Affclub implements predatory activity clause

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
<p>AffClub have changed their terms to include automatic termination for accounts that do not bring them enough money. </p>
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<p>5.5 <span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);"> Automatic Termination By Us If Your Account Is Inactive . If your Affiliate Cashier Account is inactive , your Agreement and participation in the Affiliate Network will automatically terminate . In this Section , ‘ ‘Inactive” means where ( i) you have not generated sufficient Affiliate Accruals to trigger a payment into your Affiliate Cashier Account or you have not cashed out any funds ( through a withdrawal or a transfer to a Players Account ) for one hundred and eighty three ( 183) days or more ; or ( ii) you have failed to respond to any verification mails sent to you within a reasonable time . Where automatic termination occurs , any funds remaining within your Affiliate Cashier Account will revert to us .</span> </p>
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<div class="termstitle">TERMS UPDATE, COMMISSIONS</div>
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<p>4.4 Minimum Payment and Time of Payment. All Affiliate Accruals generated through your chosen Payment Plan will be paid into your Affiliate Cashier Account within fifteen (15) days of the close of each calendar month. We may impose reasonable restrictions on the frequency and amounts that can be cashed out of your Affiliate Cashier Account for administrative convenience and/or to protect the security of your account. At our sole discretion, we may <span style="text-decoration: line-through; color: red;">in</span> impose a policy that if the amount due is negative <span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);"> or less than USD10</span> in any particular month, then <span style="text-decoration: line-through; color: red;">that</span> <span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);"> ( i) any</span> negative amount will carry over and <span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);">will</span> be deducted against the following month<span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);"> , and ( ii) any amount less than USD10 will carry over and become payable in the calendar month in which the total amount of Affiliate Accruals exceeds USD10 in accordance with this clause</span>. </p>
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<div class="termstitle">TERMS UPDATE, TERMINATION, MARKETING</div>
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<p>3.2.17 Attempt to market or promote our Services (or any specified part thereof) or Sites (or specific Site) within territories which are Restricted Territories; to attempt to circumvent any restriction which we have put in place to prevent players from restricted territories from signing up as Real Money Players; or attempt to disguise to geographical location of a Player<span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);"> . If we determine , in our sole discretion , that you have engaged in any of the foregoing activities , we may ( without limiting any other rights or remedies available to us ) withhold any Affiliate Accruals and/or terminate this Agreement immediately on notice</span>.</p>
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<p>3.4 Competitive Marketing. You shall not market the Site and/or us or our Services or Our Marks in any way whatsoever, unless such activities are approved in writing by us (i) on any website on which we promote any of the Sites; and (ii) <span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);"> on or through any Internet search engine on or through which we promote any of the Sites and ( iii)</span> in any other manner that results in you competing with us in relation to the promotion of any of the Sites or (<span style="text-decoration: line-through; color: red;">iii)</span> <span style="background-color: rgb(119, 222, 78);">iv)</span> otherwise where we request that you cease the same.</p>
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<div class="termstitle">TERMS UPDATE, BONUS CODES</div>
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<p>2.21 A ”Sign-up Bonus Code” is a unique alphanumeric code that we may make available to you to provide to prospective Players. When entered, the system automatically logs the Sign-up Bonus Codes and records you as the Affiliate in relation to the relevant <span style="text-decoration: line-through; color: red;"> Player . Further , Sign-up Bonus Codes may automatically be entered/logged by our system with some CDs that we may provide to you and that may be used for installation of our software by any prospective</span> Player.</p>
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<div class="termssummaryinternal"><span class="spnTermsSummary">Summary:</span> These are a group of terms which force AffClub into Rogue status. Considering there is no ‘effective date’, it is assumed that these terms are applied with immediate affect as of January 6, 2010.<span class="spnsummtxt"><br />

Affclub implements predatory activity clause