Why is data delayed with most programs? Shaving?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
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Hi guys,

I really can't quite figure this one out. Why is the data updated only once per day with most program? I imagine it's not really due to technical limitations. Being the cynic I am, I've always suspected it was to give the programs a chance to screw you over before presenting you the numbers.

Given how incredably uncommon high rollers seem to be, do you guys suspect some programs "shave" numbers?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Not all programs ONLY update once ever 24 hours. Those that do, I agree it's very frustrating, and you can't help but wonder if this 24 hour window, gives them time to untag players etc. There are some programs who, for some bizarre reason, are 48 hours behind. Though, there are also programs who update their data every 30min or less.

Given how incredably uncommon high rollers seem to be, do you guys suspect some programs "shave" numbers?

Without direct, unfettered access to our stats data, affiliates have, and will always need, 100% trust in a program not to shaft them. Do some programs "shave", Yes...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
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I know some programs have "live" updates like Frank & Fred for example. But others who supposedly update their numbers "live" like Videoslots only do so with signups, not commission.

I cannot see any good reason for programs to delay numbers for 24+ hours other than to do shady s**t. Makes no sense at all.

Lucy CBC

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 11, 2019
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I agree, it's very frustrating and it does seem to encourage one to be skeptical and wonder about shaving...I think there's a a certain % of shaving in the industry, sure.

For most of us though, as long as it's not super obvious and business still brings at least reasonable profit, we accept it on some level...the ones with solid licenses are unlikely to do it though, more the grey ones probably


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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the ones with solid licenses are unlikely to do it though, more the grey ones probably

While it may seem more likely a program operating in grey-markets, will take actions to defraud its affiliates. This mindset is usually wrong. Instead, PLC's regulated in top-tier jurisdictions, have proved they are more likely to shaft (steal) from their affiliates.

GVC Holdings, Ladbrokes, Sky and Kindred a few PLC's who have stolen literally 100's of millions from their affiliate partners.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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It might all be a conspiracy - but it probably isn't. Managing data between platforms nearly always has issues - especially if the affiliate platform is a 3rd party product that has been "bolted on".

Casino / sportsbook / poker software is designed with managing player experience and player data in mind, so those functions are all integrated and actioned in real-time.

Affiliate reporting on the other hand does NOT need to be real-time in order to function - and with most software the affiliate stats are taken as an extract file on a daily basis and sent to the 3rd party affiliate provider.



It's not just casino systems. The core of most banking systems in the Western World were written in the 1950s, 1960's and 1970's using ancient languages like COBOL and are still running today on large mainframe systems.

The systems that we interact with online and with card transactions are much newer, and fancier, but they're not the core account process. Almost none of your real world banking transactions are fully recorded "real-time" - they're updated once a day in a "batch" process with information taken from banks atm systems, eftpos systems, teller systems, and other sources.

It "looks" like the transaction happens in real-time, but that is just an authorisation transaction to check totals and if successful it posts a "hold" on an amount of money - but the full details of the transaction are not in the system until the file is sent at end of day.

This separation of core process from reporting is the same in most transactional systems - including casino - there are plenty of good reasons for it, from speed of processing, to security, to simplicity, and many others.


You do see newer systems being built with more involved functionality, including reporting, but the more that you include within the core process the more complicated it gets and it usually means that you have to make changes and upgrades to core more often - meaning unstable processes.

Generally, when it comes to money and financial systems, the core processes are kept small, very focused and very clean / separate from issues like reporting and alteration.

That means that separate software can be developed to do THOSE functions, and they can be interchanged relatively easily, and (if done right) with no possible issues to core processing.
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Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 6, 2019
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For example, Casoo partners use EGASS and EGASS only offers one stat update per 24h. Nevertheless, it does track clicks, impressions and sign-ups live.

There was no choice and as far as I know, most programs (that are 3rd party) have one stat update per 24h due to numerous reasons, some of which, TheGooner explained above.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2018
Reaction score
For example, Casoo partners use EGASS and EGASS only offers one stat update per 24h. Nevertheless, it does track clicks, impressions and sign-ups live.

There was no choice and as far as I know, most programs (that are 3rd party) have one stat update per 24h due to numerous reasons, some of which, TheGooner explained above.

Thank you for sharing :)