Hello Massive Head-Wound Muffin How are You?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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If you follow me closely on Google+ you will already know that I took a spill and cracked open my head piece quite literally.

Since you are mostly all my friends, and others of you I have different relationships with, (like online18 my stalker), you really should know how it happened.

Disclaimer: 1. Reading this is probably not good for the faint of heart. Although, I will make it compelling enough that taking the risk would also probably be worth it. 2. The only thing it has to do with gambling is the one with life and death.

It all started making an affiliate site...

I have been making cool looking tables for my MobileCasinoParty website and making sure that everything is exactly right is more of an obsession than a passion for me, I have been caught with my face pressed against the monitor to view the tiny spaces between code. I need new glasses quite bad, but after a penguin the size of Florida dropped on me from the clear blue sky, I have been busy.... "making cool looking tables for my MobileCasino..."

In comes the reason I do what I do, slightly upset over what she sees: A hairy, yet handsome, Russian, Italian, American Jew, with his eyeballs 2in (5.08cm) from the screen. "Baby you're doing it again," she says with an angelic but sincerely concerned voice. "You going to give yourself a headache or," I interpreted as I sat back in my chair, "thanks I keep doing that." She's right but with each task I return to my slump, ever growing closer once again. This was only countered with additional work.

Sometimes it only takes something small to make a big change in someones life

To diverge for just a moment, don't worry it ties in. A couple of months ago Affactive and I had an incredible run. They have also been quality partners of mine and this is not to plug them, or Ms. Clara, but the retina cellular engraved iPad they bought for us as a gift is quite a machine. Literally a tear formed when I opened the box as I have never received a gift of this value from someone outside my immediate family.

So as you may or may not know those things are insanely bright and detailed, even when the auto-dimming feature is activated and after my long day suntanning my eyes, I laid on the couch, put on the (also quite bright) giant TV and started tweeting on the iPad in the otherwise complete darkness. It didn't take long before the dizziness set in.

I set it down and closed my eyes as the world began to spin around me....

How it all went down, me included

I would say fear and confusion were the two feelings I had while drifting helplessly around in the rough sea of my couch ship. I had not had a drink, and even strongest could not make me that dizzy. It was an epileptic seizure without the twitching I assumed. You can guess what happened next. Off to the bathroom to be ill, and when the gruelling, drooling task was finished, I passed out on the floor.

My wife got me into the bed but the dizziness was so intense that I felt like I was unable to move, almost like I was being held down. In a panic I jumped from the bed to run into the other room, I think to get away from demons or just the feeling of being trapped I really can't tell, because i blacked out after two strides.

When I cam two she was over me crying, and my head hurt. I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood. She said the paramedics are coming and not to move. That's OK because I could not anyway... blood everywhere....

12 EMT's arrived to our home and I had a pleasant trip to the hospital in a neck brace and a face-full of blood where they asked me a lot of questions and I made a lot of jokes. I figured if I could keep making people laugh that I was not brain damaged anymore than usual. It was a tough task at 4am but I saw a few smiles. During the cat scan I convinced the techs both that it was an honor for the machine to see my brain, and that if there was a larger one we should probably pull that one out and use it to get it right the first time. I told the nurse who gave me 1mg of Ativan that it was the same to me as a pixistick and a peanut, better make it three.

Unfortunately not being able to remember some stuff, like all the good ones was the gift of this injury. They say I'll be fine, but they don't know me like you do.

Time to go, even writing this has been extremely taxing. Ill be putting up a pic (non-gruesome) or two on Google+ so give me a follow http://www.google.com/+JaredBates and send a pm for the address to send your flowers and cash to lol J/K.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
Wow thanks for sharing that, you have a great use of words as I pictured everything pretty clearly in my head. I hope you have a fast recovery from that injury and that you are back in no time being 2 centimeters from the monitor. ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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Dang son! Glad to hear you're on the mend... maybe invest in some glasses ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2011
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get better soon and take care!!! My work as AM is not as fun without your daily posts!

I'm glad to hear you are OK. I'm here for whatever I can help.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 24, 2010
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Someone should get you a pair of Zoomies for Christmas!


They don't look silly at all... ;)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Man, what a story. I had a buddy who had a similar episode and cracked his head on the sink in his bathroom,then the tile floor. Scary stuff. I'm glad you are ok to be sure. Keep safe, I'm sure your wife is extra attentive now :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you get better very soon.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Geez Jared, just like your articles you just cannot keep it short and sweet :p

Good to hear your ok and on the mend mate, hope the misses is too would have been one hell of a fright for her.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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Thanks so much everyone.

The Ms. is OK. She said thats so nice you are thinking about her too and she has been taking very good care of me.

I seems to be pushing one of the stables out through my bionic like healing process. I am going to wager it should not be pulled out by me, but I'm not sure if I can wait.



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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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and others of you I have different relationships with, (like online18 my stalker), you really should know how it happened.
haha I would also like to know how it happened lol.. Maybe this is not your first time hitting your head? You type WAY to much for any sane normal person.. Or are you still using that Dragon Speech? I think of you everytime the commercial comes on... Says its great for people with disabilities :) I guess you now qualify as that..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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No because it needs me to be on the headset and that is near my head.... LOL

I intend on getting good at it but it takes effort and actual thought until it becomes second nature. I didn't forget that you want a complete review of it and I will deliver soon I promise.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Oh yeah that's right.. I didn't put the two together lol

Yeah, I can only imagine speaking text will involve a entirely different thought process then typing it. You really have to do all your research before hand, and then remember most of it.. I take long pauses in-between what I write, and I think the backspace may be my most used key, idk how that would work out.. But I am still interested to know what you think of it..

But by all means, take your time. I would hate for your next set of pictures to be of you in the ER because the headset is stuck on your staples ;)