Online Gambling Increased in Australia

Nov 9, 2019
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Interesting read, thanks. I think 2020 may have seen a rise in online gaming due to lockdowns starting in Australia


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
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The prison colony of Australia has the highest per capita gambling in the world... and it increased during tyrannical lockdowns that still exist to this day in many parts of the country... Go figure!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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The prison colony of Australia has the highest per capita gambling in the world... and it increased during tyrannical lockdowns that still exist to this day in many parts of the country... Go figure!
It appears that your mind is a prisoner of ultra-right wing and anti-vax propaganda.

Oh, and by the way, I'm certain that 99% of Aussies couldn't give a shit about you, or anybody else, referring to their country as a prison colony.


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
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Keep living a life filled with fear, anger, and experimental gene therapy.

I'll continue to live in the land of the free where I can voice my opinion whenever and however I choose.

Cheers :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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Keep living a life filled with fear, anger, and experimental gene therapy.

I'll continue to live in the land of the free where I can voice my opinion whenever and however I choose.

Cheers :)

I'll continue to live my life based on sound information from the majority of scientific and medical experts, and not a few conspiracy theorists.

I also live in a land where I can voice my opinion whenever and however I choose, it's not a uniquely American concept, that's why I can call you out on your bullshit ideas. :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2015
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I'll continue to live my life based on sound information from the majority of scientific and medical experts, and not a few conspiracy theorists.

I also live in a land where I can voice my opinion whenever and however I choose, it's not a uniquely American concept, that's why I can call you out on your bullshit ideas. :)
it depends in which experts you listen too, There are many which are very much against the Vax, and for years the health and safety aspect of years of trials suddenly gone out of the window, I think its more down to people not having a choice yet the vax is meant to protect? i got vaxxed because i need to travel guess i will know the side effects in 10 years , We can sit and watch documentries on it on netflix


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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it depends in which experts you listen too, There are many which are very much against the Vax, and for years the health and safety aspect of years of trials suddenly gone out of the window, I think its more down to people not having a choice yet the vax is meant to protect? i got vaxxed because i need to travel guess i will know the side effects in 10 years , We can sit and watch documentries on it on netflix
Not the self-proclaimed experts with political and religious agendas. I understand that people have concerns, but they should ask their doctor for advice rather than taking it from social media.

If you're going to make public comments that the epidemic is a hoax and is a conspiracy designed by powerful people to take away your freedom, then back it up with some decent evidence. Don't just tell me that I'm being deceived by "the main stream media" and that I must "stop living my life in fear". Lol.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
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I don't see what "antivaxx" has to do with anything, and who said anything about a "hoax"? People can be against such crazy lockdowns and fascist control of people without being against vaccinations? I don't care wether people get vaccinated or not. It's their personal choice.

I have to agree that what I've seen happen in Australia is disturbing. I always looked up to Australia as a very healthy nation, but Covid has exposed a darker side. They often blame China for being totalitarian etc, yet they have such draconian lockdowns and enforcements that their own supposedly free people are not allowed to leave the nation without permission. It's crazy.

Thankfully I live in a country where we never had lockdowns, not forcing people to wear masks, etc. I'm very grateful for that. That's how it should be. Allow for personal responsibility. If you're worried, then take whatever precautions you see fit, even get vaccinated or whatever, but to treat free people like prisoners, I hate to see things like that happen in the free world.

Anyways. Gambling in Australia. Yes, it's obvious that Australians are gambling like crazy. As per usual, these ridiculous laws and regulations never work when they are so aggressive. If people want to gamble, they're going to gamble.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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I don't see what "antivaxx" has to do with anything, and who said anything about a "hoax"? People can be against such crazy lockdowns and fascist control of people without being against vaccinations? I don't care wether people get vaccinated or not. It's their personal choice.

I have to agree that what I've seen happen in Australia is disturbing. I always looked up to Australia as a very healthy nation, but Covid has exposed a darker side. They often blame China for being totalitarian etc, yet they have such draconian lockdowns and enforcements that their own supposedly free people are not allowed to leave the nation without permission. It's crazy.

Thankfully I live in a country where we never had lockdowns, not forcing people to wear masks, etc. I'm very grateful for that. That's how it should be. Allow for personal responsibility. If you're worried, then take whatever precautions you see fit, even get vaccinated or whatever, but to treat free people like prisoners, I hate to see things like that happen in the free world.

