Warning **don't deal with canaryjohn** - RESOLVED


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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CanaryJohn could simply prove with a statement from his bank or e-wallet provider that he really may not have received the payment.

If he isn't able or willing to do one must assume that he has received the payment.

There are not much possibilities or explanations to proove except:

Statement Ultra Partners (obviously already done ), statement of payment processor (?) and bank or e-wallet statement from CJ (?)

Hope that this can be solve somehow for all parties and not become a shame for anyone.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 16, 2016
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Hey Insider. This is exactly what I have done. I provided both parties my financial statement showing clearly that this payment was not made to us at all.

For anyone who wants to know. This will be my last reply to this thread. From 1pm today I will be under the instruction of my legal representative.

There is a lot I want to say about this situation and the deliberate defamation of my character (which I believe has separate motivations) but I will await his instructions before doing so. Perhaps it will have to move to a more official conversation.

I think I can reiterate though. We did nothing wrong. We are not withholding anyones cash. We have not received any money we shouldn't have. And we are no longer going to sit and just take this.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2017
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John has shown a screenshot of his wallet and indeed that screenshot doesn't show the payment.

What he hasn't shown is a screen shot of the actual wallet where every payment has been sent since Jan. The screenshot doesn't show the one they sent in Sept (before we got the account) so we can only presume that one is missing as well........

If this is the case then he probably hasn't had any payment since Jan....... and I am sure he would have know about it and reported this?

I have not seen a screenshot of the wallet address where those payments were received, which would surely back up his statement that he hasn't had the payment.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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The defamation is already in the room because the thread has developed like this.

But i don't believe that's a deliberate defamation because no one here has interest to make another person bad.

To make things public in forums is also always the risk that users will judge prematurely because they are in a certain anonymity.

In my long work as responsible person, i had to deal and to convey always with hostility and abuse between users. These were not always nice to read and also deterred other users from writing their opinion.

You always have to remain objective, but that doesn't always work when emotions play a role.

But one principle is that someone is considered innocent until proven he's guilty.

"bettingappguide" has confirmed that the payment isn't showing at the screenshot he received from John. But i believe that's not enough to proove.

It is very difficult to judge that from the outside if you are not involved yourself.

My intention is not to interfere but i find that Ultrapartners and respective the payment processor must do much more in this case to enlighten or to prove.

If i were John and know that a payment has not been received, then of course i would ask firstly why. Because in principle one should have an overview and control of the incoming payments.

I have no idea what the screenshots sent by Ultrapartner or John are showing.

Of course one could create a screenshot from affiliate program of the payment but it will not proove that the payment indeed were made by payment processor.

It's an uncomfortable situation for everyone, especially for John, that needs to be cleared up asap.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2017
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The defamation is already in the room because the thread has developed like this.

But i don't believe that's a deliberate defamation because no one here has interest to make another person bad.

To make things public in forums is also always the risk that users will judge prematurely because they are in a certain anonymity.

In my long work as responsible person, i had to deal and to convey always with hostility and abuse between users. These were not always nice to read and also deterred other users from writing their opinion.

You always have to remain objective, but that doesn't always work when emotions play a role.

But one principle is that someone is considered innocent until proven he's guilty.

"bettingappguide" has confirmed that the payment isn't showing at the screenshot he received from John. But i believe that's not enough to proove.

It is very difficult to judge that from the outside if you are not involved yourself.

My intention is not to interfere but i find that Ultrapartners and respective the payment processor must do much more in this case to enlighten or to prove.

If i were John and know that a payment has not been received, then of course i would ask firstly why. Because in principle one should have an overview and control of the incoming payments.

I have no idea what the screenshots sent by Ultrapartner or John are showing.

Of course one could create a screenshot from affiliate program of the payment but it will not proove that the payment indeed were made by payment processor.

It's an uncomfortable situation for everyone, especially for John, that needs to be cleared up asap.

The last thing i wanted to do was put this on a forum, but after 5 emails and several messages with no reply, I had no choice.

I dont know who is at fault and not blaming anyone. But there are several things which don't go in one parties favour that I won't put on here but if you saw them, it would all make things a lot clearer.

A screenshot has been provided, but it would appear from a different address as the payment they sent in September is not showing on there either.

But if it is the right address, then that would mean he has also not had Septembers payment and that has never been mentioned.
Last edited:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
The last thing i wanted to do was put this on a forum, but after 5 emails and several messages with no reply, I had no choice.

I dont know who is at fault and not blaming anyone. But there are several things which don't go in one parties favour that I won't put on here but if you saw them, it would all make things a lot clearer.

A screenshot has been provided, but it would appear from a different address as the payment they sent in September is not showing on there either.

But if it is the right address, then that would mean he has also not had Septembers payment and that has never been mentioned.

I understand you complete and sometimes you have no other choise as to make it public. If i would feel treated unfairy then i would also try to fight.

John feels defaming and that scratches on an EGO too because the post begun maybe a bit one-sided and distorted. Maybe it was a bit my fault because i was the first one who has responded.

I would wish i could help in any way. But for me it means that Ultrapartners must sort out and must prove who exactly has received the payment. This is also in their responsibilty and interest to do (my opinion). And this is proveable, statement from wallet provider or payment processor.

