We should band together and experiment

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Hey guys,

After SocietyOfSlots post recently about having a difficult time converting and making money in this industry, I have been thinking of a way to run an experiment, get everyone involved, and determine how to make money. Would be somewhat interesting, I think.


Step 1: AGD puts together a website design (with input) that includes the PSD/PNG (image file) to be converted into a Wordpress or HTML template
Step 2: AGD has the template converted into whatever
Step 3: We all collectively decide how to work with content
Step 4: We all decide on banner zones, if it is geo-targetted, etc..
Step 5: We all begin content generation

I guess we can all experiment, give ideas, and make changes in an attempt to make money. As a collective effort, we could work with the Platinum Sponsors here and get a 'group account'. I could write some code to auto-detect commissions and post to the thread when money is made. By doing this, we could all see what is happening from a commissions standpoint. We would also have to figure it out from a keyword perspective too, so would have to write something in that regard as well.

Once commissions are made, whomever the collective group is could then get a disbursement from AGD when commissions are paid.

Too difficult or something we should try? Thoughts?


From Pandora.
Feb 22, 2012
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Id be in, I have a template ive been working on, (but dont think it will fit the bill for this) a simple site similar to my main page but no big pictures, a more evolved version. Its an idea of keeping a site on 1 page but using tabs to bring content to you instead of page changing, just a concept im gonna try when i have time.

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I think that’s a great idea and a very nice offer. I am just not that knowledgeable in this field and would feel very uncomfortable to actually get in on the group and/or expect to collect any earnings. I would however love to sit it on it and offer any advise or opinions on how I think it’s progressing. It would also be a great way to learn from those more skilled in this area. If that wouldn’t be a problem I’d love to be a part of it in that respect.

As a side note I just started visiting this forum and I have to say I really like it. With the industry getting more high-tech my business is really lagging behind so I welcome this idea.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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I had an idea like this about a year ago... Posted it on my site but unlike AGD I don't have the following to implement it. Here is my (almost the same) idea and some feedback from users at CAP.. Some good and bad points Affiliate Website Partnership Idea..

I would be interested in implementing this idea, I think AGD would be great to head it (as some of the concerns where who owns the domain, trust, what happens in the event of a fallout and all that, people get lazy etc.) as AGD has already proved that he can be unbiased and fair just based on that fact that he runs a successful forum.

But in doing this, I wouldn't want to unfairly step on smaller affiliates.. and I would see no point in going after anything but the largest money words 'online casinos' and such. As we could all pull together authority links from existing sites etc. With the help of a good handful of successful people working on it, it should be fairly easy to build up an authority site.

As everyone has many different work ethics and ways of doing things, this would definitely be an experiment.
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From Pandora.
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
As everyone has many different work ethics and ways of doing things, this would definitely be an experiment.

And extremely hard to pull off.

Thinking about it, it would be a logistical knightmare, roles would need to be delegated and someone will always do more work than others so an even cut would be would be seem unfair... which role is worth more? SEO, content, layout, promo?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Well... the concept (for me) is more that we determine through experience, trial, and error a way others can follow to make money. I'm not thinking of building a site that would dominate the SERPS for top keywords. I am more thinking of how we would create a roadmap for smaller affiliates to use to generate income :)

Maybe it sounded too grandiose the way I presented it, but in fact it is much simpler :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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Well that's less fun then dominating the SERPS.. But yeah.. Anyway I can help! Staying involved and helping others is part of what keeps me motivated for my own work.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 25, 2009
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Brilliant idea!! I only have a few questions. Who will promote it? How will it be promoted? You can build a great site, but depending on how it's promoted, it will either succeed or fail. For example, person A might give it high quality links from relevant sites, while person B might give it too many links from questionable sites and as a result, end up ruining the whole experiment. Maybe it needs a marketing manager who will approve and disapprove various marketing suggestions.

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I came into Affiliate Guard Dog for a problem I was having with a partner?? I decided to stay because I think I will be able learn some much needed skills and get some solid advice. While I think this is a great idea what would you guys do that you have not already done? When I started I was told the best thing I could do was to study the sites of the “Super Affiliates”. Not to copy them, not at all, but to get an idea for what works and what doesn’t, to study a few and try to get my own style based on the good ideas I discovered by studying the "good" sites. ( I didn’t take that advise). So how would you guys building a new site help me? I'm not asking this sarcastically my point is I think you all have done what you are trying here to do now..

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Well that's less fun then dominating the SERPS.. But yeah.. Anyway I can help! Staying involved and helping others is part of what keeps me motivated for my own work.

ha. Yes, less fun.. but I don't necessarily want to go out and create a dominant site (via AGD) and compete with members. I know there will be some competition regardless, but the concept is to really figure out how to get someone up and running quickly and getting a return on their investment. It's a tough industry, but money can be made. I would want to really go after this and show that it CAN take only 3 months to create an income earning site. Might be too ambitious, but would give rookies an idea of what it takes and how long.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Brilliant idea!! I only have a few questions. Who will promote it? How will it be promoted? You can build a great site, but depending on how it's promoted, it will either succeed or fail. For example, person A might give it high quality links from relevant sites, while person B might give it too many links from questionable sites and as a result, end up ruining the whole experiment. Maybe it needs a marketing manager who will approve and disapprove various marketing suggestions.

Great questions..

Who will promote it? How will it be promoted? I am thinking that would be a collective effort. I would set up a user her at AGD who will put the site in their user profile with backlinks (deep) to show the power of that system. Anyone involved could publish a link somewhere on their site. After that, we would have to talk and come up with some unique solutions (non-black-hat-or-spam). That could include GPWA and CAP links to the site as well (signature) and other forums in the industry (without spamming, would have to contribute to those forums)

I"m thinking on the linking side of things that it should be a collective effort. We can vote on links that are outside the norm to make sure we aren't linking to any 'bad neighborhoods'.

Those are my initial thoughts :)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I came into Affiliate Guard Dog for a problem I was having with a partner?? I decided to stay because I think I will be able learn some much needed skills and get some solid advice.

I'm still looking into that partner. I'll get someone to respond to me over there :)

While I think this is a great idea what would you guys do that you have not already done? When I started I was told the best thing I could do was to study the sites of the “Super Affiliates”. Not to copy them, not at all, but to get an idea for what works and what doesn’t, to study a few and try to get my own style based on the good ideas I discovered by studying the "good" sites. ( I didn’t take that advise). So how would you guys building a new site help me? I'm not asking this sarcastically my point is I think you all have done what you are trying here to do now..

what would you guys do that you have not already done?
I'm sure as a collective we can come up with some things that *each* of us have done to create a roadmap for new affiliates. Even 1 new trial could help a newbie out if they were not aware of it. For example, some years ago (about 2), I created an RSS feed on the site Redit.com. With that simple feed, I could rocket my site up to #1 in Google for the keyword I wanted (not super high-ranking keywords, but still competitive). I was the only one in our industry doing that at the time and it helped me get players.

study the sites of the “Super Affiliates”
I've done that myself although have never gained a whole lot of rankings off of it :) The problem is that most super affiliates have a ton of money to buy links :) And that does work no matter what Google will tell you. Those sites have been around for a long time which means they didn't (probably) get 1000 links per day. So - as you get links you will either trigger Google to penalize or they will continue their link buys as well... in which case you will never catch up :)

I hope that answers all :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Count me in :)

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Well, I was going to re-tool eazybetz, but have decided I am going to add a few more sites to my repertoire so I would love to see this idea take off. I have to get out of this web site funk I'm in.