Anyways. Gambling in Australia. Yes, it's obvious that Australians are gambling like crazy. As per usual, these ridiculous laws and regulations never work when they are so aggressive. If people want to gamble, they're going to gamble.

Anti-vax propaganda in general has a lot to do with the misconceptions about the Covid vaccination, and is playing a huge part in the current death rate from Covid-19. Currently, most people who die from Covid are unvaccinated. So, you see, it has a lot to do with the information presented to uninformed people who are trying to make informed decisions.

I chose to get the vaccination as I have a vulnerable family member. Where I live, you have to wear a mask in public, and I do not see that as "fascist control of people", I see it as respecting other members of your community who are trying to get through this epidemic together, and alive.


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
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I also live in a land where I can voice my opinion whenever and however I choose, it's not a uniquely American concept, that's why I can call you out on your bullshit ideas. :)

I beg to differ. I have seen multiple videos of police showing up to people's homes who dared to speak of protesting lock-downs on social media. Here are two examples, there are many more for those inclined to look:

Armed police show up to a man's house in the middle of the night to ask about protests he allegedly attended 6 months prior
Police show up at AU citizen's home to deter them from the audacious crime of talking about protests on Facebook

Also, what "bullshit ideas" are you referring to exactly? I stated that Australia has been under tyrannical lockdowns on Sunday, October 17th 2021. Lets look at a headline from Al-Jazera on Sunday, October 17th 2021

Australia: Melbourne to bring an end to world’s longest lockdowns​

When Melbourne’s lockdown ends this week, it will have been under six lockdowns totalling 262 days since March 2020.

Two Hundred and Sixty Two days of lockdown. (link to source)

You can argue this isn't "tyrannical" but most people would call that a "bullshit idea", including myself.

If you're going to make public comments that the epidemic is a hoax and is a conspiracy designed by powerful people to take away your freedom, then back it up with some decent evidence. Don't just tell me that I'm being deceived by "the main stream media" and that I must "stop living my life in fear". Lol.

The only person making claims, or even mention things like this in this thread, is you mate.

I don't see what "antivaxx" has to do with anything, and who said anything about a "hoax"? People can be against such crazy lockdowns and fascist control of people without being against vaccinations? I don't care wether people get vaccinated or not. It's their personal choice.

No one said anything about these things except DaftDog.

And yes, it is a matter of personal choice whether or not to take any vaccinations, much less those which have disregarded most prior safety protocol, are of a type which alters mRNA and has never been used on human beings before, and for whom the manufacturers have complete and total immunity from any ill effects produced by their products.

I have to agree that what I've seen happen in Australia is disturbing. I always looked up to Australia as a very healthy nation, but Covid has exposed a darker side. They often blame China for being totalitarian etc, yet they have such draconian lockdowns and enforcements that their own supposedly free people are not allowed to leave the nation without permission. It's crazy.

It is fucking insane, agreed.

This is why I referred to Australia as a "prison colony".

If spending 262 days in "lockdown" out of a total of ~540 days (50% of the time) is not tantamount to a prison sentence... well, most people can see the point without elaboration.

Thankfully I live in a country where we never had lockdowns, not forcing people to wear masks, etc. I'm very grateful for that. That's how it should be. Allow for personal responsibility. If you're worried, then take whatever precautions you see fit, even get vaccinated or whatever, but to treat free people like prisoners, I hate to see things like that happen in the free world.

I am genuinely curious, what country do you speak of?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
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Anti-vax propaganda in general has a lot to do with the misconceptions about the Covid vaccination, and is playing a huge part in the current death rate from Covid-19. Currently, most people who die from Covid are unvaccinated. So, you see, it has a lot to do with the information presented to uninformed people who are trying to make informed decisions.

I chose to get the vaccination as I have a vulnerable family member. Where I live, you have to wear a mask in public, and I do not see that as "fascist control of people", I see it as respecting other members of your community who are trying to get through this epidemic together, and alive.
But that is not necessarily true. Where I live, most deaths are vaccinated people, by far (85% vaccinated). I think it's been the same in Israel. And vaccinated people spread the virus to a high degree too. So you're also spreading misconceptions.

