AGD Sponsor Criteria

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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ok. I'm back.

I will re-iterate what we do at AGD so that everyone knows:

* We certify terms. Those terms are your contracts and we try to ensure that they are as friendly as possible. We get a LOT of terms changed and modified to the benefit of the affiliates.

* We do NOT certify bonuses. Bonuses are subjective. Some players love them, some players do not use them. Some players feel 1 bonus is 'good' while another is 'bad'. It is too subjective.

* We DO use CasinoMeister (tm) ratings on casinos to be sure that we take into account the player side of things

For sponsors, we additionally:

* Look over CM again, not only in their ratings, but also in posts

* Look over Ask Gamblers to find any information on the casinos and the affiliate program

* Look over the web, in general, to see if there is anything negative out there

* Sponsors must meet the criteria listed here:

I'm not hiding anything, I'm honestly doing the best I can to have a clear and transparent approach. As I mentioned, it would be MUCH easier not to do all this. I'm quite sure I would have a new Bentley if I took all the money companies wanted to give me to list them. I wish I had a number (real, calculated) to give you, but would hazard to guess that I have declined over 90% of potential sponsors. Think about that for a second. That is a lot of money. That means I would probably NOT have to work 2 jobs. But I don't do that. I built this site in 2006 as a way to make sure we were all protected against bad contracts and retroactive changes.

AGD hasn't deviated from what we do except for 1 time. That time was when the members asked me to include CM as a way to make sure the programs are player-friendly. Since that was something I could 'get my hands around' (i.e., a HARD-STATUS that made sense) - I implemented it. However - bonuses are too subjective. I can't make those part of AGD. It goes against the engineering stats-based-mathmatical side of my personality to do so. I don't agree with it - I can't do it.

I hope that helps. Trying to be less angry and more matter of fact. I hope this helps people determine if they want to stay at AGD or leave. I can only do my best for affiliates... if you do not feel that is good enough, then I would suggest not staying and not using our certifications and sponsors as a way to aid in ascertaining quality. I, personally, feel that when a program is certified (and especially listed as a sponsor) - that they are high quality. But - I know what kind of certification and 'vetting' we do... so that's why I believe in it.

Thanks for listening.



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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The people who get where I'm coming from, support my beliefs. They understand why I'm outspoken about the things that matter. Those that don't, see me as a threat and wield severe prejudice on-my-ass. Money has never been my GOD (ironically I neither want or need anything). It means I can't be bought. It also means, I won't sweep unethical cr#p under the carpet, even if speaking out threatens my own income.

Those two facts, put AussieDave knockers into a huge tail spin.

Example...I spoke out about a program NOT vetoing new affiliate signups (here at AGD). It was a valid line of questioning, given, this program had continued to allow the WP hacker to sign up under multiple accounts. The same hacker who'd stolen affiliates content. Both the program and hacker were making illegitimate income at the expense and loss of other affiliates. This wasn't a 1'st time accident, reiterating it was the 3'rd incident brought to light. How many other accounts the hacker held? Who knows.

Call me crazy BUT I think that's a pretty serious matter. Ummm rephrase... these were criminal acts. As such, was it unreasonable of me, to expect, frank and honest answers from the AM/program? Seems so. I was asked to stopped "flaming" the AM, otherwise risk a forced vacation.

This industry is crooked and it needs people like me, keeping the bastard honest. However to those who don't get-it, it's akin to describing a rainbow to a vision impaired person - they'll never understand or see the picture.

Reiterating the words ethics, transparency and those which describe a high standard of honest business conduct, are throw about. But in most instances it's all BS. To truly uphold these virtues one much walk-the-walk too. Sadly that's where things fall apart and with it, accountability falls by the wayside too.

It's your forum, your site Andy. However adding the AGD seal and accepting money & or sub affiliate income, you are by proxy making yourself responsible, to ensure, these programs tow the line. After all it's you who are recommending them to your members/site visitors.

Another example... Affactive... How much hard, factual proof does it take for the penny to drop... You allowed this program to continue to BS not only AGD members but worse, rallied to aid these crooks, by discrediting valid complaints from affiliates being ripped off. Eric (Erik) comes to mind as one of these people. Essentially AffActive was pissing in your pocket for literally months and months and you didn't or couldn't see it.

It's this bias mindset or maybe I'm confusing it with a sheer lack of industry naivety. Either way, your lack of action against valid concerns, affects your members welfare. While you have a full-time job outside of being an affiliate, the majority of AGD members ARE full time affiliates. We live and breath this stuff every day. I've been doing so for almost 16 years. The signs indicating things may not be 100% Kosher with a program or a casino is in trouble, become 2'nd nature, kinda a like a 6'th sense.

Thing is...The fundamental mandate of AGD (protecting affiliates interests), should be to investigate shit like this.

Ironically my being here, is doing both AGD and yourself a HUGE favour. However if my input and concern for affiliates/players welfare by not wanting to seem them shafted, is counter productive to yours and the AGD philosophy, just say the word and I'll depart quietly.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I made my statement already, Dave.

I stand by any suspensions/vacations I have given - It takes a LOT for me to do that and I think the members know that. In fact - I think even you know that. :)

If anyone looks at the Affactive 'piss in pocket' thing and thinks that they were a sponsor.. this is not true. They were not. I never took money from them for sponsorship or anything else for that matter. Anyway, it's all in the forums... feel free to find and read.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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I don't believe that bonuses should be something that affiliates should be focused on primarily
when choosing an affiliate program. Yes, there are affiliate programs with casinos that offer
ridiculous bonuses, but different players enjoy playing different bonuses. It's more of a matter
of preference, and as long as the terms are clearly outlined for the player, and the player can
opt out of the bonuses, then I don't see the issue. The bonuses are a marketing ploy to get
players in the door. Almost every business uses a marketing ploy to bring in more customers.

I believe since there were concerns regarding the bonuses, then it would have been best to
launch a new thread in that section, instead of bombarding the welcome thread with criticism.
Last edited:


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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it would have been best to launch a new thread in that section

Agreed, though so too should other off-topic posts in other threads.

Off-topic posts are a daily event here, they ALL get shifted (moved to new threads), right :rolleyes:

So... When my post got shifted and KK's remained, at that point, this "new thread", was no longer about bonuses, instead, it was about favouritism - the practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another... nuff said.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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While I understand that this site is about affiliate terms and conditions, I appreciate all the comments on bonuses. They help us understand what the casinos that affiliate programs are promoting are up to. We do like to know when players are being abused; whether its from no-pay or ridiculous bonus terms. In the end, without the player, there is no affiliate.

I just want to add that without Dave here, the place would be a hell of a lot less interesting and informative. I'd ease up on him to keep the place cooking. He's a major asset to this site. Not to mention his tireless efforts unmasking hackers, affiliate programs with multiple faces, etc.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I justwant to add that without Dave here, the place would be a hell of a lot less interesting and informative. I'd ease up on him to keep the place cooking. He's a major asset to this site. Not to mention his tireless efforts unmasking hackers, affiliate programs with multiple faces, etc.

That's for sure.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I'm not worried about 'keeping the place cooking'. I only care about having a safe haven for affiliates to be treated with respect and watching terms alerts. No single person makes AGD what it is. There are great people here that make AGD what it is. Excellent webmasters, excellent affiliate managers, and a propensity to help one another instead of tear one another down... that's what AGD is about, IMO. Negativity and all that jazz.. that's for other places.

That was not a direct hit on anyone, btw.