Fact or Fiction? Published program details only half the truth?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Rewards Affiliates Cross Promotion Scam - The Forgotten Thread

- As usual don't forget to read the last posts from the prior page of this thread to be up-to-date -

During the commercial break of GPWA's "The Price is Right" as I have announced it, here the forgotten piece of evidence, a short but crispy GPWA Bombshell thread, which disappeared later at once from the forum. Now it's clear, there was a well-orchestrated psyop to protect Rewards Affiliates and especially Mrs. Rewards. One serial-liar meets the other.

If you read the two posts in the thread, you should not be surprised, why the thread disappeared.

Here is the thread, the evidence, rescued by the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/2012013...inhouse-cross-marketing-c-rewards-203082.html

If it is not loading, here is a PDF, only for backup purposes, of that thread in the Internet Archive:

Keep in mind, not only Mr. Corfleone but also other leading figures have been caught red handed providing fabricated evidence to the audience several times.

The octopus tentacles of Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Rewards still trying to suffocate the truths with their old relationships, and everyone can see, the feudal rule is still working. Thread closing, changing signature rules, Islandgate ...

Here the proof, that the original thread was terminated: https://www.gpwa.org/forum/inhouse-cross-marketing-c-rewards-203082.html
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Default 2020 - RA turns 20!

It's still a few months ago, but why not start celebrating once again?

Last year in September, Rewards Affiliates/Casino Rewards turned 20 years old!
A few other cool facts leading up to 2020:

2020 was Miss Rewards' 15th year with Rewards Affiliates - One of the longest serving (surviving?) affiliate managers and cross promotion accomplice in our industry, and definitely the longest at any one company. It also means, she has worked for Mr. Jimmy and so for the Rewards Affiliates scams for almost half of her life!
  • The Time of Your Life (TOYL) Sweepstakes and new Casino Rewards loyalty program has been running for 4 years and is having its 14th draw on January 21st 2020, making that 90 lucky players who have won cool prizes that they may never buy for themselves. Also happy the countless players, who have been scammed by retroactive change of player terms.

  • Casino Rewards has been home to 19 Mega Moolah millionaires since 2008 of which 6 were in 2019, with winnings from those 19 totalling almost $150m. That doesn't include the thousands upon thousands of players who have won the other 3 jackpots with us. RA is happy to tell you, we have taken all that jackpot winners for an idiot, because of our term, which was a big surprise to all winners: "Players who win a sum that is 5 times, or more, greater than their total purchases across all CasinoRewards partner casinos will only be able to withdraw their winnings at a sum of $4,000 a week." You will second that, because it's a great jackpot term, so no winner can complain.

  • Casino Rewards currently holds the world record for largest ever progressive jackpot win in any native currency - $22,011,351.13, and the player is happy until the rest of his life, because it takes only 5,502 weeks or 105 years until he is finally paid.
So we have waffled on long enough. We are jumping the gun and giving 160% commission on new players. We can do that due to our cross promotion. To get this activated on your account, hit up Miss Rewards or Mr. Jimmy, if you can get the phone number from his parole officer, or come see us at our booth in London, in case, we will ever return there, because you know, no booth, no award.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Yes, we are still in the commercial break.

Here an ad, which keeps its promises.

Now to the usual commercial breaks, the APCW Propaganda Show from this week.

It's an interview with Partners.IO

Propaganda Man says, he is "not a morning person".
Then why the heck is he doing this interview in the morning?
He acts like as he was the last guest in the local striptease bar the night before interview and felt asleep only after 4:00 in the morning.

However, Partners.IO is one of those GPWA comebackers, who flopped on the first attempt.
With their liquor store license from Curacao and outlaw "license" in Estonia Partners.IO is providing more trust than one can expect from this industry.

Unfortunately, they forgot to tell the audience in the interview, that there is a 20-30 % Admin rip-off Fee,

I agree, it would be insane to tell the audience the other truth, that there is no lifetime revenue share but an automatic termination process and also a negative carryover:

8.3. If the Affiliate account is inactive, we will terminate the account with the right to freeze the commission on the account. In this clause, "inactive" means where you have not registered new Real Money Players for one hundred and eighty (180) days or more. If your Affiliate Account is inactive, your Agreement and participation in the Affiliate Network will automatically terminate.


