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Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Without wanting to speak out of turn or for Mark, I guess he felt a personal note was in order. I replied to him via e-mail the minute I saw the message on here and he'd deleted it by the tiem I finished writing my reply.

I am very sorry to lose a client like Mark, he's one of the best, if you are lucky enough to work with him, don't screw it up like I did - there's not many like him around. I really am sorry we couldn't make an arrangement Mark, but I understand your reasons and wish you nothing but the best.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 14, 2010
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I have also had a stroke or blood clot as it is also called. Woke up one morning, cud barly breath and on the afternoon we went to the hospital where i had to wait 4 hrs before they sent me to x-ray. I had blood clots in my lungs, and ended up spending 2-3 nighs in observation with all kind of machines atached to me.

I did spend some time working via my phone, every time i had the chance to like outside etc.

6 months with Waran.

Now 10+ years later, i don't say "autsh" for small things anymore, knowing what "real pain" is.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I have also had a stroke or blood clot as it is also called.

Sorry to hear, being ill ain't a good experience.

Almost 90 percent of all strokes are ischemic. About 10 percent are due to bleeding in your brain from a torn or ruptured blood vessel. This is called a hemorrhagic stroke. In a thrombotic stroke, the artery is blocked by a thrombus (blood clot) that forms there.

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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I really appreciate all the tips, advice, and experiences offered here regarding to the strokes I suffered. It's very kind of you all. I hope none of you ever have to suffer anything similar.

All the best,


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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@DaftDog - what happened to your post, which was posted yesterday/today. I can only go on memory, but it said "Sorry Chris, but I've move on." or words to that effect.
I regretted posting that publicly and thought an email would have been a better way of replying.


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score
My experience with Chris:

  1. Talked to him many months ago briefly, we went to Skype, it fell off (not unheard of, I am poor with following up on people who want jobs, foolheartedly assuming they will follow up themselves if they are in search of work).
  2. This thread pops up again and he has had a stroke.
  3. We PM/Skype again, I tell him exactly what we need, a few weeks go by, no response.
  4. I PM here and we reconnect on Skype. On Skype Chris mentions he is in a bad spot and needs work ASAP. We discuss and I offer to bend our rules and pay him quickly for his work, for a month or two, to help him out of a jam. He says he can produce a lot of content, and we have a lot to produce, so I figure it's worth it.
  5. Our editor finds a simple news story for Chris, they discuss, Chris takes the job.
  6. After a couple weeks, I ping Chris, he does not respond.
  7. That was 3 weeks ago and zero contact from Chris.

If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time with Chris Howlett. He wanted work, but then wanted to chat about video games and other nonsensical shit (I ignored it and kept the chat business oriented), then never delivered the work that he was assigned and so desperate for.

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Hi JB,

Would you mind taking a look at your Skype? Been trying to reach you and it appears you have haven't seen those messages before writing here.

Just so there's no confusion and with zero disrespect intended I reviewed the chat as I only tend to discuss non-business topics with people who seem interested in doing so and I think what was written was a little harsh considering there is a total of 2 lines in the part where I mentioned "installing Skype on all my devices as I don't normally use it" where video games were even slightly mentioned.

I hope this can be resolved. I take my writing seriously, I assure all parties of this.


New Member
Jan 10, 2022
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Full disclosure, Chris has asked me to weigh in here. I'll admit that, as others have said, there has been periods where I have considered stopping using him due to his occasional ... off periods ...

That said, of the 33 invoices he has completed for me, almost all of them were done within 1 day of the deadline provided, and the quality is always very high - I check the copy I receive from all my writers with several industry standard tools and Chris's work scores higher than any other writer I have used - he clearly put's a lot of effort into his work, and he charges a fair price.

For the time being, I would still recommend him despite the issues we had during 2021 - I will post here again if that changes, as I am not going to shill for him, but I am willing to honour his request to come here and give an honest opinion.

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Cheers Alex... could have been a bit better though man come on haha ;)

Only kidding, really appreciate it mate and honesty is always the best policy. Look forward to working with you this year.`

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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My experience with Chris:
6. That was 3 weeks ago and zero contact from Chris.

