Thoughts About Trump As President?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I'm not sure what to think at this point. I would have never voted for Trump and have difficult time when my kids have said the following:

Daughter (6): "How can Trump win? He called girls pigs." [My daughter said this with a mad face and arms folded]
Son (8): "If Trump wins is he going to send Vikram and Jose away?" [My son said this with real tears in his eyes]

His words have been divisive and offensive to many. My only hope is that the Candidate Trump isn't President Trump. I have a feeling he would have said anything to get to where he is. Now I hope he learns to become a unifying figure instead of a polarizing one.

For gaming... I don't know. He does own multiple casinos and resorts. But - he ran on the Republican platform. Unless he ran on that platform just to gain the presidency and then essentially turns against them - I think it isn't likely that he can get anything done on the gaming side of things.

All a bunch of guesses. I think that's all we can do.. nobody truly knows what is in Trump's head, IMO.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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As a British person it wasn't or isn't my place to say who you should have as president, your problem (although personally between the 2 i'd of voted for Trump) that is.

But to me this has a much wider issue of the Left side of politics being shown they can't keep shouting down the working classes with screams of racism and such. The UK elections the last 2 times have shown the left have to stop telling people what to think and what they can't think. The same with Brexit and the same with the US now. The hordes of working classes are the ones effected by immigration and they are the ones who's communities get changed, who lose their jobs to cheap foreign labour or worry about losing their jobs in the future. They aren't racist, they just worry about factors effecting their lives.

These people then get told they are xenophobes or racist for their views and after being told constantly they react, and that is why you get huge amounts of people heading to the election booths determined to do something about it. Same happened with the last Tory victory, with the Brexit vote and now Trump.

And another consequence of the left just shouting racist, sexiest, xenophobe etc etc, people decide not to tell the truth when asked by opinion polls, so they are wildly out

Extra - Just to prove my point even more, Merkel (the loony left German leader) has already started to tell Trump what is what

But whatever, people must remember that again, democracy has won again whether you like the result or not


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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What a sad day for America. I am sick over this -- truly disgusted.

My wife and I spent many hours campaigning for Hillary, making calls, knocking on doors, talking to people about the issues -- so this is pretty hard for us to take.

The only positive spin here is that Hillary won the popular vote -- like Al Gore did in 2000 -- meaning more actual people in America voted for Hillary than for Trump. But as we know, the popular vote isn't what decides the election.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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What a sad day for America. I am sick over this -- truly disgusted.

My wife and I spent many hours campaigning for Hillary, making calls, knocking on doors, talking to people about the issues -- so this is pretty hard for us to take.

The only positive spin here is that Hillary won the popular vote -- like Al Gore did in 2000 -- meaning more actual people in America voted for Hillary than for Trump. But as we know, the popular vote isn't what decides the election.

what were the final actual voting figures out of interest


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 25, 2009
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I still can't believe that he won. What a shocker !!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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At this stage I don't think anyone REALLY knows what a Trump presidency will be like.

His campaign was full of rhetoric that can't be completed ... like BUILD A WALL and DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ... (estimated at 11-12 million!)
And his off-the-cuff idea that the US would "negotiate a better deal with creditors" (default on bonds) is extremely unlikely to happen.

At one stage he was talking about going to war and confiscating oil as "war booty and/or reparations" but I think that has died down now.

Before Trump gets power he somehow needs to divorce himself from his business interests quickly (it's supposed to be put a blind trust) ..
But that will be tricky for active business interests - as Donald Trump = Trump Enterprises.
He's got until sometime in January to work out how that happens - and it's going to be a tough implementation - whether he's worth 500m or 1 billion.

Additionally, much of working in government is not headline inducing, it involves information, excessive reading, discussion, negotiation, diplomacy.
So, we might find that a Trump Presidency is actually a lot quieter than a Trump campaign.

Financially he promised tax cuts - around $7 TRILLION a year - and big ones to high earners.
I expect that big business, and high earners will actually do very well under Trump if his tax plan is implemented.

There is no detail on how it's financed, ObamaCare is toast of course, but a lot of other social programs will need to go too.
I'm not sure how any of this will help the low-waged, disaffected, group that voted for Trump - but they're probably irrelevant now anyway ...

It will be like any Republican presidency, with tax cuts, spending cuts, boosts for big business and varied US vested interests.
Except it will have some funny sound bites along the way.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 2, 2016
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I don't care about it. I even don't care about the politics. It's something that I'm not really good in and something that I really don't care about.

I don't care about it because you can do nothing with it, I mean if someone will want do something, you can usually do nothing with it.

I just bet that trump will win, and he won. So I have my money, that's important.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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I am so glad the crooked witch lost the presidency. Just disgusting what criminals deals she made with the Muslim brotherhood and all those countries where she toppled the government for profit. Those poor people in Haiti not receiving a penny from the 12 billion.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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The quote below sums up why he won.

"The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally."

Maybe it should read "The Press and Liberals take him literally"


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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I couldn't vote for Hillary, and as for the popular vote it was all California. Without California he would have won the popular vote by a landslide as well, by at least a few million.

The media (CNN) and Hillary have done nothing but lie to the American people from day 1 on their campaign, and thats why everyone was so shocked when he took both the rust belt and sun belt.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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I'm not really shocked by the election. The US has already had 2 Bushes and 1 Clinton as President.
I think it is good to give somebody else a chance. Trump has owned land-based casinos, and one
of his advisers is a Governor that legalized online gambling within his state, so hopefully they
will think things through if any crazy anti-gambling legislation gets passed in the Congress.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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The media (CNN) and Hillary have done nothing but lie to the American people from day 1 on their campaign, and thats why everyone was so shocked when he took both the rust belt and sun belt.

LOL! Good thing Trump is a truth-sayer.