7.4. The commission payment shall be made only if the outstanding Affiliate balance is positive. If the balance is negative due to the user's performance on games the balance shall be carried over to the next month.

At least a great made interview with smooth background music, some zooms, pan shots and a very bright-eyed looking host.

What more could you want?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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We interrupt this program for a Channel Five breaking news report.

After low level Nobody-Rep from 1xSlots mocked all small affiliates yesterday here on the forum on their quota with an arrogant official statement, AGD triggered the emergency brake.

Already 2 1/2 hours later it was announced by AGD Admin, that this former certified program will put behind Predatory bars because "they are not interested" to "revert the terms back to friendly".

The whole report: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/threads/moved-to-predatory.13188/#post-117564

The imprisonment was consummated today.

1xSlots, inmate number A43897, cellblock 5, cage 2.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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GPWA's Lies and fabricated Evidence Cases: The Race Car Hoax Incident

Do you remember the Star Partner Race Car Hoax?


The case, where direct sources, former Star Partners employees, revealed as credible whistleblower, that the cars have been won either bei no one or bei employees or relatives of employees of Star Partner, that all people at the program knew about the hoaxes, and that this whole Cruise Ship events are nothing but a show?

Do you also remember, how GPWA provided once again fabricated evendence and lied to you also in this case to protect that sponsor and that this was again a big blow up in their face?

By chance I found out, that a person has made a short video about GPWA and is refering with this visual scroll in the video to Star Partner content.

Nice to see once again inter alia the posts from Shay, Moonlight Cat, Celena and me.

Mr. Corfleone's motto is: "All warfare is based on deception." His fallacy: "Let us deceive our readers. We lie to them, but our GPWA shills, calculating brownnosers and low IQ poster will help us to make our Crime Family richer, bigger and lousier."

On May 2018 the Star Partner Race Car Hoaxer closed their dirty program due to "unforeseen circumstances".

Of course.

GPWA Crime Family is eiter too arrogant or too stupid to recognize, that all these fabricated evidence cases will never be forgotten, and that at the end of the day the truths are coming to daylight.

Like in other cases, I was the front-line soldier in this case, over weeks, and at the end they had nothing but lies to protect their sponsor.

History reapeats itself.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2011
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. Now it's clear, there was a well-orchestrated psyop to protect Rewards Affiliates and especially Mrs. Rewards. One serial-liar meets the other.
No ad hominem attacks. 3 days posting suspension.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I must be lost & confused from too much time away...

Spamming = okay, posting outright lies regarding program agreements = okay, calling out lies or questioning them = not okay...? Do I correctly understand 'da rules'?

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Yes, you have understand that rules correctly, Shay.

According to the animal doctor, one of my dwarf-poodles has a cold and a little bit fever. She's already 13 and does not want to eat so much. due to the fever and the antibioticum but is drinking tons of water. I have to care about her a lot. At least with the good German chicken Sausage I can animate her to eat something. Sunday it was really bad. Now it's already better.

So I will not waste my time for this "forum" more than is necessary.

You can expect my fact and truth statement about this attack on my free speech in all details on Thursday. I think I can complete it until that day.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Dear audience,

what I told you on 27. April 2021 here in this thread?:

"sooner or later a pretext will be found to kick me out"

As it is now proven with this attack on the free speech, they are operating with the same weak intimidation attempts as GPWA is doing it, because this weak ban is nothing but an intimidation attempt.

Their masks are now finally fallen. Now it's obious. AGD is as corrupt as GPWA. The White-Knight Myth is, what it is, a myth.

The worst thing: The claim of "ad hominem attacks" is the untruth, a false accusation to protect the scammers of Rewards Affiliates. If one repeats an untruth several times, it makes it not automatically to the truth. The accuser can not even explain with details in this special case, what „ad hominem attacks“ should be. It's only a false accusation, because every word I have written, you all know that, is nothing but the truth.

The „ad hominem attacks“ pretext was now used already twice in the Rewards Affiliates causa, first to close and so to censor a thread about Rewards Affiliates and to cut off Dave's voice by closing that thread with the same pretext and now it is used again for an attempt to intimidate me of all people, who has fought successfully the scum of Earth over decades also with Guerilla warfare, because they don't deserve better. Does really anybody believe, with my history anyone can intimidate me?

