the same back-end, banking and (in many cases) support.
The OWNERS set the bonuses, do the marketing & affiliate program, take the money from the players and then pay Rival for their services.

But of course - I could be COMPLETELY wrong! o_O

This Refilliates issue is a bit of a worry - but it's only been a couple of days and I will allow a few more days before I panic.
I hope that something bad isn't going down - not only because of the vast amount of time & effort I've put into promoting them, but because it may effect the players too... :(



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 9, 2015
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I think that it is better not to work with any program/casinos powered by Rival, regardless of how very friendly terms they have, in the end everyone will be ripped off, but that's just my opinion.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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A high % of Rival casinos are owned by Rival.

Originally Rival was handing out white label licenses to all and sundary. I'll go so far as to say, even operators with little to no experience. We've seen more than enough Rival White Label casinos go ass-up over the years. When this happened, Rival would step in (not sure if players go paid or not)... Either way, Rival added another casino to their stable.

Think of a wash and repeat cycle and your pretty close to the money.

Now there are privately owned Rival Brands. These are not White Labels, nor are they owned by Rival. Almost always everthing is operated in-house by the private owners.

A White Label Rival, is pretty much a glorifed affiliate casino. Rival conducts support, payments etc go through their payment processor. I knew a Rival White Label operator personally. She was an ex affiliate manager. The b/f and her opened up Dendra Casino. That went ass-up and Rival now own it.

As I said, it's a rinse and repeat process.

With regard to Deiter... Like I said, I know he didn't own the casinos, and now, I'm starting to think, he didn't own the affiliate program either...

Anyway... for all affiliate who are caught up in this mess, lets hope, for a change, that I'm wrong!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 14, 2013
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I just signed up to start promoting that program because i saw you promoting them KK. but didn't add them to my site as yet.

This is one part of the industry i am getting use to. You can wake up tomorrow morning and the best programs started having hiccups. Right now i just prayed to get paid at the end of the month and then to the next.

A matter of fact i never pray so hard until joining this industry.
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