Roguing Casinos and Affiliate Programs

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I am trying to come up with ways that would allow us to rogue casinos and affiliate programs and easily 'share the links'. I am VERY willing to spend AGD money on code which would allow us to do such a thing, but I am not quite sure where to start.

I would love to hear some ideas on how this could happen easily. If we had enough affiliates onboard with the idea, we could create something that would help out us and the industry.


1. Create a wordpress plugin that uses a central database for rogue links. Essentially it would have to read an XML file which contains a list of rogue casino and affiliate programs along with current linklists. The idea would be to use Wordpress as the 'get the information out' engine.

2. Create a complete 'link exchange' tool for roguing. Again, it would have to centrally manage the links (tied to the appropriate casino / affiliate program)

I really don't have much beyond that :) Even with either type of system, there would have to be a 'checks and balances' to ensure spam does not gain entry into the system. I would envision the requirement of being an AGD member at first with the possibility of allowing other forums into the mix (I think that is necessary). Once membership is determined, there would have to be a 'probationary period' where the links are active to the new rogue page. After x days, the page would have to be checked and approved.

Those are just thoughts off the top of my head, BTW :) I think something needs to be done and, like I said, I am willing to pay for the coding to do it.