Request for change in criteria


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 5, 2019
Reaction score
Since most casinos deduct bonus costs from gross revenue when calculating commission, could you do bonus-free test runs? This would be the best way to get a common baseline for comparisons. The current way is accurate only in the cases of no deductions, and even then we could have a casino where there was no bonus available - we won't know if there are deductions when a bonus is taken.

This way is of course not perfect in any way, especially since most customers do use bonuses. However, I don't think we can really have a honest comparison in examples like this:

Casino X: 200% deposit bonus, 55% deducted
Casino Y: 100% deposit bonus, 45% deducted
Casino Z: no bonus, 20% deducted

No-bonus runs would be a perfect addition to the already tested casinos, as then we could truly see the effect of bonus costs on our earnings.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
You are right that some casinos deduct bonus costs and we actually prefer to take the bonus when possible with our audits as it is a more real-world test. We intend to in future when time permits to expand our tests and to both bonus and no bonus audits but the task is massive and may take some time.