ECOGRA - Roxy Affiliates

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Why is it possible for ECOGRA ("the independent online gambling regulator") to allow Roxy Affiliates to behave like they did?

They truly don't seem to care what affiliate programs do. There are many instances of inaction by them. Too many to count, really.
Apr 8, 2009
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It's bizar in this industry how many times my trust gets damaged. I thought Ecogra was pretty OK, but they're full of shit as well... Thanks for the info though

"the online gambling industry is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get!" LOL


Google it and see
Dec 19, 2007
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Hi fruitmachineguy,

That's not true. You can expect to get cheated and ripped off by a few in the biz.

It's bizar in this industry how many times my trust gets damaged. I thought Ecogra was pretty OK, but they're full of shit as well... Thanks for the info though

"the online gambling industry is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get!" LOL
Apr 8, 2009
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A few? I don't know in what business you're active? I think at least 20% of the affiliate programs, by estimation, has cheated affiliates in one way or another. Some do it a little bit, others just steal from you so to say.

And then the so called webmaster-advocates GPWA and CAP. They're not totally rotten but they still allow utter crap affiliate programs advertise on their sites. The type of affiliate program "I never have enough, so i take your money as well". In this way GPWA and CAP mislead naive webmasters. And they do other crappy stuff as well...

And then Ecogra giving away certificates which are of no more meaning probably then money in the pockets of Ecogra and the casinos / affiliate programs who buys the certificate.

Great all this self-regulation! The online gambling industry is almost free of scandalous behaviour! Let's have a party :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I have seen a few of these threads about how rotten the industry is. They are rooted in a lot of truth, but we should all consider (before crucifying your bread-n-butter)

-In the casino, someone put a quarter in a machine, but nothing drops out the other end.
-In the valet gig, kids take old peoples medicine or steals your money from the console.
-The busser steals the waitresses tip
-The waitress steals the other waitress tip!
-The busboy and the waitress are paid for hard work with only peanuts and scraps patrons leave them on the table.
-In the retail market, your cashiers, customers, and internal employees all steal from you. Then the government takes more than a third of what you finally do make. They give your money away to banks who charge you an arm and a leg in interest on your own money.
-Then the governments build weapons with the money and then ship them all over the world where the recipients of such weapons commit genocide / coup d'etat / other atrocities. Then they send our own children to fight the said recipients that are armed with said weapons that we're bought with the said money that was stolen from us to begin with. (aka, we are the main sponsors of our own childrens deaths, agree or not!)
-The cat chase the mouse. The dog chase the cat around the corner (sorry couldn't help but throw that in)
-The health care companies are heavily invested in big tobacco companies, etc.

My point is YES, there are rotten things we have to deal with - and I might point out that CAP, GPWA, GIA, AGD, CM and other groups, like them or not - ARE quite helpful to us - and without them, we'd be in a lot worse shape. I'm not saying that we can't all improve, but lets stop smashing groups. I've seen enough of that for a long time.

Until there is an end to capitalism, there will be corruption, cheats, scams, and also - easy money. It's the nature of the beast.

That's not true. You can expect to get cheated and ripped off by a few in the biz.
And nearly every other business - unless you are taking care of bunnies at a bunny farm where everyone lays colored eggs in the morning before work starts.

Individuals who can do a better job protecting our industry should step up to the plate. If you honestly came into the casino/porn/RX drug business or any other "money heavy" industry thinking that you were going to find all the most honest people in the world hiding here, there is a bit of painful news awaiting... the good news is you don't have to stoop to their levels, just don't play ball with jerks, and stick together. These are the weapons we have.

Disclaimer: This is not a message to say stop fighting, but we already know everything in this thread.

Disclaimer: Also this thread was influenced heavily by the caffeine running through my veins.
Apr 8, 2009
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Decent people have to adjust a bit if you want to survive in this business. Your trust will get damaged and it shouldn't be. It's not that hard to do business in a decent way.

It's just a matter of a simple, decent principle:

Respect the interest of the other person in your greedy activities.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
It's just a matter of a simple, decent principle:
Respect the interest of the other person in your greedy activities.
Well said. It's amazing that the thing costing the programs and affiliates the MOST money is the time wasted by rotten programs that keep us occupied fighting over pennies while the millions pour into the hands of the undistracted. That time could have just as easily been spent promoting them and making everyone money, instead of everyone running around trying to protect what we already got.

The programs are in the process of cutting of the nose to spite the face. It's self inflicted sabotage.

I just created a poem for affiliate programs/operators involved in retroactive affiliate backstabbing:

"Blind with money - trying to save every cent, wake up broke wondering where the money went."

these early morning posts have to stop! ;D


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 8, 2009
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Decent people have to adjust a bit if you want to survive in this business. Your trust will get damaged and it shouldn't be. It's not that hard to do business in a decent way.

It's just a matter of a simple, decent principle:

Respect the interest of the other person in your greedy activities.

That Greed thing is a powerful force and this industry is partly driven by greed in one way or another. It's why different programs do what they do when they try to nickel and dime us. It's why players can't find the cashout button after they get a $10K score at the casino.

Do I wonder why I grow very quickly when I first put up a program, meaning I send X amount of players and build up to X amount in revenue after 6 months, then I continue to send the same X amount of players to that program for the next 3 years and not grow a lick? Yes

Do I sometimes get sick to my stomach with some of the ethics in this business. Yes

Do I love working with many people in this industry? Yes

Do I have mad respect for those people who step up to the plate to better our industry? Absolutely

Like WCD says, it doesn't matter what business or industry your in, your going to have to fade the greed factor. Perhaps this industry more than others, but if you get consumed by all the negatives surrounded by that 5 letter word Greed your going to lose focus and be dead in the water. I was like this my first 2 years in the business and all it did was cost me money.

At the end of the day I am just thankful I have the opportunity to do so well in a business that is driven by greed and I try to relish on that instead of thinking about all the screwing that goes on. It's still the best gig in town imho.