Small Request


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all

I requested this over at the GPWA for the exact same reason I'm requesting it here...

Often a thread will get started, then the original poster will not come back to clear things up.

If us aff managers didn't reply to threads, we would be crucified for it..

Is it really too much to ask to come back and post to say that the issue had been resolved?

This thread is just an example: https:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/redflush-no-cashouts-flushed-t2974-p2.html

Some affiliates do it more than others.. Sorry to be blunt, but although there was an extended time delay on the payment there, it doesn't make the group look great when there is no update. Just looks like they never paid, which is not the case. Although this group has nothing to do with us, I feel that not updating threads like that is irresponsible at best.

Sorry to be blunt guys, but it just really gets my goat considering that if it were reversed all hell would have broken loose.

Thanks for considering my request.



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hi All,

Good point Renee!

However Rhonda did post she got paid
https:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/redflush-no-cashouts-flushed-t2974-p2.html#post19023

Albeit after I asked the question.

IMHO the thread should have been split.

Although the original topic is factually, it got side tracked with the additional QT payment issue which is the point to the thread, yes?

Possibility two issues can be addressed with this thread.
  1. If you make a post about non payment...ect..ect, come back and update.
  2. If a thread opens a secondary issue split the two into seperate threads.
I think that covers everything ;D



Last edited:


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Actually the reason I started this was because someone who wasn't involved in the thread (you) had to ask if it was resolved for the original poster to come back and tell everyone she got paid. I doubt this would have happened if you didn't ask Dave.. The reason I say this is because the same person started a thread over at GPWA and the thread is still left hanging despite Martyn asking twice or three times if the poster understands...

I'm not trying to have a go at this particular poster, but I find that it's generally the same few people who do this.. and it's not just posting.. I find it happens on emails too.. I get asked for something, I spend time making it up etc, then when I send it off I never hear from the person again. I follow up saying "did you get it? is it ok? etc" and I get nothing back, not even a thank you..


It's not a lot to ask.. but if you start a thread, don't make people chase you for the result. Post it on your own. It's not good for newbies to read stuff like that because it gives a false impression.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
Actually the reason I started this was because someone who wasn't involved in the thread (you) had to ask if it was resolved for the original poster to come back and tell everyone she got paid. I doubt this would have happened if you didn't ask Dave.. The reason I say this is because the same person started a thread over at GPWA and the thread is still left hanging despite Martyn asking twice or three times if the poster understands...

I'm not trying to have a go at this particular poster, but I find that it's generally the same few people who do this.. and it's not just posting.. I find it happens on emails too.. I get asked for something, I spend time making it up etc, then when I send it off I never hear from the person again. I follow up saying "did you get it? is it ok? etc" and I get nothing back, not even a thank you..


It's not a lot to ask.. but if you start a thread, don't make people chase you for the result. Post it on your own. It's not good for newbies to read stuff like that because it gives a false impression.

That bugs me too. Doesn't take much just to say thanks or even an acknowledgement of a receipt. On the bright side, they'll never take up my time again. ;)


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
I find it happens on emails too.. I get asked for something, I spend time making it up etc, then when I send it off I never hear from the person again. I follow up saying "did you get it? is it ok? etc" and I get nothing back, not even a thank you...
Yep, me three!
I often get e-mails from affy people asking what can be done to improve placement/conversions for their casinos; I spend ages on detailed replies telling them what I think needs to be done... and they don't respond at all!
Grrrrrrrrrr! :mad:


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I agree with you, Renee!! I would love to hear how we can follow up on these things. I think affiliates, themselves, need to be proactive in closing out issues (i.e., responding and saying things are ok). How, from a forum perspective, can WE help?

I feel it might be difficult to keep tabs on every thread to ensure this happens, but maybe not?


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for the input guys.

Andy I think the ideal solution would be the ability to mark a thread as an "issue" thread and have a reminder sent to the original poster after X days of no replies asking has the issue been resolved and if so, they should be able to mark it resolved somewhere. If not, then the poster should at least post an update..

I understand this is probably not possible for an automated system.. Maybe the "report post" button could be used for this..

I'm not really sure how the backend for the forums works so not sure what is possible.