Casino Affiliate Managers, Why is it so Hard to Get NDBs from you?


New Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I write this because this is a very annoying inconsistency I have to deal with daily. I've talked to over 200+ casino affiliate managers over the past few months. It is no secret that NDBs are traffic magnets. People love them! And it's good. They help to introduce online brands to players and make them stand out from the crowd. Yes, conversions are a bit worse (debatable). But generally speaking, NDBs are more profitable than not.

But for some reason, affiliate managers occasionally are so f***ing annoying, when it comes to that.

The typical dialogue goes like this (overly exaggerated) :
- Can I have NDB?
- No
- Why?
- We are afraid you have bonus-hunting markets.
- Okay, let me enable geotargeting for your brand.
- You also have little traffic
- We'll push your brands to the top
- It'll take too much time
- We'll publish in 1 day
- I don't want to spend much time on it.
- Are you kidding? Just make the bonus, and we'll leave it there, if it works it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't.

*Literally 2 minutes later*

- Okay here's your tracking link with custom landing and promos.

WTF? We spent a week talking, I had to write you 10 different essays, and you probably spent an hour writing replies when you could've just created a bonus in 2 minutes from the very beginning.

I genuinely don't understand why. Is it because it's a small project and you are so afraid of spending 2 mins of your time? Is it because your managers are a-holes who are so against NDBs? Or do you need to fight a dragon to create a tracking link?

Please help with the ideas on how I can address this issue immediately so this dialogue does not take hours of our time. Has anybody dealt with similar issues? Or is it just me being an idiot?


New Member
Feb 22, 2022
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Well, in the long run the NDB players are low-converting and low-value customers, with tendency to bonus hunting.

Only a couple of operators have managed to actually use this customer segment well and convert these players with world-class activation. So I'd say that these NDBs are seen more as an expense with next to nothing ROI by the casinos so they may overlook this sort of traffic.

However, I still can't understand why they'd take so much time to discuss about it. Seems like that nowadays an affiliate manager is not allowed or willing to make any decisions without consulting a supervisor etc. which leads to annoyingly long response times before anything concrete is done.


New Member
Jan 10, 2024
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It's strange because almost all the affiliate sites have no deposit bonuses, and the leaders have a lot of NDBs. Sometimes good NDBs help us to switch VIP players from one brand to another. I recommend that Affiliate Programs share more NDBs with us. Of course, you can use limits like maximum win etc. Everyone should understand that VIP players are good, but NDBs are still at the top levels in the conversion funnel for new players.


New Member
Feb 15, 2024
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as always is about risk and reward calculation
if you ask only for FS most probably you will run only low-value traffic that is focused on winnings but not on the real casino reason which is "entertaining"
low value traffic will always block your support and ask the same questions for more chips and so on but cs need to focus on more important players with real issues


New Member
Jan 10, 2024
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This is correct. I agree with the massive load on the support team, but this is a blue ocean for some casino brands.


New Member
Feb 15, 2024
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This is correct. I agree with the massive load on the support team, but this is a blue ocean for some casino brands.
blue ocean?
so many casino brands tried it but it mostly goes wrong, you can check how many brands are offering ndb´s on