I said nothing about you not being allowed to get vaccinated. I don't really care what you do in that regard. And I don't generally have anything against people wearing masks either, but I don't agree that it should be forced on people. If you feel safe wearing it, then do it. What I object to is people on your side of the fence always throwing around the "antivaxx" word to deliberately discredit your political opponent because you know it's a loaded word. It's a cheap and simple way to falsely and effectively categorize the person you debate with. It's like throwing around the "racist" card in a debate about migration.

Like I said, in my country it's all about personal responsibility and that's a great approach in my personal opinion. I enjoy the freedom we have here. To treat people like they do in Australia, it looks a whole lot like China to me and a bit like mass hysteria. Maybe we from the outside see things you on the inside don't see. A bit like for the North Koreans :p
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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I also live in a land where I can voice my opinion whenever and however I choose, it's not a uniquely American concept, that's why I can call you out on your bullshit ideas.

I beg to differ. I have seen multiple videos of police showing up to people's homes who dared to speak of protesting lock-downs on social media. Here are two examples, there are many more for those inclined to look:

Armed police show up to a man's house in the middle of the night to ask about protests he allegedly attended 6 months prior
Police show up at AU citizen's home to deter them from the audacious crime of talking about protests on Facebook
PS. I'm proudly South African, and we've been under various levels of lockdown since March 26. Most South Africans support the lockdown and feel it is their moral duty to support it.

Also, what "bullshit ideas" are you referring to exactly?

This post of yours on GPWA for starters:

Divide and conquer works in case you do not see it happening right before your very eyes...

Refuse to live in fear friends.

It is that simple.

Two Hundred and Sixty Two days of lockdown. (link to source)

You can argue this isn't "tyrannical" but most people would call that a "bullshit idea", including myself.

So, you speak for "most people" now too? I believe many would disagree with you.

And yes, it is a matter of personal choice whether or not to take any vaccinations, much less those which have disregarded most prior safety protocol, are of a type which alters mRNA and has never been used on human beings before, and for whom the manufacturers have complete and total immunity from any ill effects produced by their products.
I agree it should be a personal choice to receive the Covid vaccine or not. But you should also then be prepared to accept the consequences of your decision, like being excluded from public gatherings etc.

As with mRNA being safe, I'd much rather believe the CDC than you:

What You Need to Know​

  • Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies.
  • Like all vaccines, mRNA vaccines benefit people who get vaccinated by giving them protection against diseases like COVID-19 without risking the serious consequences of getting sick.
  • mRNA vaccines are newly available to the public. However, researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades.

Read the full article for more details.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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But that is not necessarily true. Where I live, most deaths are vaccinated people, by far (85% vaccinated). I think it's been the same in Israel. And vaccinated people spread the virus to a high degree too. So you're also spreading misconceptions.
Where do you live? It would be nice to know so that we could try and substantiate some of your claims.

I said nothing about you not being allowed to get vaccinated.
I never said you did.

And I don't generally have anything against people wearing masks either, but I don't agree that it should be forced on people.
When wearing of seatbelts became compulsory, many people also bitched and moaned about it. But the evidence is undeniable that wearing safety belts reduces the number of road fatalities.

What I object to is people on your side of the fence always throwing around the "antivaxx" word to deliberately discredit your political opponent because you know it's a loaded word. It's a cheap and simple way to falsely and effectively categorize the person you debate with. It's like throwing around the "racist" card in a debate about migration.
If you spread misinformation about vaccinations, Covid or other, then you fall into the anti-vax camp. It's that simple.

Regarding the "racist card" well it's a bit like some people saying "All lives / White lives matter too…" in response to BLM protests. No one said they didn't.

It seems racists love to play the victim card too.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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Like I said, in my country it's all about personal responsibility and that's a great approach in my personal opinion. I enjoy the freedom we have here. To treat people like they do in Australia, it looks a whole lot like China to me and a bit like mass hysteria. Maybe we from the outside see things you on the inside don't see. A bit like for the North Koreans
Or looking in from South Africa do you mean? ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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IF you are anti-vaccine then you are either ignorant, stupid, or totally susceptible to videos and postings social media. I don't care which it is - but the position you hold is NOT supported by scientific facts.

