Spin Time partners lack of communication ans BOGUS stats


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Spin Time partners lack of communication and BOGUS stats

I have been trying to get a hold of someone at Spin Time partners, but only once, about a month ago, did I get a call. They have a serious lack a commitment to affiliates at this time it appears.

My biggest concern is the stats and LACK of earnings when earnings should be present. The so called "free play" is being done by players, but once the player finishes it off, the free play money, which is non cashable is tracking as a WITHDRAWAL. I have so many -$5000 to -$6000 in my stats it is killing off off all earnings and sending me into the negative $30,000 range.

This occurred last month too, when I should be owed money I am showing nothing and a BIG OLE negative, due to their reporting structure.

I have sent numerous emails from different email addys and NONE have even received a single reply.

I di get the email a while back that they were going to redo their stats and update our commissions, but that was OVER two weeks ago and STILL nothing has changed.

So how many of you have similar stats? Anyone getting any contact back from them?

I am about ready to pull the plug on this group and issue a warning to all players, if they are lacking communication with affiliates, how are the players being dealt with? I hate to rant but I had to put this out there.

EDITED TO - attach a partial screen shot to show what i am talking about, this is part of the players deposits report.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 23, 2009
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I am in the same exact boat. I haven't heard back in a while now either. Based on the last communication I had with them, they were supposed to be auditing their stats and getting this resolved.

I will give them until Friday to get this resolved and then they will be gone once and for all.

I really hope they can get this fixed because they are actually converting really nicely.


Affiliate Program Representative
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
Spin Time Partners are Here to stay and happy to answer any questions

Hi All,

We have noticed this, it's however only happening in a few affiliate accounts, as you can see in the thread.

We have been dealing with this since I had the call with belgamo, and reassured him it will be sorted out properly and accurately and to make sure of this, we happy to go through it with any affiliate together.

Please note: some of your commissions are in negative due to players winning. Which is great, for the long term. they will come back and play as we have the hottest retention department around.

Other aff accounts, We have found, Its actually not on an affiliate account level, its being effected by the "free play" and is down to a player level in the affiliates account.

We are the first to do the “free spins” with rival software, so we would appreciate your patients.

Please understand we have 10 of thousands of players we need to go through, yes, each player manually, one by one to investigate this PROPERLY.

Also, dealing with many player cases with rival and waiting for a response on per player basis.

If we have caused any inconvenience, Firstly SpinTime Partners apologies, SpinTime Upper management is happy to offer you a cash advance? until we have sorted this out with Rival, and all stats are accurate for those who are having these small problems with their stats.

We also did mention this in our weekly newsletter.

This will be sorted ASAP.

Dave Mann
Affiliate Manager
SpinTime Partners


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 23, 2009
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Thanks for updating us on this Dave.

Do you have an estimate as to when this might be resolved? I know there are several affiliates (myself included) who are hesitant to continue sending you players if this isn't fixed ASAP.

I first asked you about this on 2/27 and I am a little worried that it hasn't been resolved yet.

There have been a few other Rival groups who have run the "free play / free spins" promos and I can only vaguely recall one instance where there was a similar issue (and it was rectified almost immediately).

Please let us know when you expect to have this fixed once and for all.


Affiliate Program Representative
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
Its our TOP priority Still

hopefully in the next few days. Some accounts have already been resolved due to those players in their account have already being invested and dealt with.

Please know this, every single cent with be accounted for and I will make sure every affiliate will be credited and receive their share. I guarantee this. I will be making sure.

So i dont want to say exactly, but its the TOP priority at Spintime.

Will will keep you all updated.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Please understand we have 10 of thousands of players we need to go through, yes, each player manually, one by one to investigate this PROPERLY.

correct my math if I'm wrong as I'm on little sleep, but just 10,000 players at 1 minute per, working 24 straight hours is aprox. 6.9 days.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Dave,

Got your email, nice to see you on the board!

Hopefully rival will get this stat issue resolved soon, preferably before April starts up.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
hopefully in the next few days. Some accounts have already been resolved due to those players in their account have already being invested and dealt with.

Please know this, every single cent with be accounted for and I will make sure every affiliate will be credited and receive their share. I guarantee this. I will be making sure.

So i dont want to say exactly, but its the TOP priority at Spintime.

Will will keep you all updated.


Hi Dave,

It's been a few days now since your last update. Can you kindly update us on the progress of the stats issue that some of us are having?



New Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Hi Dave,

It's been a few days now since your last update. Can you kindly update us on the progress of the stats issue that some of us are having?


+1 please. Thanks.

- Tim


Affiliate Program Representative
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
Its way past Spintime expected deadlines too

Guys, To get quick answers from us, we would just give you BS back and make a quick fix but that’s not how we do it at SpinTime Partners nor SpinTime.com. Until we have real honest answers and solution to give you. You all will be the first to know.

We did offer to compensate payment advances in the mean time. Please see below.

We are working hard to correct the past numbers that have been affected and creating a real long-term accurate solution to fix this problem. Which we now have, we just waiting on answered on how long now?

Spin time’s upper management sincerely apologies for these time delays, Its way past our expected deadlines too and we working around the clock closely with Rival Software to getting this solved accurately, As this is a system and software issue and down to player level. We are working on a solution so these issues don’t creep up again in the future months.

Please understand the “free play” is unique in many ways from other rival casinos. We are dealing with rival software and unfortunately it takes time and much longer than you and Spin Time expected.

Our compensation to those effected has been extended :
We did offer advanced payments in our weekly email a while back and we do still extend this to those affiliates that feel they have been inconvenienced. Please Just email us.

We pushing to have this ASAP resolved for month end and so March payments will not be effected. We will also be including those affiliates commission that were effected in previous payments and never asked for the advanced payments.

Our start date for Spin Time Partners Rolex Competition has even been delayed due to this as its our top priority, So we not happy either. But start getting ready, and watch out, The Time is coming soon.


Answers to all Questions in the threat are below.

Also BStreak, not sure what you talking about, we replied to your emails a few days ago, check all folders in your email. Otherwise please resend if we missed it.

Payments question somewhere in the threat: ask kasinoking since he is part of this threat, or others, they received payments.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I am not getting your mails please resend to marketing@bonustreak.com of feel free to call me anytime I need answers please. Thanks for taking the time to post here as well it means that your concerned and I like seeing affiliate managers take active rolls on the forum. ;D If you will be in Amsterdam or Prague please let me know so we can meet.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
We pushing to have this ASAP resolved for month end and so March payments will not be effected. We will also be including those affiliates commission that were effected in previous payments and never asked for the advanced payments.

Hi Dave,

I hate to keep pressing you about this, but could you please give us another update when you get a moment?

Tomorrow is the last day of the month and we haven't heard any news regarding whether or not you'll have this issue resolved by your goal of the month end.

Please give us an update when you get a chance.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds like a lot of this could be avoided by simply sending out a mass mailing telling everyone an update on the situation, ... every few days if necessary.

Sure beats losing confidences.

2 cents.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
The technical issue can be sorted out I'm sure. It does seem to be moving along rather slowly, but if it's being given the proper attention and fixed soon, fine.

Several people in this thread has posted about the lack of communication and lack of response to their emails sent. That worrys me most.

Your affiliate managers need to be reachable and responsive to affiliate inquiries.