Bounce Back Links


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
I know rewards offers this option, wondering what other programs now offer bounceback links.

Looking for ones that if they do not accept my traffic, they will kindly redirect my visitor to an url of my choice


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Question related to topic,

is a bounceback link similar to a geo-target link?

Very similar - this is what a Rewards bounce back link is ...
You are able to set a "bounce back" link that will redirect your visitor to the url of your choice if they attempt to sign up from a restricted location (USA, FR, BE, AU and ES).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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I don't know of any others - as far as I'm aware it's unique to rewards. You could geotarget the links yourself though - just pass them through a html page where the refresh is geo targeted based on country.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with Baldidiot - geo-targeting at your end is a far better option. That way you can ensure that Dutch players only see ads for Dutch casinos; American players only get ads for USA-friendly casinos, etc.

I understand that, with casino reviews, it's tricky to do this but you could geo-target your call to action to say 'XYZ Casino Doesn't Take Players From Outer Mongolia, Click Here To See Those That Do'. This could then take you to a page of Outer Mongolia friendly casinos.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I have seen the option at rewards but I havent used it (never knew what it was). I use the geo-target at rewards but I think I am going to pick up the geo-target plugin from flytonic. It is pretty new, I am trying to see if anyone has used it and if they have any feedback. Have you guys used the geo-target flytonic plugin?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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I have seen the option at rewards but I havent used it (never knew what it was). I use the geo-target at rewards but I think I am going to pick up the geo-target plugin from flytonic. It is pretty new, I am trying to see if anyone has used it and if they have any feedback. Have you guys used the geo-target flytonic plugin?

Hey Edgarf,

Did you try the plugin yet? Wondering how well it works if you do decide to give it a go. Maybe the time to band together and make an affiliate program that takes care of that for us is nigh. I'll call it, "All you can eat geo bounce-back-re-targeting muffin link demographics globally"

or Ayce-Geo-BaReM-LiDem-Glob for short.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
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I didnt like the plugin yet, I am still up in the air about it. The whole thing about a search engine thinking I am cloaking makes me skeptical.

I do not fully understand cloaking either, from my understanding it is a blackhat technique. I thought that it is a script that someone puts in their site to make the search engine think they are looking at wikipedia or a site with good content while they are using a one page emd.

I want to promote playtech and more microgaming but I am not revamping my site to do so.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know of any others - as far as I'm aware it's unique to rewards. You could geotarget the links yourself though - just pass them through a html page where the refresh is geo targeted based on country.

Hi guys

Thought I'd pipe in quickly regarding this feature as we were mentioned in the initial post.

The bounce back link functionality is unique to Rewards Affiliates. As far as I know, no other program offers the feature.

For those who are not familiar with it, this is how it works:

Player visits your affiliate link for a RA casino brand from a banned IP address, they are automatically redirected to any URL of your choice (even a competitor if you so wish).

The redirection is based on IP address only.
We have also recently added the ability to choose a different URL for each of the main excluded countries on our list.

You can choose a separate URL for USA, France, Australia, Belgium, South Africa and Spain. You may also choose a default link so that if you have not set a link for a certain country, or if someone visits your link from a country not on the list, the player will be redirected to the default link.

My suggestion for this tool would be to add a URL to a page on your site showing them a list of brands where they are accepted. I believe this way you are less likely to lose the player due to them being redirected somewhere they were not aware of.

The geo IP on the links that someone mentioned previously is a bit different.
This works based on browser language setting. This is to ensure that if there is someone in Germany for example who does not speak German but speaks Dutch and is browsing in Dutch, they will be redirected to the Dutch website if one exists. Same thing if they are browsing in English from a non english speaking country.

I hope that clears things up with regards to the bounce back link.

Of course you would have more control over your traffic by doing the geo stuff on your end, however it is a nice tool to have that takes some of the work off of you in terms of coding etc.

If anyone has any questions about it, please feel free to get in touch.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
I've never used the bounce back links, but I did have one of our sites set-up so that players that clicked
on a casino that was restricted in their country, would automatically be redirected to an on-site page
that would let them know that they would not be accepted at the casino, and provided them with alternatives.


Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
I've never used the bounce back links, but I did have one of our sites set-up so that players that clicked
on a casino that was restricted in their country, would automatically be redirected to an on-site page
that would let them know that they would not be accepted at the casino, and provided them with alternatives.

Hi NDG & Everybody,

So basically to just outline how our bounce back links work for restricted IPs:

- The affiliate goes onto their Star Partner account.
- Here they go to the tab which says "Bounce Back Links".
- Click on it and choose your bounce back link.
- Implement this at the back office instead of the regular link.
- When a player from a restricted region clicks on the banner/landing page/link/logo etc. they will automatically be re-directed to a "working" page. To the player it will be as if they went the regular route.

If anybody has any questions just pop me a mail.
Have a great day everybody :)

Kind regards,