The principle of mRNA is well understood by scientists. In this case the vaccine has the ability to provoke your body into producing "spike" proteins that will enable it to combat the Covid-19 virus is a brilliant development.

Simple Source :

However, the effectiveness is still only about 95%, and it does lessen over time, perhaps 18-24 months, because the vaccine does not remain in the body, it breaks down after it's done it's job. The chances of long term effects are close to zero, because nothing of the vaccine remains in the body.

Simple Source :

So people that get the vaccine can still contract and pass on the virus, but there effects are mitigated so that it's extremely unlikely that they will need hospitalisation.


If you don't have the vaccine then you are likely to have a more noticeable negative effect when contracting the virus. It will hit harder and it has a higher likelihood of long term effects (aka long covid) including hospitalisation (20%) and possible death (10% of hospitalisations - 2% of total)

Simple Source :

The mRNA vaccine requires intense refrigeration at -70C Celsius to survive and be transported, it breaks down in normal temperatures and an unrefrigerated does is rendered ineffective in 5 days.

Once in a clinic the vaccine can survive in normal refrigeration (2C to 8C) for up to 31 days. The vaccine does not last long in the human body.

Simple Source :


The nature of the virus is that it is highly transmittable, and that currently it is quite debilitating.

Over time the virus is expected to continue to mutate as there is a chance of mutation with every transmission, and the most likely path is towards a high transmission, low fatality virus as it is these forms that don't affect the host that survive best - like the "common cold".

However, there is a chance with every mutation that a variant could appear that is more transmissible AND more lethal and this is why the authorities are trying to suppress transmission.


TL;DR? I'm not surprised. The mentality of anti-vac proponents is one of antagonism, conspiracy, and "freedom" - not science. Conspiracy theories are an amazing area - but not an area of reason or clear thinking.

The key things to take away is that the Covid-19 virus is real, it kills about 2% of unvaccinated cases, and a double dose of the vaccine can reduce that risk by 95%.

You help yourself, your family and your community by taking the vaccine, and it almost certainly does not have negative long term effects as it breaks down quickly after delivering the mRNA message.


Finally, don't bother replying. I've only posted here because I saw some people that I regard as very smart and clever post some very ignorant things. I'm hoping that a short(-ish) fact based response with links will enable the intelligent affiliates to consider facts, check the links, and reconsider their position.

If you can't, won't, or prefer to keep to your delusional conspiracy forums and boards then do so - but please keep it to yourself.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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I'm Australian so I feel I have a better grasp of this issue than .. let me see.. everyone posting here. Thanks for your concern folks but it isn't needed or wanted. Our government is indeed lacking in many respects but we really don't need to be saved on this issue. There has been news about uninformed people in the United States protesting on our behalf and they have gained loads of laughs and ridicule.

If you think that anything other than a tiny minority of selfish individualists are outraged about the so-called tyranny of lockdown, then may I suggest you look into getting your news from a wider bunch of sources. The vast majority of community minded people supported the lockdowns, which have now mostly ended. The lockdowns did the intended job of preventing explosive growth in covid cases, and even with them we had hospitals operating at capacity with ambulances queued outside waiting for free beds for mostly unvaccinated covid patients. If we had many more cases we would have been in seriously deep shit.

In comparison other countries are... lets just say way ahead on the "leaderboard". No fair minded person can look at this and conclude anything other than lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand being a raging success. Source

What I object to is people on your side of the fence always throwing around the "antivaxx" word to deliberately discredit your political opponent because you know it's a loaded word.
To me "anti-vax" has nothing to do with politics, but it is interesting that it seems to currently be way more attractive to one side of the political spectrum. Traditionally some of the biggest anti-vaxxers here have been the ultra left-wing, alternative lifestyle, modern hippies who live in the few areas in the country to still have measles clusters amongst their poor children. It is a selfish position based on fear, ignorance, and lack of understanding of how science works. I do think that we should always try to be positive in life though so I suggest changing the term to something more positive. How about pro-disease or pro-death?
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
Reaction score
I'm Australian so I feel I have a better grasp of this issue than .. let me see.. everyone posting here. Thanks for your concern folks but it isn't needed or wanted. Our government is indeed lacking in many respects but we really don't need to be saved on this issue. There has been news about uninformed people in the United States protesting on our behalf and they have gained loads of laughs and ridicule.