If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time with Chris Howlett. He wanted work, but then wanted to chat about video games and other nonsensical shit (I ignored it and kept the chat business oriented), then never delivered the work that he was assigned and so desperate for.

This is just entirely unfair. Skype shows a symbol on the right when you have opened (and presumably read) responses from the people you are talking with. I tried to message you for three consecutive days during which you didn't even click to open those messages. Considering these facts which are easily verifiable, is this a fair attempt to attack my credibility?

I will let people make their own minds up. And mate, I don't want to be writing this - I would like to work with you, but if you are insisting on large contacts with 0% down then I don't think it is so bad to have a little chat with the person who is going to be paying you prior to getting started - I got ripped off 4 times last year, only once with writing, and I'll be fair and call it a significant misunderstanding as I know the person involved will read this, but the amount I was paid two days before Christmas was less than 20% of what I had expected so as you can imagine Christmas was essentially cancelled. If you prefer to be strictly business that's fine too - I don't think 10-25% down is unreasonable personally, I worked at 50% for years without issue.

I apologise to people who I have entered discussions with and not delivered work but I HAVE to prioritise the people who HAVE given me money first - sometimes I end up agreeing to more than I am able to deliver. I am aiming to fix this by taking on a second writer very soon which is why I have formed The Write Game PLP.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Full disclosure, Chris has asked me to weigh in here.

@PROFRBcom | @DaftDog both of these members have years of cred within the igaming affiliate industry. They don't BS. They don't lie. If they say the OP is flaky, then the OP is flaky.

@UKProCopy - lol your a NEW member, 1 post only, and this is it. We have no idea who you are. You have no cred here. For all we know, you could be the OP (aka Christopher Howlett).

I've never known anyone to have so much misfortune as the OP. 2x strokes, really???!!!

I suffered one back in 2004, and that took me over 18 months to recover. But the OP has had not only one but two. Yet stranger than fiction, manages to bounce back within literally weeks.

Sound to me like someone has some type of ongoing money problems, and these "stories" are just that, made up twaddle to sucker people in, and play the victim-card :rolleyes:

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Sorry Dave, have I p*ssed you off personally in some way? I'm sure there are plenty of people here who know Alex, but I met him on another large gambling forum, I had no idea if he had an account here or not. Next time I'll check shall I?

Yeah, 2021 was a real bad year for me. Sure, I've got on going money issues. My business was destroyed by Covid (sound and light hire.. imagine having a warehouse with 4k a month rent when suddenly you aren't allowed to hire anything out)d.... my best friend who I ran the business with died of an overdose a few months later. His parents have never revealed the details of his death but I suspect suicide, because it broke the pair of us losing, in a matter of days, something that had taken us years to build. So yeah, that left me broke and jobless, so what? What relevance does that have on my performance?

I cant speak for ProFRB but I know Mark is a credible, trustworthy guy, who I worked with on and off for several years and would do so again in a heartbeat. I was extremely disappointed things went the way they did there, but that was down to local thugs taking advantage of someone they knew had just suffered their second stroke so decided to beat and rob me. Yeah, I'd say I've had some misfortune, wouldn't you?

Both of my strokes were isochemic. They don't take as long to recover from as some other types. The first one I lost the use of my left arm for a while. The second there was no obvious physical effects to me until my housemates started pointing out I was staring into space aimlessly for an hour at a time and acting all weird. Anyway I've told you enough, I don't know why you feel the need to get involved here and attack me when you don't even know me, but I've been entirely honest with you anyway to demonstrate my own good character.


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
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Would you mind taking a look at your Skype? Been trying to reach you and it appears you have haven't seen those messages before writing here.

You did not attempt to reach out until after this post was made.

There are timestamps.

This is just entirely unfair. Skype shows a symbol on the right when you have opened (and presumably read) responses from the people you are talking with. I tried to message you for three consecutive days during which you didn't even click to open those messages.


I haven't bothered opening your messages (sent after this thread was posted).

The facts are that you:
  • Wasted my time
  • Wasted our Editor's time
  • Asked for special treatment, were granted it and...
  • Then YOU failed to produce the content you were assigned.

The problem here lies with you Chris.

You bailed out without a word, for weeks, after a paid assignment was given to you and you pleaded for special treatment.