What's about administration here ? If one provide these screnshots to AGD maybe they can have also a view and can judge because Ultrapartners is their member.

Ultrapartner will not showing us here on this thread because of their dataprotect but they could do AGD.

And here it comes again to trust and in regard of honesty in this business.

All of the parties must work together but if one party try to tell the untruth then it would be very uncomfortable.

I don't have a look behind the doors or which statements/screenshots are correct or not but i have also experienced some bad situations in this business regarding payments or stealing money from partner accounts.

I don't want to accuse anyone, i want to have it solved for all parties, equal on which way.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
I understand you complete and sometimes you have no other choise as to make it public. If i would feel treated unfairy then i would also try to fight.

John feels defaming and that scratches on an EGO too because the post begun maybe a bit one-sided and distorted. Maybe it was a bit my fault because i was the first one who has responded.

I would wish i could help in any way. But for me it means that Ultrapartners must sort out and must prove who exactly has received the payment. This is also in their responsibilty and interest to do (my opinion). And this is proveable, statement from wallet provider or payment processor.

What's about administration here ? If one provide these screnshots to AGD maybe they can have also a view and can judge because Ultrapartners is their member.

Ultrapartner will not showing us here on this thread because of their dataprotect but they could do AGD.

And here it comes again to trust and in regard of honesty in this business.

All of the parties must work together but if one party try to tell the untruth then it would be very uncomfortable.

I don't have a look behind the doors or which statements/screenshots are correct or not but i have also experienced some bad situations in this business regarding payments or stealing money from partner accounts.

I don't want to accuse anyone, i want to have it solved for all parties, equal on which way.
They have provided proof and that proof shows that it was sent to the same address that the payment has been sent to for the last 9 months.

It is John who is saying he hasn't received it. He has shown a screenshot of his wallet, but that screenshot does not show the payment that was sent to him (and presumably received?) in September.

The screenshot shows transactions before, and after the date they sent payment, so surely it should show that one also if its the same address?

Its easily resolved and this post can be removed.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Did this all get sorted out?


Rakeback affiliate and professional poker player.
Apr 8, 2016
Reaction score
I emailed him in January and said when can I expect a payment. He said he had no money and would pay when he can. That was 2 months ago and heard nothing since. Maybe the thread title needs updating
Yeah, the title says *RESOLVED* and I find that misleading.

I only clicked this thread because I remembered CanaryJohn had PM'd me at GPWA months back and I never opened it. I just opened the PM, from October 29th, 2020, and see he was offering me a link on a website casino-faqs . com. He had also provided a list of other sites he would sell a link to me for.

Seems he was in a cash crunch to me, with this added evidence.

Hate to see someone in this community suffering and then going rogue and passing that suffering onto others.

Good Luck BAG! I hope CanaryJohn comes through and makes restitution.


May 2, 2011
Reaction score
The program updated their back end and for an unknown reason, at the start of the month when the monthly payment was sent, they went to the old payment details and not ours.

While I understand both sides, it sounds to me that the entity responsible for this whole mess, is acting all innocent here. If this was any other business, if the sender shipped your item to the wrong address, they'd be sending you a free one your way, instead of making you. the CLIENT chase your money/product, from a mistakenly involved third party.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 16, 2016
Reaction score
Hey all. Not been on for a while. Actually just came in to post a domain for sale in order to make the cash needed to pay Alex back.

Alex no need to give up. I will keep my word 100%

While I understand both sides, it sounds to me that the entity responsible for this whole mess, is acting all innocent here. If this was any other business, if the sender shipped your item to the wrong address, they'd be sending you a free one your way, instead of making you. the CLIENT chase your money/product, from a mistakenly involved third party.

Yep to a degree this was my argument too. I think their behaviour recently has been appalling. Not just in this case but generally in the industry. But in this instance fair is fair... I received Alex's cash and should have forwarded it right on to him. I didn't do that, I used it because I was in a tight spot and then wasn't totally forthcoming with him about it. So I think the person most at fault here is me.

If anyone is interested in checking out that domain then it's listed here. Probably useful for someone.


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
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nice to see hands up, mea culpa, and u guys gonna sort your stuff.
A man's gotta have a code.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hey all. Not been on for a while. Actually just came in to post a domain for sale in order to make the cash needed to pay Alex back.

Alex no need to give up. I will keep my word 100%

Yep to a degree this was my argument too. I think their behaviour recently has been appalling. Not just in this case but generally in the industry. But in this instance fair is fair... I received Alex's cash and should have forwarded it right on to him. I didn't do that, I used it because I was in a tight spot and then wasn't totally forthcoming with him about it. So I think the person most at fault here is me.

If anyone is interested in checking out that domain then it's listed here. Probably useful for someone.

decent that you've held your hands up


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
This industry can earn you a pot-of-gold. But it can rob you blind too. Not only with dodgy operators, but also if one's rankings take a massive hit. I doubt there are many affiliate who haven't seen the sides of both these coins.

Thing is though, if your doing it tough, say so... It's not shameful to admit that.

In doing so, this thread etc., etc., could have all been avoided... just sayin!