If you think that anything other than a tiny minority of selfish individualists are outraged about the so-called tyranny of lockdown, then may I suggest you look into getting your news from a wider bunch of sources. The vast majority of community minded people supported the lockdowns, which have now mostly ended. The lockdowns did the intended job of preventing explosive growth in covid cases, and even with them we had hospitals operating at capacity with ambulances queued outside waiting for free beds for mostly unvaccinated covid patients. If we had many more cases we would have been in seriously deep shit.

In comparison other countries are... lets just say way ahead on the "leaderboard". No fair minded person can look at this and conclude anything other than lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand being a raging success. Source
View attachment 3900

To me "anti-vax" has nothing to do with politics, but it is interesting that it seems to currently be way more attractive to one side of the political spectrum. Traditionally some of the biggest anti-vaxxers here have been the ultra left-wing, alternative lifestyle, modern hippies who live in the few areas in the country to still have measles clusters amongst their poor children. It is a selfish position based on fear, ignorance, and lack of understanding of how science works. I do think that we should always try to be positive in life though so I suggest changing the term to something more positive. How about pro-disease or pro-death?
Well, I bet the people in China are also quite supportive of their government. Just saying. Sometimes it's probably easier for outsiders to get a better perspective.

As stated, I live in a country where we have not had a single lockdown. We've been free to roam as we please during this whole pandemic. No one is required to wear masks here either. As far as I can tell, we're doing pretty good.

Half of those who have died here have been so old that they haven't even been candidates for intensive care. We're talking 80+, mostly 90+. The rest have been mostly people with health conditions. It sucks, but that's life. Happened with influenza too. But suddenly everyone is such a philanthropist. Prior to this, no one gave a shit. People went out in the public and to work when they were sick as dogs. Totally hypocritical. It does look a whole lot like mass hysteria to me and I can bet that there are people pushing this who have certain agendas.

For the majority of people, Covid death rate is close to zero. For young people, it's been established (by experts in Norway and by the CDC) that influenza and rs-virus is far more deadly

And yes, around 80% of the admitted here are vaccinated. It's nearly the same in Israel https://www.beckershospitalreview.c...s-in-israel-fully-vaccinated-study-finds.html

Again, I'm thankful that my country choose the path we did. Individual freedom is important. If you're worried it's simple - You take your personal responsibility and protect yourself. Get vaccinated if you feel the need to, wear a mask, stay inside. You could also exercise and take better care of yourself, but no one cares about promoting that it seems.

So yes, what I am seeing in Australia looks totally Orwellian. I'm quite disgusted by it to be honest, to see how people are being persecuted by the police and the regime and treated like children instead of free individuals. Not even being allowed to leave the country without!?

But what bothers me the most here is the ridiculous tactic of the "pro-vaccine" people to label everyone who does not 100% agree with them on everything related to Covid as "Antivaxxers". It's shit like this that has made the western world so extremely polarized. As soon as you disagree with the leftists and pc-people you're either a conspiracy theorist, an anti-vaxxer, racist, or islamophobic. They make it so easy for them to throw that crap around. Always been like that. It's weak.

As I've said, I don't care whether you get vaccinated or not. It should be your choice. In fact, I totally support those who want to get vaccinated. It should be up to them. Whatever makes them feel safe. I'm not vaccinated myself because I'm not in the slightest worried about Covid, but I do worry about rushed vaccines that haven't been long term properly tested. I don't feel like taking that gamble. But apparently, I am not allowed to feel safe at all (even though the death rate for my group is close to zero) while those vaccinated are allowed to feel safe even though they might be of higher risk than me of getting ill.

But yeah, what all of this boils down to is the bs tactic of throwing around the "antivaxx" card. If people get vaccinated or not doesn't concern me. People should be free to do what they want (we're not China or North Korea after all). Of course I'm going to get pissed off if someone is trying force something on me, especially when it concerns my own body, or when someone treats me like an idiot and claims I can't make my own personal risk assessments.

Ultimately, everything has to come from free will without pressure from a fascist majority, the regime or threats of public shaming and persecution. That stuff seriously sets off my alarm bells because it has no place in a free democratic world. What some of you are doing is trying to shame people into agreeing with you and ultimately trying to force people to get vaccinated like a mob using bullying tacts, and I fucking hate bullies more than anything.
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