
24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Was over at the GPWA today and they've welcomed a new gold sponsor - Blue Chip Partners.

As always the puffery is in full-motion. I instead set my eyes on a programs T&C's, which include benefits for an affiliate if one chooses to partner with, in this case, Blue Chip Partners.

Activity Quota: Yes, If Partner does not attract more than 5 (five) new players within a calendar month, after 2 (two) months, Bluechip has the right (but is not obliged) to change the terms of cooperation with the Partner, including 50% reducing the amount of fee to be received by the Partner

Quotas are scammy - definitely predatory and especially when combined with a commission % reduction.

Not to be outdone by this pearler, Blue Chip Partners also enforce an Admin Fee - Up to 35%.

And where do you suppose they're sole license hails from? Curacao.

I'st all slaps on the back and from the GPWA - what about looking after your members, instead of your own wallet!

Which brings me to another issue, but within the same type of topic...

A month or so ago I reached out to another affiliate (this person will remain nameless), wanted to discuss a problem I was having with an affiliate program, who was taking a LOT more than its share of deductions from me. I provided mathematical proof this program was shafting me.

However, the response I received from this affiliate really left me gobsmacked.

Since then I've mulled this over many times.

There was no disagreement about the math being wrong, and that I was being shafted. Where this took a bizarre twist was that this ripping me off, was put in a way, that I should just rollover and accept it. :eek:

Has our industry really got this bad that most affiliates just let this shit slide? It seems so!

Admin Fees are a JOKE! They're nothing less than a scam against affiliate partners.

Player Quotas are the same BS scam too. It's moot if an affiliate refers 1 depositing player or 1,000. If the operator makes money from that referred player, then the affiliate SHOULD receive ongoing/lifetime commission. Instead, we're entrapped into, at times, retroactively changed T&C's or other ambiguously designed and perpetrated money-grabbing cons, which are solely there to steal affiliates rightful commissions.

Where in the sand does the line get drawn?
Are most affiliates now too pistol whipped to stand up against this tyranny?

10 or so years ago I warned everyone that if we don't counteract (push back) against the Admin Fees, Quotas and other nefarious money grabbing scams, we're all going to suffer long term. I don't want to say... "I told you so."

I mean really... how hard is it to see the trees in the forest? And, if that line in the sand isn't drawn soon, we wont be living on our knees, instead we'll be crawling on our stomachs.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
@FictionNet - I missed that, probably because I was in shock to other BS. Great catch!


New Member
May 30, 2022
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I don't take shit from any affiliate program. If I suspect they are shafting me, I will tell them and threaten to remove them. Sometimes I do, even when I have no proof. I have very little tolerance with bs and remove even big affiliate programs if I sense bs. Smaller affiliates might not have the same luxury, but I do. If your program is not performing as expected, fuck off :)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
@Jops - I agree and admire your gusto. Thing is, most affiliates aren't in a position to kick the best performing program to the curb, when, that program is shafting them. There lays to the BIG problem.

My solution is, if enough of us banded together, we can force change on the new-programs such as Blue Chip Affiliates. Growth comes from success. And, I think if affiliates started to see their efforts were forcing change, then I also believe larger mountains would begin to be climbed.

Something has to change and soon.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
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What makes me feel sick is the pathetic sheep at gpwa 'thanking and welcoming' these crooked programs .


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
What makes me feel sick is the pathetic sheep at gpwa 'thanking and welcoming' these crooked programs .

I was actually quite surprised that Rick thanked me for my BlueChip Partners post. Aside from your post @FictionNet, no brown-nosers have slap their backs with praise.

Yes @FictionNet, I wholeheartedly agree with you on that observation.

If it's any consultation, a lot of decent folk no longer support (post) there. The GPWA basically relies on clueless noobs, strangling sheep and fumes of yesteryear's. A cruise through the member lists, is riddled with little to no post counts. And private members along with SEALS are now being handed out like candy.

Which can only spell desperation.

FInally the penny has dropped for most that the GWPA only cares about the GPWA's wallet.

There is however some good content and info for noobs but most are too lazy to look for it. Hence, the site is driven these days with repeated questions, and mainly white-noise debates on which WP plugins are best.
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