Do you have any idea how annoying and costly that is to someone trying to operate a business? I could have spent my time doing other productive things rather than negotiating a deal with you which you reneged on. Our editor could have been managing other writers or polishing up money content instead of finding you an assignment, only to have you never deliver it.

Considering these facts which are easily verifiable, is this a fair attempt to attack my credibility?

With regard to your credibility, this thread speaks for itself... you are flaky. Whether that is due to medical reasons I know not, and if it is, that is a shame. However, reliability is important to myself, and many other affiliates who operate websites.

You may be a great writer and you may normally have a 1 day TAT with excellent content....

But I wouldn't know because you didn't produce anything for us and now you are here attempting to insinuate that I have some motive to attack your credibility.

No offense intended, but you mean nothing to me. You are a ghost on the internet. I am merely here to inform my fellow webmasters that you wasted my time.

This post is wasting more of my time, so I'm out.

Good luck in your endeavors.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
The Tribe Has Spoken! It's Time to go Chris ;)

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
Reaction score
The Tribe Has Spoken! It's Time to go Chris ;)
Mate, do you have some kind of personal problem with me? Time to go where? Yes, even the person I asked to come here and support me pretty much said I had been flaky the past year. If I'd known t hat was what he would write I would have asked somebody else, but there we go, he was honest, I appreciate his honesty, and he did at least counter the negatives with the positives. Thats a fair assessment, and I accept that. I've made mistakes, I accept and regret that. I am going to do better in future, I promise all of my clients that I will be better this year.

What is wrong with owning my mistakes, taking responsibility for my previous actions, and trying to improve going forward? You are instead suggesting what exactly? That I should stop writing altogether, because you don't like me for some reason? Please, explaiaan where you want me to go, and why, and what the reason is that you feel compelled to continue trashing my reputation even though you have zero experience working with me whatsoever, have never spoken to me, know very little about me. I don't understand - I do not share the sentiments you have towards me, for yourself - I have no reason to personally dislike you other than what you are doing here, so I'd really like to know what your motivation is. Please?

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Sound to me like someone has some type of ongoing money problems, and these "stories" are just that, made up twaddle to sucker people in, and play the victim-card :rolleyes:

You have mentioned this money issue more than once... if you are in the group of people who managed not to suffer due to the pandemic then congratulations, good on you man... but don't you realize, you are one of the lucky ones?

I am not a bad person because I lost the entire business that took me several years to build up pretty much overnight because of an unforeseen global event. It does not make me a bad person, and I don't understand why you think otherwise. I began writing again because I need to survive somehow. I'm good at it, too,so why not use that skill at a time when I cannot pursue my normal activity/

Which was sound and lighting hire, by the way. I'm sure the problem is obvious just from that.

I am not going anywhere. I will continue to provide a high-quality service to the best of my ability and sincerely apologise to anyone who feels that I wasted their time, or otherwise let down. If I am given the opportunity to right those wrongs, then I would absolutely do that.

Why is this not good enough for you? Do you not feel I have been honest, sincere, and fair with what I have written here? Please, send me a job and let me demonstrate my ability and service to you - then come back here and let me know where I went wrong, what I could improve, or tell me its total junk if you want. Whatever happens, you'll have the opportunity to tell everyone here of your own personal experience working with me. Let's call it a challenge?

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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@PROFRBcom | @DaftDog both of these members have years of cred within the igaming affiliate industry. They don't BS. They don't lie. If they say the OP is flaky, then the OP is flaky.
How about Fulgusin and Catalin from Tipzor Media in Romania, are they regarded as being suitably "established" figures in your eyes? I have no idea if they write here, I just know this is where they found me around late 2020. I completed 71 invoices for them during the last year...

I would imagine they would probably praise my work but note that I am often very eager to get paid... I do try not to chase them as I know it p*sses them off, but we did agree that as there was no deposit in our contracts then payment would be made immediately upon receipt of the finished copy then I would be contractually obliged to make any changes deemed necessary irrespective of the status of my payment.

That is something I promise all my clients anyway, so wasn't a problem. I will happily change/fix any problems found in my text even if it was a document that I delivered and archived six months ago.

If you know them, I might ask them to weigh in. If you are going to say "oh well x other member has been here longer, therefore, everything you say is irrelevant ", then I won't waste my time.

