BIG difference between mainstream SEO and Gambling SEO


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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And the story once again, plays out the same...

I commenced a mainstream site a few months back. It uses WordPress, but as of now it consists of only 3 blog posts, a html sitemap (added to a page), and approx 10 tags in total. The site, is in relation to a car dealer here in Australia, who lied and ripped me off, to the tune of $4K in out-of-pocket expenses. I had to fix their f#ck up, which they refused to be accountable for.

I'm sure it's just as highly competitive in other parts of the world, as it is in Australia. All the SEO is on page, no links pointing back, no social media etc, zip. Just what's on page. However it's starting to gain some pretty nice serps. And, that's the catalyst to this post.

I've been doing SEO for years. Hell, my company was hired back in 2007 by Fortune Lounge Group, to conduct the optimisation for Vegas Palms. Hence I'm no goose when it comes to this work.

Let me just say, that mainstream SEO is totally different to Gambling SEO. While both may share certain similar aspects, using information given by these mainstream SEO sites, can be at times fool-hardy, if not do damage to your site(s) SEO etc.

This car site I added, now holds some nice page 1 spots. If I mirrored what I'd done here, to my casino portals, I'd likely be lost some place on page xx or even page xxx in Google.

I haven't even broken a sweat getting this mainstream site ranking. But to achieve the same for my casino portals, I would have to put time and energy to get similar results. Even though the keywords/phrases I target on these portals, are not highly popular. As apposed to the car site, which are.

Anyway thought I'd post this, maybe it will prevent an affiliate or two wasting their time.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 9, 2015
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You're right and I confirm, some time ago usually I held that a "mainstream SEO" for gambling sites but unfortunately without success. SEO for gambling websites is difficult and requires a lot of attention, to not disappear from the search engines. 1 year ago when I helping start website who is not related to gambling everything was easy to get good results in the SERPs.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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I agree - but I am not surprised.


Car Dealers and the majority of other physical goods dealerships do not really consider an online presence valuable and so the simply do not spend the time getting offsite link profiles.
As far as they are concerned - their sales will happen in person - the buyer needs to come and see the physical product in order to buy.

So these industries build good websites - but don't consider them a valuable sales stream - just an online brochure.
So a good on-page set-up is all you need in order to rank well in most physical industries.


Compare that to online gambling, forex, or porn, or any other virtual commodity that can be promoted worldwide online, and sold and consumed online.
In this case the website IS the complete sales force. Offsite promotion is standard. So the competition is far more fierce.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Great post @AussieDave. I agree with @TheGooner , for the most part... but that is changing - at least in the US. Car dealers now rely highly on web traffic, but it has also changed their pricing models drastically. It is very difficult to bargain anymore in the US due to this. For example... About 6 months ago I was out looking. I probably test-drove 25 vehicles across 5 different dealers. The LOWEST I could get a car down in price was $400. I used to easily get $1000-3000 off a car. The $400 was even because I knew it had been sitting on the lot for quite a while.

What has happened is this... with the advent of online advertising, dealerships now have a program that will automatically look at all car sales in the area. If their vehicle is priced within a certain range of all the others - they will just assume you won't make the effort to go 10-100 miles to save $100-$500. So - they refuse to drop the price.

I got lucky, found one 120 miles away for $3500 less, got them to drop the price $1100, and never looked back. But it was an interesting lesson.

Now - that is not SEO-related, mind you.... but they are getting smarter in that industry :)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Car Dealers and the majority of other physical goods dealerships do not really consider an online presence valuable and so the simply do not spend the time getting offsite link profiles.

I'd tend to agree 100%.

However, this car dealer in question, has a FB fan page, and has gone out of their way to obtain links, and reviews. Though I'm fairly confident the FB likes, along with the reviews etc are bogus. Either paid or friends. These are just too perfect!

Added an SSL to the site on the 29'th Dec.
ALL pages are reindexed, as too are new ones. Starting to get some traction, be interesting to see the results over the next few weeks.
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New Member
Jan 4, 2017
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It's not probable due to the fact that is geo targeting SEO?