Isn't it interesting, that this pretext was now found exactly in the moment, after I published an important censored piece of evidence from the Internet Archive, that every word written about the Rewards Affiliates scam is true and that there was a psyop to take all the webmasters for an idiot?

Think about it. You don't need to think too long to know, what happened in the background here. It's the GPWA pattern.

Such a false accusation like happened now here, would be blown to pieces in every court room. But you know, the self-proclaimed rulers of this industry making their own rules as Shay pointed out. Also rules of intimidation, which includes automatically blackmail, because one doesn't work with the other.

False accusations, evil intimidation attempts and the abuse of power are also well known core features of dictatorships.

From the aspect of common sense, this is exactly, what we see here.

Now here some facts for you. Facts, no false accusations.

Just sober truths.

And the result of the Streisand Effect.

AGD Fact Check

The truth is, that

  • AGD officially protects the first payout quota, a rip-off, which was only invented to harm small affiliates and to have a backdoor for an exit scam. The fraud protection pretext is a hoax-narrative.

  • AGD does not care about minimum payouts. They don't care if small affiliates will be demotivated and stalled by wallet minimum payouts which are higher than $100. The high minimum paypouts are only designed to steal money from very small affiliates in case, they will be „inactive“ or fall into a quota-trap.

  • AGD obviously also does not care, if affiliates will be robbed by the admin-fee scam. Their main sponsor King Billy is stealing every month huge amounts of money from their affiliates with an even increased admin fee scam of 35 %, and AGD obviously has no problem with it, most likely, because King Billy is an important financier of AGD.

  • AGD's other main sponsor Trada Affiliates is using the „Notwithstanding Clause Trick“, a terminate-without-reason predatory term, because it's standing in their terms, that „TradaGames may unilaterally terminate this Agreement [...] without giving any reason.“ Every non-sponsor program would not be even certified but put behind Predatory Bars for that. Trada Affiliates has obviously won the double standard jackpot, because they pay for it.

  • The same termination-without-cause predatory term will be used by AGD main sponsor Wagerjoint. Quote from the terms: „This Agreement can be terminated without cause by either party“. And the following payment term from Wagerjoint does not need further comments:“If an affiliate requesting a bank wire payout has not achieved the minimum payment threshold of 1,000 €/USD/GBP/AUD/CAD within 12 months then the affiliate has the right to request a wire payout but agrees to cover the costs of their incoming wire payment.“ What a lousy bunch of losers they are to let small people pay the costs after 12 months working for the program.

  • AGD main sponsor RevMasters has an impertinent minimum payout kill for small affiliates of $300, for wire even $1,000 like Wagershare and on the top a negative carryover. Looks great, right?!

  • AGD main sponsor 21Partners doubles down on the small affiliates minimum payout rip-off, forces a lunatic minimum of 500 Euro, if they will „forget“ to make a deal on this specific point with you. They also steal from you with their 25 % Admin Fee Scam.

  • AGD is official partner of serial-spammer AffPapa. You can find their logo in the partner section at the bottom of the AffPapa website.

  • AGD gives spammers here a free ticket unless members are complaining about it. Then excuses are told to downplay the failure. Now new spammers even reply to other spammers in spammer threads with their own spam posts. It's so hillarious.

  • Probably 35-45 % of all certified programs have problems despite AGD claims, that their terms are „friendly“. I have checked so far only 10-15 % of them and dozens of problems occured, and in many cases no actions have been taken by AGD after 3 or even 5 months, only ignoring or stalling statements. The 7Bit farce is only one textbook example for it. Almost 6 months ago a lip service was provided by AGD, that the 7Bit regular payout quota „to get a payment for a specified period, the partner is obliged to bring a minimum of 5 active accounts for the last three months“ will be removed. It never happened.

  • In the Betwinner case, where AGD announced more than 3 weeks ago, that the terms will be updated „very shortly“, the term is still the same negative carryover clause until today.

  • AGD gave the whole Marikit Holdings Ltd Outfit, including 1xBet and other gangs over years a free certification stage here despite it was reported multiple times over the internet by international reporters, what they are, serial criminals.

