Gaming Promotion VS. Economy

Is the Economy hurting your Affiliate income?

  • No - My Income has increased a bit

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • No - My Income has increased a LOT

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Yes - My Income has decreased a bit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - My Income has decreased a LOT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am making approximately the same

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Casino Affiliate Promotion VS The Economy

Well, we are well into the economic issues so it's about time we all take a look at our stats and determine... Is the state of the economy affecting my income as a Casino Affiliate?

We all have heard over and over that disposable income is down... way down they say on CNN and most media outlets. I find it very strange that when I purchased a new laptop for the business about 1 month ago - that I had to wait almost 45 minutes while the folks at Best Buy scrambled to keep up with the traffic in the store. It was unbelievable. I asked the guy who helped me about it and he said 'People are buying like crazy, I don't know what they are talking about'. I even had to purchase the laptop online and drive to another location because they were out of stock everywhere in the state (except 1 location).

So - if that's the case... Then how is gaming doing? Could they be doing as well as Best Buy? :)

Well, for me (personally):

January 2009 was better than January 2008

February 2009 is already better than February 2008

This year is definitely topping last years numbers already.. That is a good sign and I have seen this trend over the last 3-4 months. Now - maybe that means I finally know what I am doing? Or maybe the economy is just not hurting those with the most disposable income... and I am lucky enough to find those players.

What do you think? Fill out the poll (anonymous) and feel free to post your conclusions.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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I've been all over the map lately, so it's kind of hard for me to answer this. December was bad for me, I think because of the holidays. January was great -- one of my best months ever. But now things are bad again this month.

I know part of the problem is because I have a few winners that have put me in the hole this month, but even at the "non-hole" programs, things aren't looking as good as they did last month. There are exceptions of course, but the majority of programs aren't doing as well this month.

January 2009 was better than January 2008. Almost twice as good. :emoticon-0142-happy

February 2009 looks like it will be worse than February 2008 -- down about 20%. :emoticon-0106-cryin

I am kind of worried about how the economy will affect everything, but I am seeing the same kinds of things you are -- busy stores, packed restaurants, packed movie theaters. I know there are people who are affected by the downturn, but apparently many people are still doing very well financially.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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In my opinion, we have a much worse storm than the Economy facing our industry. I am more worried about rouge operators, shaving, player migration and backroom deals between people we trust and the top administration of these casinos.

The Economy worries me personally because of my friends & family who are out there weathering it, but not me as the owner of gambling portals. The people taking the the brunt of the Economic disaster so far aren't the people making us money. I mean the guy who cannot buy a couple of cans of Pork-n-Beans is not our typical depositor. Our typical depositor are the folks at the cinema you saw, or the guy in the restaurant who has to leave a 15% tip instead of the 20-25% tip he used to leave to impress the waitress.

I do think the economy WILL be a problem, and maybe we've felt a little from it so far, but that's it. I think we will be running faster and faster to stay where we are. But as I note above, I think its the minor part of the problem.

What I worry about is affiliate programs using the economy as an excuse when your earnings drop, much like they used Neteller as an excuse not to pay us for so long.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2009
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Interestingly, at CAP London, none of the affiliates I spoke with felt that the downturn in the economy was affecting their earnings.


Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 18, 2008
Reaction score
From my understanding, when the economy goes down south - people go out less, and stay home more. The computer and the internet has and is becoming the "entertainment" hub of the home for some people.

I think its fair enough to say, that if you are spending most of your time at home, you will probably spend you money online, go shopping on ebay, buy dvds, computer games, get cable, eat at home, bbqs out the back - rather then go out to a restaurant, or to the theatre.

Internet gaming - from the comfort of your own home!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
recession proof ?

I really believe this is on of the few "recession proof" businesses. Maybe if you only deal with USA players, might slow a bit I guess...