AGD Service - Affiliate Payments Calendar

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
If you have NOT yet taken a look at the Affiliate Payments Calendar, please take a little bit of time and have a look. The users will vouch that it is well worth your time :)

LINK: Affiliate Payments Service

Summary: The calendar allows you to keep track of your affiliate payments easily and with nice statistics. The additional benefit of the calendar is that our Affiliate Program's each have a payment statistics section in their forum, which lets you know WHEN a program typically pays.


Summary: This screenshot shows the interface to insert your affiliate payments. You simply select a payment method and then select the affiliate program and DRAG it onto the calendar :) You can hover over any date on the calendar to see what affiliate payments were made on that day.


Summary: This screenshot shows the last 12 months of affiliate payments made to you based upon your input into the calendar


Summary: This screenshot shows alerts. If another affiliate has been paid by a program you work with, then you will be alerted!


PLEASE make the most of this system!!! It took a lot of effort to create and is VERY beneficial in seeing how affiliate programs pay. Just take a look at the next image, which shows the statistics of when an affiliate program has paid (typically)


Currently we have 112 users of the Calendar and would LOVE for that to increase as much as possible. Every additional user makes the statistics that much more acccurate!

LINK: Affiliate Payments Service
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
The Affiliate Payment Calendar has reached 2600 payment entries! I know a lot of folks look at the top of AGD and within the individual forums to determine when payments have been made, so the information is VERY valuable to us all.

If you HAVE NOT USED the Affiliate Payment Calendar, I will remind you that it keeps track of your affiliate payments for you WHILE being anonymous (i.e., all user info is hashed for your protection). Please look above and you will see a lot of the nice features explained.

Thanks to everyone making use of the system!!

LINK: Affiliate Payments Service


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
The Affiliate Payment Calendar has reached 5000 payment entries!

This information is VERY valuable to us all... I'm sure many look to the top of the forums to see which programs have paid. That only works if we use the calender:

If you HAVE NOT USED the Affiliate Payment Calendar, I will remind you that it keeps track of your affiliate payments for you WHILE being anonymous (i.e., all user info is hashed for your protection). Please look above and you will see a lot of the nice features explained.

Thanks to everyone making use of the system!!

LINK: Affiliate Payments Service


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
NOTE: The more we use this system, the more accurate it will become. Remember - it is ANONYMOUS. (No way for me or anyone else to determine who was paid as it is hashed in the database)