  • AGD had over years a Quid Pro Quo with GPWA to push and to protect each others sponsorship scheme, and the protection of Rewards Affiliates was obviously a very important part of it. Almost no one in this industry is doing something for others without having a benefit. I have no benefit. I am under attack.

  • AGD has closed a thread also with the same false pretext as now to protect Rewards Affiliates and to cut off Dave's voice.

  • AGD has changed the signature rules only to harm especially Dave and also me to protect Rewards Affiliates.

  • AGD collaborated with Rewards Affiliates Shills to make Dave look like a fool in the signature thread.

  • AGD has now shown four times their true face with closing a thread, changing the signature rules, collaborating with shills and finally with an intimitation attempt to suppress the truth about Rewards Affiliates. Each and every incident is nothing but the reflection of censorship. Even Rocket Man from North Korea would admit, that this is the case.

  • AGD initiated the conspirary „Operation Island“ against Aussie Dave to terminate him from the forum and to protect Rewards Affiliates. For me there is no doubt, such a conspiracy against me has now begun.

  • AGD is obviously the Fifth Column of Rewards Affiliates.

  • AGD with its latest attacks on free speech is now as rigged as it was in the past. They have been mutated again to the GPWA 2.0 in miniature form.

  • AGD never ever again can claim, that they are a free uncensored forum without intimidation attempts or other evil methods to suppress truths. This is now finally over forever.

Nothing but facts and truths.

To demonstrate, what one can expect in general, here the new promo for the big brother of AGD, the great role model for censorship and weak intimidation attempts:

(Interesting, how an old promo after some time only with a few changes fits perfectly again)

(Coming from a country, which suffered even under two dictatorships for a total of 53 years in the last 100 years.)


New Member
May 19, 2021
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dear people ..
buffalo partners has strange soft lately + has changed many employees ..+ there strategy must be always to ( - ) and + products ..
no contact , no replay , the concept is start fresh at end u find no players !! 2 years now im and still waiting for contact or email i even called the old members , but i got one emal explaining cpa ( read carefully the T&C ) im startup samexbet and gamb.. aaff ect its like pretty bad situation now , but no problem with payment yet and they took it seriously ..there is after cookies but maybe they shuld change a bit there t&c about the 13 casino they hav , to lose 1 player its very easy if you hav them all !! greetings


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
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dear people ..
buffalo partners has strange soft lately + has changed many employees ..+ there strategy must be always to ( - ) and + products ..
no contact , no replay , the concept is start fresh at end u find no players !! 2 years now im and still waiting for contact or email i even called the old members , but i got one emal explaining cpa ( read carefully the T&C ) im startup samexbet and gamb.. aaff ect its like pretty bad situation now , but no problem with payment yet and they took it seriously ..there is after cookies but maybe they shuld change a bit there t&c about the 13 casino they hav , to lose 1 player its very easy if you hav them all !! greetings
So it sounds like you're saying the old group has changed but that the new group is still nothing more/better/different than the old group?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Nothing but facts and truths.

I have no words and never expected. But i have suspected that it will come at some point.

LCB said:
No ad hominem attacks. 3 days posting suspension.

As i read this i was already frightened. :rolleyes:

I find it very questionable that the freedom of expression here is also being restricted. :mad:

But how you can see none of us colleagues has anything to say.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I have no words and never expected. But i have suspected that it will come at some point.

As i read this i was already frightened. :rolleyes:

I find it very questionable that the freedom of expression here is also being restricted. :mad:

But how you can see none of us colleagues has anything to say.

If one has to bite his/her tongue out of fear of being censored or banned, they are already censored...

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Thank you, Insider and Shay.

The most exposing fact is, AGD, winner of the 2021-Lukashenko-Forum-look-alike-Contest, after two weeks has absolutely nothing to say about the 21 true AGD facts I have posted.

Not a single word.
That says it all.

Also some kind of Omerta.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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A good friend of mine confirmed my opinion, which has been formed in the past weeks, that with a very few exceptions -and I mean really very few - the majority of the people (with a voice) are not worth standing up for.

They should be abandoned to their fate.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I can understand a forum taking steps against the spread of bogus-bullshit, aka made up lies and such. However, censoring information, posts, members who back their claims/statements up with facts and truths, taking steps to silence these words, well... that's just plain wrong.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I leave you know to your destiny.

