Below Average Click Through Rates?

Thomas Andreas

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 7, 2018
Reaction score
We all know that the click through rates (CTR) varies greatly depending on your SERP position.
Averages for an unbranded companies are around
Position: 1, 30%
Position: 2, 15%
Position: 3, 10%
Position: 4, 5%
Position: 3, 3%
For a branded one it might be around 2-5 percentage points higher (please correct me if you disagree).
Of course if you add Adwords to the mix (Google Ads, you might experience significantly lower CTR).

I am seeing on average CTR of about 2% for 5th positions, and on average about 10% for first positions. Lets assume there is no Adwords. Would you say that my CTR are way too low and I have to change the message or do you think there is something else missing... what is you experience?
