Bing ...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Alright so I logged into bing webmaster today, been over a month or so.
I check the index explorer and it's a complete mess lol. Seriously don't know where to start with it.
All kinds of .html pages which have been changed to / category pages a few months back.
It shows a brands name as a category, and then it lists a bunch of non existing urls.
When you block cache and delete url, it takes a while before it dissapears. Only to show some other weird indexed category.
Sitemap submitting is faulty too. The number of indexed pages has grown though from 3 (lol) to about 300. So that's a small plus.
Anyhow, I'm wondering how you guys deal with it, if at all. Cause since they took over yahoo, we kinda have too, right?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
I am not experiencing any problems with Bing. You should check your site, I don't think Bing is taking those pages out of nowhere.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks Kasinas.
Yeah I noticed now when I click on the arrows in front of the directories they list, the urls show and some at least are correct. Removed all the other ones so it will probably update soon.
I talked to support about the sitemap issues, and it's just a visual problem within the webmaster tools. The real number of urls indexed is much higher than shown.
My mind doesn't seem to understand the logic of the webmaster stats, I remember at first I even thought they flagged my site as being malware infected. Cause when I filtered the urls on malware, it showed the base homepage/directory. But this is normal lol. So no malware. doh :)