With the exception of Shay and Insider, who had the balls to say something to my personal censorship and initimidation incident on time without calculating thoughts, there is obviously no one else. Playing on two wedding-parties was never an option for me.

And of course with the exception of Carmel, who is for me the representative of the Century and all the AGD and GPWA staff flops, bigmouths and censors should be ashamed of themselves. None of you can hold a candle to Carmel.

So a mentally ill paid link scammer is now the new posterboy of AGD and a pervert Bitcoin pusher the posterboy of GPWA.

There is nothing more to say, I believe. That says it all.

Both, AGD and GPWA have evil sponsors and don't care about it. Scam fee artist and other dirt is welcome.

My wife would say: "Why do you still invest your lifetime into these people, who are not worth it?"
And she's right.
You are not worth my lifetime.
To be honest, almost all of you in the real time are for sure total losers and you would not stand 5 minutes against me in public discussion about anything.

Many of you are just evil.
Many are mentally ill.
Almost all of you are calculating brownnosers, who are afraid to lose the option to write on forums if you open your mouth.
Believe me, there is absolutely no benefit to write on AGD or GPWA.
It's a nothing.
I know really big players in this industry, who never ever even opened an accout on AGD or GPWA.
There are so successful, because they have always invest their time into their business and families instead of this Kindergarten.
That is proof, that one can be more successful without these fake-worlds.
It also depends on me.
You are really losers.
At least behaving like losers.
Human disappointments.
90+% of all webmaster give up sooner or later.
Most programs are one-year-wonders.
The governments will shut down these gigantic scam.
Every month countless players will be cheated by the scum on Earth, which are 70+% of all programs.
Every month countless webmasters will be cheated and are losing tens of thousands of Euros.
Cheated by sponsors of GPWA and AGD.

Good look with your weakness and your two-faced masks.

Perpaps one day I will come back.

In the moment, when you least expect it.

Or in case, anyone believe, he can be "strong" and attack me, because he believes, I am gone forever.

There was never anyone, who has ruled me or has prevailed over me.

Because almost all of you are a shame for the real world and the social structure in it.

One last thing: The "Leopard-Gate" is an unsolved mystery until today. Christine claims, she has not edit it. Aussie Dave claims, he has not wrote it.
Both things can not be happened.
Only one.
So one person is a damn liar.
There is no other option, because it's a fact, it happened.
My last source: https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...ms-introduction-post.16844/page-2#post-116914
In the original post from Aussie Dave (https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/c...ms-introduction-post.16844/page-2#post-116907) was in the unedited version the sentence:
"Leopolds don't change their spots - they just get better at hiding them!"
It was later edited by Dave to
"Leopards don't change their spots - they just get better at hiding them!"
Dave claims, he never wrote "Leopolds", if true, then Christine had edited "Leopards" to "Leopolds" to hurt me, and Dave changed it back to "Leopards".
It not true, then he is a liar.
Listen, one of you both is a liar.
I don't know, who it is, but it's one of you.
And this was one of the shadiest things happened here on the forum, it one thinks twice, regardless, which version is true.

On the contrary to my desperate opponents I was always able to provide sources.
They provided lies or censorship.

I wish you all - with the named exceptions - not the best.
Why should I do that?
You do not deserve it.
I know thousand other people who deserve good wishes more.
Indeed, they really do.
And they will receive my wishes.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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How i already mentioned sometime i would love to discuss all with you in a privat meeting and i would also survive 5 minutes :D

I don't want to refer to some members or details of all these subjects.

In member and respect of your wife Leopold - She was really correct.

And you are also correct in saying that the big players in this business are so successful because they are not frolic at any platforms/forums.

Through my long time experience in this business i can also agree that elaborate writing in forums are to 90% waste of time.

But i also find that forums are an important thing because it can help. But most of them acting of curse only in their own interest.

I can say on my own experience that it can absolutely lead to conflicts of interest here and there. So it's not so easy to stay 100% fair.

Maybe it were also at some point a bit exaggerated what was written here and there because no one want really to hear the truth.

And nobody wants to rebel against the business or the partner companies. It goes alone around the money.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Insider, that was a nice, truthful speech to describe the quintessence of this industry.

So long!

Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.