Budapest And Talks About Term Changes


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Sorry for the delay on getting here to post what happened in my talks with the programs everyone but I have been in Copenhagen and just got back home Thurs.

Here is the breakdown of what happened...
I met with Sebastian from Vegas Affs and had a talk with him for a long time about the recent bundling change. First let me say thank you so much to Sebastian for keeping his cool with me, our talk got a bit heated at times and he stayed cool the entire time(my bark is bigger then my bite I promise). With that said I will not agree to what they have decided to do with the bundling of the casinos because it is retroactive to our contract BUT I do understand why the change needed to happen after my long talk with Seb. When times are bad for companies they have to make choices that will benefit the business, this I understand being a business owner myself but we cannot allow changes to happen that are retroactive to the contract we agreed upon. I realize Sebastian worked very hard and went to bat for all affiliates with the recent removal of the minimum player rule, thanks again for that Seb but that does not make the bundling okay. We as affiliates will have to make a choice on our own as to weather we want to continue to promote this brand or not, they will not be making changes to the bundling and it will stick. Just keep in mind like I said when a business is hurting they have to make adjustments to survive so it comes down to would you rather have the bundling or the business to close and earn nothing anymore(ie. Grand Prive/Linx Casino scandal)? He also said if affiliates would like he can make special arrangements to help you with this bundling if your suffering so please contact him for the details on that if your interested. I personally would like to see this made non retro so we can all be happy campers but I don't think that can happen at this point in the game.


Again I sat down over 2 days and spoke with Lawrence from Playshare I am so happy to say that this was a talk that got someplace everyone!! After playing out a few scenarios and what if's with Lawrence I think he is going to be able to come back to table in a few days with some really good news for all affiliates!! This was a team effort with many tossing in ideas on how the program can work with affiliates and still have a term that will benefit the company. Simmo gave a few very nice ideas as well as the folks at GPWA. So with a team effort and many ideas tossed around I think we managed very well with negotiations on these terms. Let's give the team at Playshare a few days to get a statement together on what they have in mind.

I also know that GPWA has big plans to go after Grand Prive so please show your support to them everyone we need to get these clowns shut down and put out of business once and for all!! Just remember to get anything accomplished affiliates need to stand united and stand together :)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I have talked with Vegas Affiliates quite a bit over the last few weeks as well (Monica). They are trying hard to work with us and make proper changes to their initial message at CAP some time back.

The Minimum Player / Minimum Activity rule will NOT make it into their new Terms and Conditions. So - that is great news.

However - Bundling WILL stay.

So, a little good news and bad news. I am fairly confident that this will be the final state of things with VA.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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At this stage in the game I am in agreement that this is the final say as well on things, they have to look out for the best interest of the business at the end of the day is what I am told. I personally would have tried to come up with another solution but after a long meeting with Seb I understand and I do empathize with them and the dilemma they are in at this point in time. It will come down to each individual affiliate to decide what they want to do at this point. You can contact your manager and ask what alternatives there are to avoid a huge hit due to bundling, you can remove the casinos from your site, you can take all off but leave just one brand to promote to avoid a hit or you can blacklist them it is all up to each affiliate to decide what is in their own best interest to do.


Nov 17, 2008
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I have talked with Vegas Affiliates quite a bit over the last few weeks as well (Monica). They are trying hard to work with us and make proper changes to their initial message at CAP some time back.

The Minimum Player / Minimum Activity rule will NOT make it into their new Terms and Conditions. So - that is great news.

However - Bundling WILL stay.

So, a little good news and bad news. I am fairly confident that this will be the final state of things with VA.

Thanks AGD! If not for your efforts, who knows where we would be.

Curious to know what their status will be here at AGD?