PHP giving myself props


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 10, 2009
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I just had to say.. I love php - its made my life so easy.

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this (please move it if you have to moderator bosses), but...
if you have a php question, or want to know if it is possible to do something using php and mysql... hit me with a pm.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I just had to say.. I love php - its made my life so easy.

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this (please move it if you have to moderator bosses), but...
if you have a php question, or want to know if it is possible to do something using php and mysql... hit me with a pm.

Hello Herd, I am actually glad you posted this here as I am trying to learn PHP and the MySQL database at the moment. What do you think of this program WampServer or are you familiar with it? If so does it work well with Front Page? I don't have Dreamweaver and I don't plan on buying it anytime soon, so I am looking for a free program to use with Front Page that will implement the PHP.

I have found this website here Tools for Installing PHP and MySQL On Your Computer - WebStockBox where I can get the free WampServer 2 program, but if you know of a better program to run with Front Page I would certainly appreciate any and all help that you may offer, Thanks. :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 10, 2009
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What do you think of this program WampServer or are you familiar with it? If so does it work well with Front Page?

Hey Gambling Guru

WampServer looks like its very handy for installing on your local machine, good for development, if you hate having to work online. In the past you had to install each of them separately and then "stitch" them together.

WampServer will let you run a production "environment" on your local PC. I'll be checking it out - looks very handy.

As for frontpage.. I dont use frontpage.
I dont use dreamweaver, there a lot of PHP editors out there (which highlight the PHP syntax when you are coding - comes in handy).

I am using a generic free text editor called NotePad++ to do all my coding in.
I then upload to my websites, and debug, and mess around with the database where my hosting is.

I said a lot.. but I dont know if I said anything to help you :(


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Gambling Guru

WampServer looks like its very handy for installing on your local machine, good for development, if you hate having to work online. In the past you had to install each of them separately and then "stitch" them together.

WampServer will let you run a production "environment" on your local PC. I'll be checking it out - looks very handy.

As for frontpage.. I dont use frontpage.
I dont use dreamweaver, there a lot of PHP editors out there (which highlight the PHP syntax when you are coding - comes in handy).

I am using a generic free text editor called NotePad++ to do all my coding in.
I then upload to my websites, and debug, and mess around with the database where my hosting is.

I said a lot.. but I dont know if I said anything to help you :(

I appreciate your response Herd and any info you can share. If you check out the WampServer, let me know what you think about it.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 10, 2009
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WampServer.. woweeee.. so far so good.
I did an install, a reboot.. and bam.

Download, install, reboot, up and working in under 10 mins.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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Thanks Herd! that's a very generous offer! You are a very welcome new member!!!

Edited to add: I just looked at your network of sites. They are stunning. And done in such a small width for maximum users. Really impressive. I like the themes and they way you were able to stay focused on those templates.

Great job, you're a real artist!
Last edited:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 10, 2009
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WCD Admin,

Thanks! I'll admit that I have been taking my sweet time with them. They are just place holders rather then sites at the moment. Although over the next 4 weeks I want to start pushing them out to completion stage. Coding the central CMS is taking so long because I keep adding, bits and pieces to it.

New Member
Sep 7, 2009
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As a seasoned PHP and MySQL user (PHP since before it was known as PHP 3.0 and MySQL since 3.23) I'd just like to add in some extra information for guys trying to learn the language and jump in:

Learn how to code from scratch. What I man by this, is, don't use fancy editors or WYSIWYG applications to learn how to code. Personally, after all these years I still code directly in my shell (using pico, nano, vi, etc...) but you may be more comfortable using something like NotePad++ like Herd mentioned he uses.

To use an analogy, learning to code should be like learning how to play guitar. Sure, you can download a TAB of your favorite song, jump right in and master it. However, the proper way to do things is to learn all the chords and the fundamentals; then you can pick up ANY song and play it.

PHP especially is a language that allows people to "pick up and play it" quickly and easily; but to master, that's another story. Every day I still learn better techniques and improve upon my code.

As for MySQL, a few tips I can share is to focus on proper indexing and use the command EXPLAIN a LOT. It will help you find queries with problems before they become problems in live projects.

I don't want to thread-jack Herd's thread, but I'm also always available to lend a helping hand when it comes to PHP/MySQL. :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 10, 2009
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pico sucks.. vi rocks. ;)

I think for users just starting out, it is wise to use an environment which they are comfortable in - WAMPServer is a good start.

And get yourself a text editor like notepad++ which highlights what is php code.

Look at other peoples code, find examples, and gradually your knowledge of PHP will increase.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Thanks Herd for the help yesterday on my inclusion code :)

Very much appreciated! Now - let the world domination begin.

muahahahahahah... pause... muahahahaha (pinky to mouth)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Herd for the help yesterday on my inclusion code :)

Very much appreciated! Now - let the world domination begin.

muahahahahahah... pause... muahahahaha (pinky to mouth)

Happy to help.. the 8-9 years of on again of again coding came in handy.
World domination using php, one line at a time.