The whole site is about one car dealer that is located in one specific part of Australia


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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I agree with The Gooner. In non-gambling related things I simply outrank websites of people that are in that business for decades and for who their website just a thing to get people to their place or shop. It's different if it's about things that are happening online. Also gambling has plenty of variety in keywords and long-tail opportunities. With insurances that is way less in my opinion, or my mind isn't creative enough :)

Russell Sandford

New Member
Dec 22, 2017
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Yes, I agree that the mainstream SEO is different from gambling or casino websites SEO. It requires alot of hard work and efforts to rank a gambling website. It can be done with good quality content, blogging, link exchange, paid links etc.. Good investment is also required.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Aussie, do you use it just to punish the dealer or also managed to monetize it a bit?

At first I put it up for the sole intention to warn others. However, that $4K ballooned to a bit less than $15K in total repairs needed. Hence, this bmw was sold with a flurry of premeditated lies and trumped up, dodgy misrepresentations of services and such. How unethical are they?

Was served with a lawyer's letter to cease and desist the website, and a threat of libel if I didn't act on this letter. I didn't respond, nor remove the site. Can't go me for libel if it's the truth... Never heard back from them.

I've finally completed all of the repairs needed, to bring that car up to the standard it should have been when I purchased it. So... I'm now awaiting the new year to start, and the Magistrates (small claims court) to be active, and I'm taking these clowns to court!


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Just discovered tonight a DMCA issued against the site, by this dodgy used car yard. Total load of bollocks. But even with these lies, they managed to get the URL's taken down from Google index. Actually, they've done me a huge favour (again they've outsmarted themselves). And just given me more evidence that they hold little respect for the truth. Not withstanding the fact they'll lie thru their teeth to achieve what they want:

The posts are thereby in contravention with Australian Consumer Law and amount to Injurious Falsehood.

The only falsehood here, are the abundance of their lies.

I'm going to have fun with these clowns (as I'm sure the magistrate will too) at the small claims court :D


New Member
Aug 20, 2021
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One of the reasons online casinos and other gambling sites are so popular is because they are easily accessible. Companies want as many customers as possible, no matter what business they are in. The casino industry wants you to access their site easily, so they have to make sure everything is optimized for smartphones and beyond. Live Casino Slot Online Indonesia is likely to have specialized agencies that will develop an SEO strategy tailored to the online casino. There are many steps to provide the perfect SEO strategy. Still, the basics include: Optimizing keywords and phrases. Updating content to ensure it is relevant. Optimizing images and videos on the site.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Just discovered tonight a DMCA issued against the site, by this dodgy used car yard. Total load of bollocks. But even with these lies, they managed to get the URL's taken down from Google index. Actually, they've done me a huge favour (again they've outsmarted themselves). And just given me more evidence that they hold little respect for the truth. Not withstanding the fact they'll lie thru their teeth to achieve what they want:

The only falsehood here, are the abundance of their lies.

I'm going to have fun with these clowns (as I'm sure the magistrate will too) at the small claims court :D

out of interest Dave how did this end up?


User-Requested Account Closure
Apr 10, 2019
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Nice thread here! I agree too, even if i'm not so many years on the field.. I think 5 years are enough to be able to spot the difference though! Gongrats to the spammer for bring this thread to our attention again. (Reported)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
out of interest Dave how did this end up?

Hi Aidan,

I sought legal advice from two (2) separate lawyers. Both advised me to drop it and walk away.

According to them, even if I got a court ruling, trying to enforce would most probably turn into a very costly exercise. Instead, I got him to write a couple of formal complaints to both consumer affairs, and also, to the Motor Trade Association these crooks were a member of.

I sold the 335i Dec 2020. Wasn't really driving it much, because in Aug 2020, bought a low Km M3 coupe.

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Thomas Andreas

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 7, 2018
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Yes, I agree that the mainstream SEO is different from gambling or casino websites SEO. It requires alot of hard work and efforts to rank a gambling website. It can be done with good quality content, blogging, link exchange, paid links etc.. Good investment is also required.
is it different or the same SEO methods. I mean why would gambling be different; are you Just saying it requires more work to rank for gambling?