And by the way, the reason I'm writing so much about this is that somebody has now taken time to send me a lovely e-mail explaining the difference between a TIA and a stroke and telling me that I am mocking genuine stroke victims by coming here and calling a TIA a stroke. Thanks for the Wikipedia link, sure, I agree it says they are actually "mini-strokes". Did you ever consider that terminology may not be used in the UK?

My doctor called it a stroke,, the hospital called it a stroke, so I called it a stroke. At no point did I consider that what I called something which happened to me could somehow be taken as an attack on anybody else. It's all in your own sick mind, the only person who thinks the way you do... is you. ONE more message like that and I call the Police. As my client I'm chatting with on Skype right now is saying - this is why he doesn't use forums.


New Member
Aug 13, 2020
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My experience with Chris:

  1. Talked to him many months ago briefly, we went to Skype, it fell off (not unheard of, I am poor with following up on people who want jobs, foolheartedly assuming they will follow up themselves if they are in search of work).
  2. This thread pops up again and he has had a stroke.
  3. We PM/Skype again, I tell him exactly what we need, a few weeks go by, no response.
  4. I PM here and we reconnect on Skype. On Skype Chris mentions he is in a bad spot and needs work ASAP. We discuss and I offer to bend our rules and pay him quickly for his work, for a month or two, to help him out of a jam. He says he can produce a lot of content, and we have a lot to produce, so I figure it's worth it.
  5. Our editor finds a simple news story for Chris, they discuss, Chris takes the job.
  6. After a couple weeks, I ping Chris, he does not respond.
  7. That was 3 weeks ago and zero contact from Chris.

If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time with Chris Howlett. He wanted work, but then wanted to chat about video games and other nonsensical shit (I ignored it and kept the chat business oriented), then never delivered the work that he was assigned and so desperate for.

Unfortunately I have paid for work several months ago and haven't received these assignments from Chris after following up by email. I've also offered the option to cancel the work and return the money, but Chris hasn't used this option either. While I understand Chris has gone through a tough period in life and this has affected his ability to deliver in time, giving new promises to clients that you don't keep and trying to justify your behavior by claiming to serve established old clients without any issues, is not a way to conduct business.

I'm good at it, too,so why not use that skill at a time when I cannot pursue my normal activity

I can confirm this - the work that WAS delivered earlier by Chris was fantastic, so that isn't the problem at all. On my part, paying in advance was a mistake after seeing great quality work for earlier assignments.
Why is this not good enough for you? Do you not feel I have been honest, sincere, and fair with what I have written here? Please, send me a job and let me demonstrate my ability and service to you - then come back here and let me know where I went wrong, what I could improve, or tell me its total junk if you want. Whatever happens, you'll have the opportunity to tell everyone here of your own personal experience working with me. Let's call it a challenge?

I am not going anywhere. I will continue to provide a high-quality service to the best of my ability and sincerely apologise to anyone who feels that I wasted their time, or otherwise let down. If I am given the opportunity to right those wrongs, then I would absolutely do that.

Here's a new challenge for you - please return my advance payment or deliver the work you promised to do and never did - on my part, I'll promise to update the situation here and give 100% honest feedback on the quality of the work IF you decide to deliver it to me.

Christopher Howlett

New Member
Oct 25, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Johannes,
It's been a while since I heard from you so I apologize sincerely that your work has ended up at the bottom of the stack - it isn't fair. This will be dealt with swiftly and professionally and with compensation as I said earlier.

Can I also just add, this is not a case of I worked upfront - there was no problem - you paid upfront - I didn't deliver. You always paid a percentage upfront, usually 50%, sometimes you sent the whole lot without me even asking you to. I appreciated this, but I delivered the work on every occasion no matter how much was paid upfront - all except the last one, which occurred right around the time of my stroke.

I think it is clear I am not dishonest, put people will make of this what they will. Personallly, I am happy everything is out in the open - but will not tolerate those threatening e-mails. I don't deserve that. I have not ripped anyone off, and never will.

I do have 2 clients I am working hard for right now and I have to keep them onside - my entire life depends on it. At the same time, your work is also important, I realize this, and am going to prioritize it immediately.
