Coming off a HUGE database Hack

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Looking to get some advice here.

I had a central server for my affiliate websites which basically contained data on casino games. It was an 'ok' system, but the administrator wasn't the easiest to use. I would prefer something else, but not entirely sure what that is yet. Here are the features I need (IMO):

1. Central Datastructure
2. Nice Administrator - Easy to use
3. Ability to launch content easily and pingable (i.e., Wordpress Integration)
4. Tracking/Analytics

What has everyone else done out there? My thought is to get my database figured out (new data structure for content that is a bit flexible). Then get an administrator built that allows others to add content (give them access to what I want them to have access to *only*)

Then build at least one site on top of that platform and let the content fly. From there, build out the other sites that were depending upon the old central server.



Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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I use a MySQL database to store everything, and I use custom forms to add or update content in the various tables. This can also be done via phpMyAdmin, but I find my own forms easier to use.

I don't know anything about Wordpress, Joomla, or any other off-the-shelf content management system, but I think a lot of people use Wordpress, so maybe that's an option. I'm not sure how secure it is, though.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Oh, I remember when I did EVERYTHING through phpMyAdmin :) Wow... those were the days :)

Who out there knows of an AWESOME programmer who has the ability to really work with Wordpress to give a customized template, customized plugins to do what is required for the system, and more?? Even Drupal would be fine. I just need something I can manage for once instead of something that is just 'ok'


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 13, 2010
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Just one tip with the database, I use HeidiSQL instead of phpMyAdmin.

Basically it allows you to edit database contents using software on your PC instead of through a browser, so it runs a bit smoother and is a bit more customizable.

And it's free and open-source.

I use it for editing a central database for my sites. But since you said you want "an administrator built that allows others to add content" then WordPress would be ideal for that, since it has customizable user 'roles' so you could have people submitting content but not able to change any settings.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Just one tip with the database, I use HeidiSQL instead of phpMyAdmin.

Basically it allows you to edit database contents using software on your PC instead of through a browser, so it runs a bit smoother and is a bit more customizable.

And it's free and open-source.

I use it for editing a central database for my sites. But since you said you want "an administrator built that allows others to add content" then WordPress would be ideal for that, since it has customizable user 'roles' so you could have people submitting content but not able to change any settings.

I've never tried that one. I use Navicat. Not free, but very nice and not too expensive. I love it, but still like to have software to administrate :) Allows me to have programmers/data entry folk to put stuff in and update my sites.

I'll talk to some people about WP. Thanks for that!

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 14, 2012
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Been hacked a few times myself when I had phpnuke.

I would say take a look at Drupal. Its more configurable and Id say more secure and its got the features you need.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Been hacked a few times myself when I had phpnuke.

I would say take a look at Drupal. Its more configurable and Id say more secure and its got the features you need.

Would you say for BOTH administrator AND website or for just the Administrator piece? I really want Wordpress for the actual website due to it's excellent ability to get indexed.

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 14, 2012
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Im in a similar boat as you Im doing research for a site that got hacked and Drupal seems to be more configurable for Admins & Users. You can customize logins for admins and change the pages etc for both sets.

Most of all I want something that tightens up the security and Drupal has that. Im not an expert on it though.

Its got a highly configurable modular system which means a steeper learning curve!